***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Congrats mictho! That was quick! Hope your both well.

Kholl what a nightmare your first night home!! I hope it improves for you soon. What a nightmare having all 3 of them awake at once! I struggle when my 2 are up at the same time, cant imagine how you felt. Do you still have family staying to help? I hope tonight is better for you x
Aw yay congrats mictho.
Kholl your first night at home sounds horrid. Hopefully tonight will be better for you.
Well I was wrong. Born at 3.23am lyla Rae weighs a huge 9lb3oz x

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Omg congrats Aes!!!

I'm officially the last August mummy, am waiting for the doctor to start me off now, hopefully won't be too long to wait!
I am still in shock lol. I hope you get your baby soon lulie xxx

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Yes Summer I'm stuck here now until babs arrives! The foley bulb is out and they said perhaps I won't be too long and have made good progress, had a pessary about a hour ago and started with some slight period pains now so fingers crossed it won't be a 3 day labour!

Thanks Mic!
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Exciting lulie. Hopefully you've either had bubs by now or are close to it. Looking forward to hearing how it went for you x
Oh Aes, congratulations!

Lulie sending you good vibes- hope it's quick and easy as possible.

My milk came in and Summer is like a different baby. She is so content and snuggly, she even looks different. Relaxed instead of agitated. It's wonderful.
Wonderful Kholl, glad she is so content!

Had the pessary at about 10, and four tablets at 2 hourly intervals since, getting loads of BH so hopefully somethings starting. Have sent hubby home as no point in him sitting here at the min, he's only 10 mins away. Just had my last tablet of the day now and monitoring so I'm going to try and get a couple of hours sleep!
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Still here, but making some slow progress, 3cm and the doctor who checked me said that she almost thought they could break my waters but to continue with the tablets abit longer, at two hourly intervals, thought I lost abit of my plug two weeks ago but it definitely came away this morning, i was quite shocked and wondered what it was at first haha!

Hopefully it won't take much longer!
Ah I hope baby is here for you soon! Sounds like you're doing fantastic! X

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