***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Thanks Mic and Aes! Still waiting! Keep getting woken up with strong period pains so something is kicking off, scary and exciting. Hopefully won't be too much longer xx
Aaah Lulie the suspense! I can't wait for your baby to be here- hope it's super soon.
Hope all is going well lulie and you have your baby soon. Your being so patient!

Another night up with harper. I'm so tired and fed up. Why does my toddler sleep worse than my baby?! X
How you going lulie?

Ah roxy what a nightmare that harper is worse than India. Does she just not settle at all?
No she wakes up and is wide awake. Tries to play. Spends hours awake. If I leave her she screams until she's almost sick. She's in my bed most nights because of it and then it wakes India up and then she's crying too. So fed up x
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Aw no what a mare. How is she in the day then if she's awake during the night? I take it napping and catching some sleep in the day for you is a no go? X
She's quite emotional and grumpy in the day, lots of meltdowns. She doesn't really nap in the day anymore if I can help it as otherwise she wont go to sleep until 10-11pm at night! Even a short half hour nap messes up bedtime. She goes to the inlaws every Saturday so I sleep as much as I can then, when India sleeps at least, and my mum has her for a few hours most Wednesdays so I try and get an hour or so then too. Other than that I dont have a chance to nap. We go out everyday too to play group etc as if we stay in her behaviour gets so much worse so were always on the go. I dont understand how she can function and have so much energy with so little sleep. I should be use to it tbh as she's always been terrible sleeping but the last 6-8 months it had improved a lot. That's until a few weeks ago since its gone shit again. People keep telling me its a phase etc and it'll pass but it really doesn't help my mental state! I'm just at a loss as to what to do as I've tried everything I can possibly think of. Even considering redecorating her bedroom and buying her a new bed to try and make her want to stay in her own room. X
Ah roxy I just don't know what to suggest, I feel for you chick.
Decorating her room could be a good idea maybe get her to help with it too in choosing stuff? X
That's what I thought summer. Was gonna take her to the range on Sunday and let her pick the colour and wall paper and maybe some matching bedding etc. I'm just running out of ideas so willing to try anything. Hows poppy doing? X
Roxy I don't have advice but I can't tell you how much I relate and commiserate. It's just awful. My daughter has been through more sleep "regressions" than I can count and my son is currently throwing a tantrum every morning (haha "morning") at 4am. He wakes and SCREAMS and there is just no getting him back to sleep and he wakes up our oldest and she is exhausted all day and it's just a nightmare. It's so hard feeling like your life is ruled by these little people who get to dictate how much sleep everyone gets. The sleep issue is THE HARDEST part of parenting for me by FAR. I get so frantic and hysterical and desperate and my mind goes crazy, I go to the most extreme negative place and it is so so so hard. I'm so sorry- I truly understand.
Thank you kholl, I really appreciate it. The lack of sleep is defo the hardest part for me too. I can handle the fussy eating, tantrums etc but when we have bad nights and I'm so tired I feel so down and crap for days. I constantly feel on edge and short tempered/angry and I don't feel like me anymore. Im so quick to snap at OH or my mum over the smallest of things but I just have no patience. Me and OH are constantly bickering because I'm always in a foul mood. Im considering calling the GP tomorrow to talk about how I feel as I've been so tearful the past few days too and really dont want it turning into postnatal depression. X
Max Alexander Johansen is finally here!! Born just before 9pm tonight, 9lbs on the dot and absolutely perfect. 42+3, he made us wait a long time!!

Birth is so crazy and intense, can't believe I managed it. Birth story coming soon, what a day!!
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Congrats lulie. Look forward to reading about the birth.

How are you feeling today roxy? Did you call the doctor? Xx
I'm good today thanks summer. Harper was up again last night but not for as long and didn't kick off as much, bit of an improvement. I tried calling this morning but was in a queue for ages and had to hang up as India wouldn't settle, then forgot to call later as we were out. Gonna call Monday. How are you? X
Amazing that all the August babies are now with their mummies!

Max is having a bit of trouble with his tum but things seem to be improving, he's suckling all the time so hopefully Il have some milk for him soon! We're still in the hospital (as is normal in Norway) but will be seeing the pedetrician tomorrow and hopefully all being well we'll be taking the little guy home.

The birth was utterly the worst and best day of my life. 5am I started with the pain, 9am I was taken to the birthing area, water was broken and because I was being induced was hooked up to a drip which made me contract, and survived on gas and air until 3 pm when I got an epidural (which was AMAZING! How any of you mum's have done it without I don't know) was a good job i had the epidural as they said my blood pressure was sky high, ans returned to normal when epidural was put in. Within a hour of having the epidural I was 10 cm but little one wasn't quite in the right position, queue lots of waiting and trying different techniques to get him to move. After about 4 more hours, he was finally out, just before the doctor was due to in and try and intervene, I can't thank the midwifes enough, they were absolutely incredible!
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Hello my lovelies! Has everyone had their babies?!?! Trying to catch up on pages and pages here! Congratulations everyone, Kholl I wanna find where you had your baby tell me tell me! How overdue did you go? Did you get your lovely natural birth??

I miss you guys, I literally find no time in the day to even check emails let alone get on here, when George is asleep all I do is bloody clean the house!

How is everyone settling with their babies?? My baby is a bloody giant, hes gained 2lbs since birth almost 4 weeks ago and they were pretty shocked hes breastfed! Absolute beast! xxx
Hi Lexi! I had my baby 8 days over, and yes got my beautiful and transcendent natural birth, it was incredibly intense maybe as she was my biggest baby by a whole pound (9 lbs at birth) but I will post the birth story soon.

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