***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Also two pounds up already?! Heck yes George!

My Summer is a week old today... Crazy how the end of pregnancy drags so badly and then these newborn days fly by.
Ok I just posted Summer's birth story in the birth announcements section!
Beautifully written Kholl!

Lexi, can't believe George is almost 4 weeks already, where's that gone?! Madness!

We got out the hospital yesterday afternoon it's amazing to be home, pic coming soon, can't seem to do it on my phone!
Here's Max, i'm so utterly in love! :love:


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Thanks Roxy, we are doing well here, not sleeping much but that's to be expected! ;) hope all is well with you and your little one.
Oh my gosh he is adorable lulie!!! X

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Gorgeous Lulie xx

Here is Louie, 2 weeks old yesterday:

Michael he's adorable.

India's 5 weeks now and awake a lot of the day, she's so smiley and cute, I'm so in love! Xx

Louie is just so gorge!

Roxy, India is so beautiful, bless her, she looks so happy!

Just managed to get almost three hours sleep and feel like a new person! :)
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Omg these babies! Gosh it's so crazy to me how it felt like they would never come and now they're weeks old and smiling, how is it possible.

Here's my Summer at 8 days old (yesterday)!


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Thanks guys.

So cute kholl, she's proper looking at the camera, bless her. I know its crazy how quick its going already, it really does fly by!

Glad you got some sleep lulie, best thing to do is sleep when you can and baby does. I've been going to bed at 9pm the last few nights just to catch up on sleep! Hope everyone and babies are well x
Hey guys! I cannot get enough of these cutie babies!! They are all sooooo scrummy, I think it's safe to say we did good! Most of us overdue lol these babies are just gorgeous!

George is 4 weeks and one day old now lol I just can't believe it. He is soooo big already, we are struggling to fit in 0-3 vests now because he is soooo long in the body and his feet are pushing it in 0-3 baby grows too! he's just a beast!

I booked an appointment with a breastfeeding counsellor tomorrow morning to watch us feeding and to see if this tongue tie situation needs a second opinion, its getting boring now!!

Has anyone got any sort of routine going yet? George has decided 9pm-2am is a nice 5 hour chunk of sleep which is AWESOME! he then wakes at 5 am, back to sleep til 7.30 for a feed then we go on the school run! Bliss that he's starting to form a pattern at night! He feeds 2 hourly during the day :) I love a bit of routine! xx
Good luck at the breastfeeding councillor tomorrow Lexi! We're having a bit of trouble latching on the left nip, I've got the midwife coming for a home visit tomorrow so Il ask her what she thinks. She will be bringing the weight aswell so will be exciting to see how if he has gone up, he was born on the Thursday and by the Saturday he'd only lost 75g so hes a good feeder, just wish I could get him latching on properly, as he seems to get frustrated. I've been trying to feed him on both, then pumping afterwards.
Ah look at all these pics! Adorable.
It is hard trying to find time to come on here. We have a lovely routine. Poppy feeds about 11pm-12 then sleeps till around 4 then again till 7am then till about 10am so we get a good amount of sleep. We usually wake up at 7 with her and we tend to stay awake unless were really tired and have snuggles in bed with Poppy and chill before actually getting up then before we know it the day is over and I haven't found time for anything!

Poppy is now 3 weeks old today and beginning to be awake for alot more of the day and is currently going through her first leap and we can defo tell she is changing. The time has gone so quick!

Roxy how are you doing with sleeping now?
Its getting better thanks summer. Harpers only waking once a night now and for 10 mins or so. She's still getting in our bed tho so need to encourage her to stay in her bed, its difficult tho at 3am when you know her crying will wake india, its much easier putting her in our bed! We started a star chart but only on the 3rd night, its worked so far for her going to sleep without one of us in her room so hopefully it'll start working for staying in bed all night too. X

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