c-section to avoid get induced?

Have you considered waiting till 42+0 for your booked section? x

Then you're giving yourself the longest possible time to go naturally x
Have you considered waiting till 42+0 for your booked section? x

Then you're giving yourself the longest possible time to go naturally x
No, because I'm also scared of going overdue as the two angels of our friends weren't stillborn due to inductions but as we believe - they were induced too late!
Honestly, not sure which I fear the most - going overdue or being induced.
Oh no, it really does sound like you've been very unlucky in what you've experienced xx

I understand. Why you'd have the fears you do x
My hospital will only offer 2 sweeps and that is it, after this you either go naturally or have an induction.
Hopefully your cervix will favourable from when you want to start these.
Working to due date is dangerous, get you frustrated and all hopeful. Babies can stay inside until 42 weeks but after this there is no need for them to stay, which is why you get induced.
It is ashame that you have heard other people's bad experiences and I hope you get what you want :)
No, because I'm also scared of going overdue as the two angels of our friends weren't stillborn due to inductions but as we believe - they were induced too late!
Honestly, not sure which I fear the most - going overdue or being induced.

My hospital have a clinic specifically for overdue women "The Prolonged Pregnancy Clinic" and you will be booked in there between 40w4d - 41w1d to be assesed. Assesment includes usual checks, but also you get a scan and an internal scan as well as the option of a sweep and an induction date.

I have a lot to moan about regarding my hospital BUT I think the way they look after overdue women is excellent.

I cancelled my appointment at this clinic today due to having pains and thinking labout was imminent and they called me immediately to make sure all was OK! As things haven't progressed for me they've rebooked me in for tomorrow anyway so I'll get to check all is OK with baby!

Hiya fab, i completely understand where you're coming from- you are saying that if you go overdue and are induced- you have a high chance of it failing and you needing an emergency c-section, so you would prefer to just book in an elective c-section as it is alot safer than an emergency c-section.

I had an ELECTIVE c-section, which people seem to think is crazy but i had my own reasons and it turns out it was the best option as his head was too big for my pelvis anyway so it would have ended up in emergency c-sec anyway.

my c-sec want too bad, yeah it hurt, and yeah i couldnt really pick max up in and out of the cot but i could breastfeed and still cuddle him- it was just the lifting for the first few days.

its your body and your choice and yes the new NICE guildline state that women are now allowed to choose a section. my consultant didnt put up a fight at all, she understood why i was choosing a section, same as my midwife- my midwife agreed that it was the best option for me!

good luck hun, hopefully you wont go overdue and you can have the birth you want xxx
I too, have concerns that my babies head is too big for my pelvis. There is a family history of this problem and despite mentioning it to the midwife since the very beginning and at 41 weeks my babies head is STILL not in the pelvis at all, however all are insistent to not even look into it and say to see how it goes during labour. Now it looks as though an induction is definitely going to happen (4 days away). Whilst I really really want a natural labour, I want to be practical as well for the health of my baby and myself. I am worried about the stress it'll cause the baby by trying to push out a baby that just will not fit through.

I don't see why they just won't check it out. My mum at least had an x-ray and was told ahead of the birth that it'll be a) a very difficult labour or b) a c-section. But I don't even get that decency. Mum ultimately ended up having an extremely difficult labour, but ended up natural so I suppose I have that to hang my hopes onto... her sisters on the other hand ended up with c-sections.

Anyway, induction day is near and no doubt we'll be bringing it up again then. I just hope I am wrong ultimately. If I end up being right and get put through a long long trial of trying to start labour, for me to ultimately be right and to have a c-section, it'll be devastating.
I'm sorry but it sounds like a poor trust to me.

I am astounded that they have not offered you any counselling.

You seem very anxious at the prospect of having an induction and going overdue. Surely it is the responsibility of the consultant to put your mind at ease? I don't for one second think that they believe because two of your friends have had tragic experiences that it will happen to you and therefore to prevent it you should have a Caesarian section.
Yes, you are entitled under the new guidelines to elect one, but to fail to address the issue why you want one in the first place and roll over just because you appear to have read the guidelines is quite shocking IMO.
I'm sorry but it sounds like a poor trust to me.

I am astounded that they have not offered you any counselling.

You seem very anxious at the prospect of having an induction and going overdue. Surely it is the responsibility of the consultant to put your mind at ease? I don't for one second think that they believe because two of your friends have had tragic experiences that it will happen to you and therefore to prevent it you should have a Caesarian section.
Yes, you are entitled under the new guidelines to elect one, but to fail to address the issue why you want one in the first place and roll over just because you appear to have read the guidelines is quite shocking IMO.

Couldn't agree more.
A section is not going to solve the ultimate issue and is essentially papering over the cracks of anxiety.

I also think that it is essential that overdue ladies are not now panicking that their lo's are in danger. Overdue babies are monitored more closely and every precaution takes place to ensure their safe delivery.
If you think back to the way pregnancy is calculated, the first two weeks of your pregnancy, you actually aren't pregnant - hence why lots of ladies go overdue.

It's sad that your friends have experienced the worst kind of loss imaginable but I think we need to reassure overdue mums that there are measures in place to ensure the safety of their lo's.
I'm sorry but it sounds like a poor trust to me.

I am astounded that they have not offered you any counselling.

You seem very anxious at the prospect of having an induction and going overdue. Surely it is the responsibility of the consultant to put your mind at ease? I don't for one second think that they believe because two of your friends have had tragic experiences that it will happen to you and therefore to prevent it you should have a Caesarian section.
Yes, you are entitled under the new guidelines to elect one, but to fail to address the issue why you want one in the first place and roll over just because you appear to have read the guidelines is quite shocking IMO.

Couldn't agree more.
A section is not going to solve the ultimate issue and is essentially papering over the cracks of anxiety.

I also think that it is essential that overdue ladies are not now panicking that their lo's are in danger. Overdue babies are monitored more closely and every precaution takes place to ensure their safe delivery.
If you think back to the way pregnancy is calculated, the first two weeks of your pregnancy, you actually aren't pregnant - hence why lots of ladies go overdue.

It's sad that your friends have experienced the worst kind of loss imaginable but I think we need to reassure overdue mums that there are measures in place to ensure the safety of their lo's.

I'm sorry but it sounds like a poor trust to me.

I am astounded that they have not offered you any counselling.

You seem very anxious at the prospect of having an induction and going overdue. Surely it is the responsibility of the consultant to put your mind at ease? I don't for one second think that they believe because two of your friends have had tragic experiences that it will happen to you and therefore to prevent it you should have a Caesarian section.
Yes, you are entitled under the new guidelines to elect one, but to fail to address the issue why you want one in the first place and roll over just because you appear to have read the guidelines is quite shocking IMO.
Honestly, I couldn't be happier about the outcome - I now feel like I have a choice, which I now realise is more or less the only thing that could ease my mind whilst knowing that I'm not going overdue.

I don't think any amount of counselling could have removed my anxiety. I'm sure that if the consultant thought that my anxiety level could be "put at ease" through counselling she would have done so.

Moreover, I could just have pulled the "I want an elective c-section at week 39" card, but that's not what I wanted, and she realised this and hence gave me the best option to "put my mind at ease".

So no I don't think she just rolled over.
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Couldn't agree more.
A section is not going to solve the ultimate issue and is essentially papering over the cracks of anxiety.

I also think that it is essential that overdue ladies are not now panicking that their lo's are in danger. Overdue babies are monitored more closely and every precaution takes place to ensure their safe delivery.
If you think back to the way pregnancy is calculated, the first two weeks of your pregnancy, you actually aren't pregnant - hence why lots of ladies go overdue.

It's sad that your friends have experienced the worst kind of loss imaginable but I think we need to reassure overdue mums that there are measures in place to ensure the safety of their lo's.
I'm pretty sure with all the very strong opionated women in here, there's a very low risk that this thread is causing panic amongst the pregnant ladies... Would be pretty amazing if one person was able to have that much influence over essentially strangers and even within an environment such as the internet. I'd say to think that one person could have this much influence is actually panicking...

If anything this thread has enlightened women about their rights according to the NICE guidelines, regardless of whether one agrees with them or not, but it's definitely my impression that only a few have actually read them.
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Couldn't agree more.
A section is not going to solve the ultimate issue and is essentially papering over the cracks of anxiety.

I also think that it is essential that overdue ladies are not now panicking that their lo's are in danger. Overdue babies are monitored more closely and every precaution takes place to ensure their safe delivery.
If you think back to the way pregnancy is calculated, the first two weeks of your pregnancy, you actually aren't pregnant - hence why lots of ladies go overdue.

It's sad that your friends have experienced the worst kind of loss imaginable but I think we need to reassure overdue mums that there are measures in place to ensure the safety of their lo's.
I'm pretty sure with all the very strong opionated women in here, there's a very low risk that this thread is causing panick amongst the pregnant ladies... Would be pretty amazing if one person was able to have that much influence over essentially strangers and even within an environment such as the internet. I'd say to think that one person could have this much influence is actually panicking...

If anything this thread has enlightened women about their rights according to the NICE guidelines, regardless of whether one agrees with them or not, but it's definitely my impression that only a few have actually read them.

I have, I work for NHS GG&C Scotland, I read mine at work when I found out I was pregnant, I did learn some useful things, but none that I have needed to exercise.

i wasnt offered councelling before making my decision either but that could have been as she agreed with why i chose it i dont know?its a contraversial subject but i dont think its shocking that they let people make a decision about how they want to give birth- its major surgery yes but its personal decision and personal opinion at the end of the day.

i think its great that women can now choose how they give birth- next time i might ask for a water birth, they may advise me against it due to me having a c-sec but if i want it then ill ask for it and im sure they will allow me the birth i choose.
I have, I work for NHS GG&C Scotland, I read mine at work when I found out I was pregnant, I did learn some useful things, but none that I have needed to exercise.

Well, it would be pretty shocking if you hadn't given your profession :)
But just because one has read then it doesn't mean that one has to agree with them nor exercise the rights given.

But I think that all women should know their rights going into labour and definitely think that midwifes should do a better job of informing women about ALL aspects and rights.
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i wasnt offered councelling before making my decision either but that could have been as she agreed with why i chose it i dont know? its a contraversial subject but i dont think its shocking that they let people make a decision about how they want to give birth- its major surgery yes but its personal decision and personal opinion at the end of the day.

i think its great that women can now choose how they give birth- next time i might ask for a water birth, they may advise me against it due to me having a c-sec but if i want it then ill ask for it and im sure they will allow me the birth i choose.
You know what, I don't think it's such a contraversial subject or decision.
Perhaps it is because women were only given this right just over a year ago in the UK, but there are so many countries in Europe that gave women this right years ago, and people do not seem to have such strong opinions about c-sections etc in these countries.

I kind of imagine that this is what it was like when women first were given the right to vote, to use contraception, to have an abortion etc. Controversial in the beginning but less controversial as years go by.
Hi Fab, good luck and I really hope all goes well with your birth.

From my personal experience and many friends' experiences and what I know about C-secs it really is the greater of the two evils. But that is the opinion I have formed from what I've read and heard. 100% of the people who I know who have had C-secs a few of them elective did not have good experiences. I only know 1 person who has ended up having a c-sec because of induction and even that was because she was induced due to medical reasons so was only 36 weeks, she was not even close to being "ripe" as they say. Every person I know who has been induced after their due date had smooth deliveries. I may be a little older then you so know a few more people who have had babies.

As you say it's your choice but really think about it you have a few options there and you have mentioned you don't have family near by so you need to think about how you will cope after a C-sec. My friend who is a single parent just had a stomach op and had the same rules as a C-sec and I helped as much as I could living next door and all but she was in tears after the first few days because of what she couldn't do for her son. She only had to follow those rules for 3 weeks as opposed to 6 so really think hard.

Good Luck.
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Hi Fab, good luck and I really hope all goes well with your birth.

From my personal experience and many friends' experiences and what I know about C-secs it really is the greater of the two evils. But that is the opinion I have formed from what I've read and heard. 100% of the people who I know who have had C-secs a few of them elective did not have good experiences. I only know 1 person who has ended up having a c-sec because of induction and even that was because she was induced due to medical reasons so was only 36 weeks, she was not even close to being "ripe" as they say. Every person I know who has been induced after their due date had smooth deliveries. I may be a little older then you so know a few more people who have had babies.

As you say it's your choice but really think about it you have a few options there and you have mentioned you don't have family near by so you need to think about how you will cope after a C-sec. My friend who is a single parent just had a stomach op and had the same rules as a C-sec and I helped as much as I could living next door and all but she was in tears after the first few days because of what she couldn't do for her son. She only had to follow those rules for 3 weeks as opposed to 6 so really think hard.

Good Luck.
Liz, thanks for your reply, however, we are covered so forth I'll go for a c-section when I get to 40+0, as we are booking a maternity to nurse to come and help us out regardless of my choice of birth, so I'm not majorly concerned about not being able to take care of our son once my husbond goes back to work.

She is fully aware that if I give birth naturally we will not need her as much as if I get a c-section, which she is fine with.

In terms of age... if '80' in your username is an indication of your birth year then I'm actually a bit older than you :) where most of our friends have had their first child and many their second too.
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Hopefully this thread can be put to bed then as it seems you have made your mind up, hope it goes well for you.
I'm so glad you can have a nurse looking after your child after your section. That will give you the much needed time to recover from the surgery.
My baby is breech and we have an appointment on 21st to discuss csections and trying to turn baby externally. We were going to just opt for a section instead of dr trying to turn baby themselves as it can lead to an emergency section anyway which sounds scarier than elective. I thought i was pretty mentally prepared for a section and wish id never read this as now im terrified and dont want to be pregnant anymore just the anxiety enough is making me never want to have children again.

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