***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

I think most of the team yellows turned out girls?

Wonder how Nicki is, haven't seen her post for a while. X
How you doing lulie? Is it tomorrow you go in to be induced? X
Congrats kholl and Michael!!! Good luck and wishing quick labours to the rest!!! No sleep for us - Alexander is feeding every two hours still :( he's put on 2lbs in a week this week alone!!! I'm sooooo tired and ds2's behaviour has gone so downhill o could cry. I know that he has additional needs and requires longer to process things but I feel that someone has stolen my smiley lovely natured boy and replaced him with a constantly crying, whinging, tantrumming devil child :( :( xx
Hey Roxy, I'm going in at 8:15 and they are going to start with this foley bulb/balloon thingy, they said they like to try that first, not sure if I will be going home with it in or made to stay, as one of my friends got sent home with it in but she was only 8 days over and today I'm 11 and they obviously don't want you going too much further over, would rather stay in to be honest and hope things get moving! Can't be much longer now :)
Good luck! In slow labour over here. Started yesterday morning and still getting contractions but no further forward x

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Been having contractions since 11.15 (45 mins) 5 mins apart and lasting about 1 min last 2 were 4 mins apart I so.hope this is bloody it!! lol x
Good luck lulie and aes. Babies are imminent. So exciting. Are you two the last of the August mummies to have give birth or are there anymore mummies lurking still waiting?

Aw just love all of these baby pictures, all so gorgeous!

I never got any after pains, would I have with a c section?
I can say the contractions I had all day Monday were incredibly painful though!
Thanks ladies. Had the bulb inserted and got contractions straight away! But they seem to have fizzled out abit now. Can feel something is different though so hopefully something is happening!

I think Aes, mictho and I are the last August mummies! :)
Summer I cant remember having the after pains with harper but apparently they get worse with each baby you have. No sure about the c section side of it tbh x
Good luck mictho. We could have 3 babies come today! X
Mine ain't coming. Things keep stopping and it's driving me mad. They are so painful for hours get down to every 8 minutes then stop. My DD goes back to school tomorrow and I somehow have to get her there when I can't even drive due to the pain
Thanks gill!

Mine arent coming consistently either Aes, and the pain is mostly in my back now, but things have definitely stepped up so that's something I guess. If I don't go in before I'm going to be admitted properly at 9 am tomorrow, so we will see. :)
Come on babies!

My after pains were not noticeable with my first. They were manageable with my second. And this time they were excruciating! Good news is they seem to have eased today.

Our first night at home was awful. Summer screamed 7 hrs straight, she's gassy and I know she's hungry, she's nursing all the time but my milk isn't in yet :( at 1:30am all 3 kids were awake and screaming for me, I was crying, it was awful!
She is here!!
After 5.5 hrs of labour Darcey Rose was born at 16.42 weighing 8lb 6 she has been asleep most of the time and is gorgeous

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