***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Im overdue Nicki, but only a day or two. Hoping it wont be too long for either of us, the wait is killing me!
Hopefully it won't be long for you ladies now.
First night was a blur really. I didn't sleep much kept checking she was breathing. Kept having to be woken for meds. Bubs wouldn't take a feed. But as cliche as it sounds I would not change it.

Hope you're all doing well.
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Congratulations summer! She is beautiful x

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Nicki I'm not overdue yet but I'd bet all my money I will be.

39+5, so much nothing happening over here. I've been up since 4am, just can't sleep, finally just got out of bed at 5 sick of trying to fall asleep. I am wondering if the dating ultrasound could have been off and I'm not due for another week or so... There's just NO SIGN of anything over here. I feel like a brat whining about this when I'm not even due it's just that I NEED HELP when this baby gets here and my time with grandparents in town is quickly running out. I assumed from day one I'd go late but I figured by now I'd at least be having some prodromal stuff. Just... Nothing. I'm in such a negative depressed head space today.
Oh, Kholl, I really hope you're wrong and your baby arrives soon... You really need the support when you have him/her. If it's any consolation: I had NO symptoms and was feeling quite bad about that the day before my son arrived. It was like in the movies: waking up, waters breaking, contractions every 3mins immediately, hospital, baby in my arms a few hours later. So no signs now doesn't have to mean it can't happen soon...
Thanks Flo- that was the same story with my first. But with my second I had TONS of buildup and my body was obviously gearing up for at least a week before labor started. So I'm feeling disheartened. In 2.5 weeks all help will have come and gone and I have zero faith baby will be here by then.
Ahh Kholl that is sucky that you aren't having anything whatsoever! My body seemed to need 6 weeks to prepare and for it to actually mount to anything - maybe yours will just be one of those labours that hits spontaneously!! It is really disheartening seeing your due date looming so close and almost having to surrender to the fact of being overdue eh xx
Sorry your feeling so rubbish kholl, I really don't know what to say or suggest. Must ne really frustrating for you knowing you only have help for a short period.

How you feeling Flo? Has things started up again?

How is everyone? Its official, India is now registered. I'm bloody knackered, starting to really catch up with me now the lack of sleep x
Kholl I'm the same, even this late I have no symptoms or signs other than losing plug and that's from the sweeps. I have the opposite problem I needed him out early so we could spend time the 3 of us before my parents arrive :(
I get a call tomorrow to book me in for induction which makes me really sad
Hi ladies, congrats to summer and Kirsty :)

Thomas and Robert were born at 10:11 and 10:12 on the 23rd, weighing 6lb 1oz and 5lb 12oz all went well just in a bit of discomfort now.


Lovely pic MrsB, they are so cute. Congrats x
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Omg MRSB! They are absolutely gorgeous, congrats!!

Fingers and toes crossed for you Kholl and Nicki. I've got no signs at all and I'm just so impatient now, just want to meet my little boy.

The messages are now coming in thick and fast on Facebook asking if there's any news, Best get used to it as I think we're in for at least another week yet.

Midwife at 10:30 tomorrow, hopefully she'll recommend a sweep, not sure if physically it will help but I think mentally at least I will feel like we're heading in the right direction!
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Good luck at midwife lulie x we're all packed ready for induction tomorrow! Wifey is terrified and excited at the same time x

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