c-section to avoid get induced?

Having now kind of experiencing induction (I didn't progress from 6cm so I had my waters broken and was put on a Synotocinon drip to speed things up) I can safely say it was horrible... :shock: mainly as I refused an EPI though!!

However the upside is the actual birth was text book, it took me a while to get baby through the birth canal due to extreme tiredness but I delivered him naturally without a cut / tear or stitch... My recovery was excellent and I have had hardly any postnatal bleeding.

I'd still make the choices I did, even knowing how much it bloody hurts!

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Did u get an epi in the end or did u just stick with g&a? Please send the stretch fairies to scotland if i go naturally with a cooperative baby id love no tears or stitches. Cant imagine having a wee with stitches :| xxx
^^Sarah it seems rather early to be thinking about turning and sections, T was breech until 35/36 weeks and turned himself, try spinning babies website for ideas in naturally turning, I spent hours on all fours rocking bum in air, frozen peas on top of bump, bouncing on gym ball x
Did u get an epi in the end or did u just stick with g&a? Please send the stretch fairies to scotland if i go naturally with a cooperative baby id love no tears or stitches. Cant imagine having a wee with stitches :| xxx

A shot of diamorphine and G&A, no epi :shock:

I think the epi would have made it harder to push bub out though, so i'm glad I refused.

^^Sarah it seems rather early to be thinking about turning and sections, T was breech until 35/36 weeks and turned himself, try spinning babies website for ideas in naturally turning, I spent hours on all fours rocking bum in air, frozen peas on top of bump, bouncing on gym ball x

S turned herself at 37 weeks, I was laying in bed! No turning methods used. x
My baby is breech and we have an appointment on 21st to discuss csections and trying to turn baby externally. We were going to just opt for a section instead of dr trying to turn baby themselves as it can lead to an emergency section anyway which sounds scarier than elective. I thought i was pretty mentally prepared for a section and wish id never read this as now im terrified and dont want to be pregnant anymore just the anxiety enough is making me never want to have children again.

Sarahmc89 - please don't be scared of sections because of this discussion thread. I've had 4 -c-sections and two weeks ago a c-section style tubal reversal op, and after two weeks I'm feeling like a new woman..

Please chat again to your midwife and/or your consulant who should be able to put your mind at rest and advise what they think your best option would be. any birth has risks , there is no one right way, do ask for reassurance and answers, don't sit and worry XX
^^Sarah it seems rather early to be thinking about turning and sections, T was breech until 35/36 weeks and turned himself, try spinning babies website for ideas in naturally turning, I spent hours on all fours rocking bum in air, frozen peas on top of bump, bouncing on gym ball x

Yeah been doing all of these. Just the mw has made all the appointments early since its coming up to a busy time for the maternity. Next mw appointment is 35+5 and wouldnt see consultant till 36+2 if shes still breech. Heres hoping she makes a move soon :(
They say they can move up to 36 weeks sometimes later anyway so try not to worry, my friend didnt find out hers was breech until 2 days before due date and had a planned section, they dont book them until due date or very close anyway so there is no need to worry yet, fingers crossed baby flips x
I haven't read this entire thread as there is so many posts!! But I've read the majority of it and i'm gonna be supper brave and agree with Fab :whistle::shock:

If i could press a button and pick a delivery method i would opt for natural delivery every time. Having said that we all know things don't go as planned or how we visioned it to happen.

I am only 16 weeks but have already ready decided that i either want a natural labour or a elective c-section. My reason being a personal one. I have already had experience with being induced, and it was horrendous. I was given the pessary, that didn't work so was put on a drip. After hours of intense pain and pressure my baby began to suffer the consequences he got stuck, his heart rate slowed right down he became unstable and stressed, which then caused me to become worried and stressed. Even though the pains were so strong i wasn't actually contracting strong enough. I got to 9 cm and rushed for an emergency section. I was surrounded by medical staff, no one took the time to explain anything to me, my baby was taken straight from me and rushed out the room. Now i know they were only doing there jobs, and saved my baby's life for which i'll be forever thankful. But the lack of communication and support added even more pressure and worry to an already difficult and highly emotional situation.

Also on top of all this as they began closing me up the epidural wore off and i felt them prodding, poking and stitching! I was then promptly knocked out.

This time i do not want to be induced (i'm not keen on a section either) i'd don't like the idea of trying to force my body into something it's not ready to do, adding chemicals that don't always simulate the bodies own chemicals just seems too much for me. I know every induction isn't the same, but the thought of being induce makes me feel sick. I would much prefer an elective section i'll have the opportunity to discuss what will happen, when it will happen and who will be there. I'll go into the room knowing what is going on and feel a lot calmer and a little more informed and in control, which can only be good for the baby.

My plan is to try everything possible to start natural labour but if i go over 41+ weeks i want a section date in place.

x x x
I haven't read this entire thread as there is so many posts!! But I've read the majority of it and i'm gonna be supper brave and agree with Fab :whistle::shock:

If i could press a button and pick a delivery method i would opt for natural delivery every time. Having said that we all know things don't go as planned or how we visioned it to happen.

I am only 16 weeks but have already ready decided that i either want a natural labour or a elective c-section. My reason being a personal one. I have already had experience with being induced, and it was horrendous. I was given the pessary, that didn't work so was put on a drip. After hours of intense pain and pressure my baby began to suffer the consequences he got stuck, his heart rate slowed right down he became unstable and stressed, which then caused me to become worried and stressed. Even though the pains were so strong i wasn't actually contracting strong enough. I got to 9 cm and rushed for an emergency section. I was surrounded by medical staff, no one took the time to explain anything to me, my baby was taken straight from me and rushed out the room. Now i know they were only doing there jobs, and saved my baby's life for which i'll be forever thankful. But the lack of communication and support added even more pressure and worry to an already difficult and highly emotional situation.

Also on top of all this as they began closing me up the epidural wore off and i felt them prodding, poking and stitching! I was then promptly knocked out.

This time i do not want to be induced (i'm not keen on a section either) i'd don't like the idea of trying to force my body into something it's not ready to do, adding chemicals that don't always simulate the bodies own chemicals just seems too much for me. I know every induction isn't the same, but the thought of being induce makes me feel sick. I would much prefer an elective section i'll have the opportunity to discuss what will happen, when it will happen and who will be there. I'll go into the room knowing what is going on and feel a lot calmer and a little more informed and in control, which can only be good for the baby.

My plan is to try everything possible to start natural labour but if i go over 41+ weeks i want a section date in place.

x x x

Hun i can completely understand why u would want an elective this time after such an awful induction , however I think a lot of people are stating that not all I inductions are as bad as they are made out you only every hear the horror story's and when there are positive ones people seem to disregard them . I do not understand thou why anyone would want to put there body through unnecessary surgery without every being induced and experiencing it . However everyone should be allowed the birth they want , it's there body and they have the right to decided which route they want to take xxxx
lol I was waiting for a heap load of heated opinions!

I think had I not have had the experience with induction I would probably be siding with the majority. it is a major operation and recovery can be a nightmare. as I lot of ladies have said not all induction end badly but unfortunately we only ever seem to remember the bad!

I think the mother's wellbeing has to be taken into consideration too. if the mother goes into an induction worried, scared and stressed this is already putting pressure on herself and the baby which is on good. I think to be honest i'm a bit onesided on this topic purely because of what happened previous.

either way whether we are induced or section neither is a natural experience nor are both 100 percent risk free.I think the best we can do is weigh up our situation and make an informed choice of what is best both physically and mentally.

x x x
lol I was waiting for a heap load of heated opinions!

I think had I not have had the experience with induction I would probably be siding with the majority. it is a major operation and recovery can be a nightmare. as I lot of ladies have said not all induction end badly but unfortunately we only ever seem to remember the bad!

I think the mother's wellbeing has to be taken into consideration too. if the mother goes into an induction worried, scared and stressed this is already putting pressure on herself and the baby which is on good. I think to be honest i'm a bit onesided on this topic purely because of what happened previous.

either way whether we are induced or section neither is a natural experience nor are both 100 percent risk free.I think the best we can do is weigh up our situation and make an informed choice of what is best both physically and mentally.

x x x

Of course you would be one-sided after what had happened to you if I was in the same situation has you I would be the same .

My friend has an awful induction which ended up in an emergency section am she has already said she wants an elective section this time xxx
I think that's the difference. When you have had experience of something it's not mad to want to avoid that again. But when you haven't had any experience of something but make a decision based on other people's horror stories or bad experiences and completely disregard those with great experiences, well I can't fathom that.
I suffered a hideous c section, I would never want another section ever but I do know that trillions of ladies have wonderful sections xx
i agree cosmic girl if you have personal experience its different my labour was wonderful at one day over so i wouldn't be pushed to have a section before or on due date without going overdue x
My experience of induction was horrendous but I'd rather go through it again than have an elective c section.

I say this but I'll be necking castor oil to avoid being induced next time! What will be will be having done it now I'd still do it again in a flash. It's such a personal choice and you need to do what's right for you at the end of the day xx
My experience of induction was horrendous but I'd rather go through it again than have an elective c section.

I say this but I'll be necking castor oil to avoid being induced next time! What will be will be having done it now I'd still do it again in a flash. It's such a personal choice and you need to do what's right for you at the end of the day xx

I feel the same.

Good luck fab :)
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Please please do not do the castor oil. It is nothing more than an old wives tale will clear you out horrible and potential distress baby.... Anything but Castor oil
(i used evening primrose oil capsules :))
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^^^ yep 100% above. Plus the midwives often know because baby often releases meconium. Why put baby at risk for your own benefit Xx

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.

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