I haven't read this entire thread as there is so many posts!! But I've read the majority of it and i'm gonna be supper brave and agree with Fab

If i could press a button and pick a delivery method i would opt for natural delivery every time. Having said that we all know things don't go as planned or how we visioned it to happen.
I am only 16 weeks but have already ready decided that i either want a natural labour or a elective c-section. My reason being a personal one. I have already had experience with being induced, and it was horrendous. I was given the pessary, that didn't work so was put on a drip. After hours of intense pain and pressure my baby began to suffer the consequences he got stuck, his heart rate slowed right down he became unstable and stressed, which then caused me to become worried and stressed. Even though the pains were so strong i wasn't actually contracting strong enough. I got to 9 cm and rushed for an emergency section. I was surrounded by medical staff, no one took the time to explain anything to me, my baby was taken straight from me and rushed out the room. Now i know they were only doing there jobs, and saved my baby's life for which i'll be forever thankful. But the lack of communication and support added even more pressure and worry to an already difficult and highly emotional situation.
Also on top of all this as they began closing me up the epidural wore off and i felt them prodding, poking and stitching! I was then promptly knocked out.
This time i do not want to be induced (i'm not keen on a section either) i'd don't like the idea of trying to force my body into something it's not ready to do, adding chemicals that don't always simulate the bodies own chemicals just seems too much for me. I know every induction isn't the same, but the thought of being induce makes me feel sick. I would much prefer an elective section i'll have the opportunity to discuss what will happen, when it will happen and who will be there. I'll go into the room knowing what is going on and feel a lot calmer and a little more informed and in control, which can only be good for the baby.
My plan is to try everything possible to start natural labour but if i go over 41+ weeks i want a section date in place.
x x x