***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

I wonder how Flo and MrsB are getting on? One more day here tomorrow then off to hospital on Thursday for probable inducement!

Michael x
Lovely photo lexi x (how do u upload a pic I'm clueless lol)

It's not the easiest system in the world.. but try this:

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Wifey is getting period like cramps/tightening while in shower, fingers crossed! :)
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Thanks will give it a go x hopefully things are starting for your wife fingers crossed xx
Gorgeous picture Lexi.
Congrats Kirsty looks like we were minutes apart.

Poppy-Anita was born yesterday at 1124 weighing 8lbs3.5oz by emergency c-sec.

So I got induced on the Sunday had the propess instead at midday. By 4pm stomach cramps had really started to begin but didn't amount to anything. At around midnight the propess fell out and I was left in hope my body would do it on its own as I was still having the strong cramps. Needless to say nothing happened except me being up all night tossing and turning between contractions.

Monday was much the same. Paracetamol and codeine didn't touch the sides. Had another propess put in at 10am.
By 8pm I'd had a bath which helped a little, threw up everything inside my body and was in quite a lot if pain. I was only 4cm and so was told they'd give me diamorphene. 2hours later it arrived and she said she'd call delivery around 11 to see if they had a bed for me.

Luckily they did and I was taken to delivery around midnight last night. I asked for the epidural as by this point I was exhausted and had been having contractions did over 24hrs. Had the epi at 0145 and was 5cm. I dozed a lot and when I was examined at 7am I was 9cm. Was given another hour to get to 10, didn't happen. The drip was upped and was given another 2hrs to get to 10cm.

Examination at 1020 showed I wasn't quite there. There was a tiny but of cervix behind baby's head that they couldn't move and wouldn't stay tucked away. Baby was also slightly back to back &'facing upwards and was getting a tad distressed to it mean a c-section.

All was fine with that, just. My body temp shot up and so bubs got more distressed. They got her out quick. Oh told me what we had then we were taken to recovery and evenetually transitional care ward where we are staying for 48hrs to monitor for any signs of infections due to my rise in body temp but mw seemed to think it was just because I was labouring for so long.

And there we have it.,sorry if there's lots of spelling errors just typing in between my first night feed and I am shattered.

Oh and here's a pic ...

Ah Summer glad she arrived safely, congratulations, she is gorgeous!! Beautiful name too.

Finally some of these August babe's are showing up!
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Oh Summer, she is just gorgeous! I hope you recover quickly and get to go home soon.
Lovely photo summer, she looks so cute. Sorry it was a long and tough one for you but its all over now and you got your baby in your arms. Congrats! Xx
Oh summergurl what an ordeal. She is gorgeous xx glad everything worked out OK xx

Everything is calm and quiet induction booked for tomorrow x
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Oh summer I hope you are alright! Try catch up on some sleep, thinking of you! She's beautiful and i love her name!!! xxxx
Congratulations summer she is lovely xx sorry u had such a rough time xx
Good luck to you and your wife for tomorrow Michael.

Good god, I'm so bored waiting for something to happen! :)
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Congratulations summer and Kirsty! Well done girls, being there for so long... I'm so glad I decided to go home as no baby yet and wouldn't still want to be waiting at hospital. We did want to leave again yesterday, contractions every 3mins, but I first put DS in bath and bed and then it slowed down... Again. But hubby convinced me to go in the next time as everything has gotten me more dilated til now so don't want to keep waiting until I'm like 8cms and maybe won't reach hospital in time... I amvery glad we had a good night's sleep at home :-) Ilias is very clingy with me and was talking about 'mama and daddy going away' etc, I'm silently hoping he feels something's gonna happen today (and that he's right!).
Fingers crossed MrsB has her babies quicker than most of us here! First these babies stick inside, then when they start coming they still take their time!
Oh god summer that sounds horrendous but look at her, she's gorgeous!

Am I the only one overdue now?

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