***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Roxy that is great!!! Our son is struggling terribly with the transition. His sleep has gone to absolute shit! He's up screaming all night and even if we let him into our bed he screams to nurse for hours. And it took SO long (many arduous months) to finally night wean him that I absolutely can not go back to nursing him at night. Just can not. It's so hard!! He's allowed to nurse after 6am but getting him to wait that long is torture!

How is everyone healing? They sent me home with orders not to lift my toddler for 3 weeks. I nearly laughed in the nurse's face! I mean ok sounds great, are you sending me home with a live-in nanny and maid then? Anyway my husband is back at work and our family all went home to California, so I'm home alone 12-15 hrs a day with all 3. I mean what choice do I have? He can't get in and out of the tub himself or change his own diaper etc. Anyway I can tell it's delaying my healing. Bleeding is minimal but the cramps hurt still and the site where I had a couple stitches (I had a tiny tear, same spot where I tore with my son) is a little angry. The worst though are the hemorrhoids! I never got them with either of my first 2. I think cause Summer weighed 9 lbs at birth and I pushed too hard too fast cause I panic during the pushing stage (it's my most dreaded and painful part of labor). They are awful! Wish I could lie around snuggling Summer all day and just get 100% better... But I guess that only happens with your first baby!
Ah that's good roxy that harper is getting better.

Knoll I was told not to lift for 6 weeks. Its breaking me. OH is always lifting her to me foot feeding and cuddling but it's just not the same having to leave her for 30secs longer crying until OH gets her. Its impossible for you to not lift baby I mean who else is going to?! Hopefully your healing isn't delayed too much.
Kholl I know what you mean, it only happens with your first being able to properly relax and recover and snuggle all day. Apart from the first week we've been out pretty much everyday since indias been born. Life just goes on with your second plus baby! Its sad in a way that I dont get to just snuggle on the sofa for hours with India as theres always something to do or something harper needs. Its also sad that I cant always rush to India the second she's crying if I'm helping harper on the toilet etc.

So harpers in our bed already tonight which is early for her. Hope its not gonna get worse again as it was just getting bearable.

Hows everyone doing? X
Lexi, what happened with the tongue tie?

One of the midwives said Max may also have a tongue tie and I wonder if that is part of the trouble we are having with feeding. Can't seen to get him to latch on the left side so been pumping and they are both generally sore. I'm waiting for a call from the hospital so they can refer me to the ear nose an throat department so they can check it properly.
Hello ladies! Sorry I haven't been around for a while, been trying to settle into life as a mummy! Hope everyone is ok.

We are just getting to a point where Jacob will sleep in the moses basket, only for an hour or two, but he is sleeping there nonetheless! I had to give up breastfeeding, which really really upset me as I never had any milk come in! Turns out, I only found this out last week, that polycystic ovaries can affect the ability to breastfeed! So at least i know why now!

Hope everyone is enjoying motherhood, even with the sleepless nights I wouldn't change it for the world!
Lulie I ended up paying to go private. I had a breastfeeding counsellor come round and assess my feeding, then she referred me to a private clinic in Sutton who then reassessed the next day, and made the decision to cut it. It wasn't nice and he looked very shocked afterwards and cried a very different cry, but straight away he latched beautifully and our feeding has taken a turn for the better since having it done. They were incredible people and I am so grateful that they knew what they were talking about. The lactation consultant and her team at our local hospital are being sued for incompetence and since doing my research the midwives and consultants aren't educated much in tongue tie so I am glad I went and saw people that actually know what they are doing and I shall be complaining to our hospital about the treatment I got when I went there. My poor baby can now feed efficiently. He goes longer between feeds and when he's latched on it doesn't even feel like he's there, its incredible that there is already tonnes of difference.

How are everyone's babies doing at weight gain? George gained ONE WHOLE POUND in a week, I feel like I have been robbed of a newborn, he was 8lbs 12 at birth and hes now just about 12lbs and it's sad because hes so huge! xxx
Anyway Lulie I suggest you get something done about the tongue tie thing because it doesn't get better it just gets progressively worse and it can affect supply as they don't feed efficiently! I hope you arent too sore, make sure you use loads of nipple cream to try and keep the soreness at bay ... hugs to you because i know how difficult it is, hats off to you for keeping going though you are a soldier and you deserve a tonne of praise continuing to feed with a tongue tie because it really isn't easy! xxxx
Thanks for the kind words Lexi! So glad it's sorted the problem for you. I'm getting referred to the ear nose and throat department so will be getting a letter in the post soon with an appointment date.

Max was born on the Thursday and was only 2 oz under his birth weight by the following Wednesday, so hopefully he's gaining weight like a champ!
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Lexi SO glad you got that tongue tie clipped! Summer has a lip tie and I'm going straight to the expert and paying out of pocket to get it fixed. Nobody but him took my older daughter's lip tie seriously so I'm not bothering to ask anyone but the lip tie expert this time!

Summer is 2 weeks old today. I can tell she has some mild reflux so I've ordered some probiotic drops that other moms swear by- hoping that helps her. She does the gasping thing and gets those painful-sounding deep hiccups a lot. She very rarely spits up but I can tell she has some discomfort.
Kholl I guess her lip tie could be affecting that as well - I think George has a lip tie too but his feeding has dramatically improved now since tongue tie appointment and I do not ever wish to witness him getting anything else snipped so I will leave the lip tie thing well alone now he is feeding really well. I have a lip and a tongue tie and my mum managed to breast feed me for 7 months lol! So weird isn't it, luckily mine never caused speech and eating problems! xx
Lexi yes I breastfed my older daughter for 3.5 years (!!!) with her lip tie so I know we can push through- just want my baby to be comfortable!
Oh my gosh that is incredible! I don't think I could feed for that long at all! I did one year with Sofia and I plan on doing around the same with this one, may I ask why you fed for that long just purely out of curiosity? xx
Haha I know, it was a long time! I guess the bottom line is it just felt right. I loved that when she was sick and refusing to eat/drink, she would always nurse until she was better. I loved how easy it was to soothe her when she was hurt or upset, or needed to fall asleep and was having a hard time. I also loved the immune benefits and bonding time. Now my son will be 2 in just over a week (!!) and he's still nursing as well. Can't believe how long I've been breastfeeding!
Lexi glad you got it sorted.

How are we all doing ladies?
You can tell all our little ones are here this forum is so quiet now.

Poppy is doing great. Growing so quick. She's been out of her moses basket for a week now & is only 4 weeks old. We moved the cot into our room she was just too big for the moses & couldn't stretch out & get comfy. She has also put on a whole 2lbs in 3.5weeks & is up on the 91st centile for all her measurements. She is still such a content baby & only cries for a bottle. She's now also out of her first leap so is no longer fussy on an evening. Enjoying it until the next leap arrives!!
hey summer!!! aww sounds like you're getting on really well ;) i had to take george out his moses basket when he was a week old - hes massive. hes put on 4lbs in 4 weeks, im yet to have him weighed this week! hes also on the 91st centile which i just cant get my head around, my daughter was tiny! hes in 3-6 month vests and babygrows as his body is so long and his feet are so big, im so sad about this because hes growing too fast, i feel like i have been robbed of my newborn baby :(

had his tongue done privately and hes brand new with breastfeeding now! i finally feel like hes forming a feeding routine too! life certainly gets easier when they get that little bit older!

we have also found a flat to swap into that we are eligible to buy next year!! buzzing to move now :)

hows everyone else??? xxxxx
Glad George has had his tongue done and feeding is going well. Sounds like he's doing really well, especially with putting on weight! India is still in some newborn clothes as 0-3 are still too big! She'll be 7 weeks tomorrow. I haven't had her weighed in a few weeks but she's getting done tomorrow, I'm interested to see what she is now. Lovely news about the flat, bet your well chuffed. When do you move?

Things have been stressful here, harpers behaviour has been hard work and she's still sleeping terribly. Up every night multiple times a night. I've been struggling emotionally and been bursting into tears daily. I've also lost all motivation to do anything and haven't been leaving the house much. I saw my GP in the week who's prescribed anti depressants as she think I could have PND. Indias no trouble at all, hardly cries, sleeps and feeds well.

Hope everyone is well xx
How is everyone?

Max gained over a pound at his weigh in (two weeks after birth) and he has another appointment to be weighed next Tuesday,he's got a right appetite!

Thanks Lexie for encouraging me to get his tongue tie sorted, breas tfeeding is going a hundred times better now, but my god the procedure was barbaric, haha my poor boy! I felt so awful!

Hope you are doing OK Roxy, and that the anti depressants are helping xx
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Lulie I am sooo glad for you! It does make a tonne of difference doesn't it! I have taken to expressing during the day and breastfeeding at night now, I could never fully settle George and he drains a breastmilk bottle now and is sooo much happier and so am I - I no longer feel like I am continuously feeding!

So crazy how much we all used to be on here and now we are all super busy with the babies and it is almost impossible to find time to sit at the laptop and get on here! xx
Roxy I am sorry to hear you're having a tough time - i think if you could just have some sleep you'd be okay! I am glad India is a good girl though that helps you out a lot. I had PND with my daughter and make sure you get it sorted because mine turned nasty - I ignored it for too long. I do really feel for you! I have been pretty emotional over the last few weeks too its hard work! xxx

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