***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Aaah MrsB they are perfection! Congratulations!

Best of luck tomorrow Michael!

Nicki I'm so sorry you're facing induction, I hope things start for you before that.

Lulie fingers crossed for us both.
Oh, MrsB they are 2 gorgeous little boys! Congratulations!

Good luck tomorrow, Michael! Must be exciting for you and your wife!

I just had 4 hours of contractions, slightly started to feel the need to push even. Then it stopped. Again. I did some research and it may sound strange but I think it's caused by stress. It slowed down 2 times now at the moment my oh called his father to babysit. As he's the person I trust least with our son, I get all stressed at the thought of leaving my LO behind with him... And things slow down. We had a good talk about this and decided to ask my sister over in the day to help and if anything starts again she'll come with us to hospital and play with DS in the waiting room until baby is born. Then hubby can pick him up. At night we'll have to see but at least I feel happy and relaxed about that daytime solution. Fingers crossed ;-)
Omg mrsb! Those are 2 gorgeous babies! Congratulations!

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Thanks ladies, it's still a bit surreal that I have 2 babies. Currently questioning where they both fit too as they seem to big to of been inside me lol

Good luck Michael and wife :) and fingers crossed for a sweep lulie, and fingers crossed someone else goes into labour soon x
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Aw congrats MrsB!

Flo what a tease! Hopefully you ladies aren't waiting much longer.

We're still in hospital hoping if bloods come back today normal we can go home.
I had 2 'contractions' last night 10 mins apart about 11 pm got a bit excited,went to sleep but hay ho I'm. Still here and nothing come on baby due date today and family go away tommorow so today would be great for us x
Happy due date mictho.

How annoying for you Flo its all stopped again.

Hope the bloods come back fine today summer and your able to go home x

Different doctor again today! Wifey is 3cm and favourable induction booked for Saturday morning. Dr gave her a sweep also!

Midwife said what I thought, cervix is still quite far back and not very ripe, argh! She manage to irritate it slightly but I don't think it's done much.

Booked in at the hospital for next Thursday so they can do all the necessary checks if nothing has happened before.

Blood pressure is borderline at 140/90 but she wasn't too concerned as I have no swelling etc

Curry and sex tonight, I'm getting desperate haha!
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It's really quiet on here today. Wifey had some big contractions after sweep and has had period like pain for the last 3 hours but nothing else to report x
Lulie I have my 40-week appointment tomorrow and am really on the fence about letting her check me or do a sweep (if she'll even be able to). I feel, like you, that things are still high and shut tight in there!

Ok so never order Thai curry "spicy." Cause that translates to "made with molten lava instead of curry paste". My entire head is on fire! And this is the second day in a row I'm eating it. We all know this desperation!
Happy due date mithco.

We are home. Yay! We got home about half 1 today. So nice to be out of that place and into my own home with all my comforts. Both of our bloods came back fine so no more antibiotics. I've just got to jab myself for the next 8days to prevent blood clots

Currently living in a bubble. It still feels all so surreal. Not got much movement my belly is sore but oh is an angel and won't allow me to do anything!

I've just had a rare steak salad for tea. Was heaven. With a glass of prosecco! What a treat.

Hoping for some more August babies soon now!
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Huge congratulations to everyone that's had their babies and a massive good luck for those still to come!! We're doing well - feeding every two hours which isn't ideal but hopefully it's not forever and ds1 went back to nursery this week and despite him having a not great summer behaviour wise - at nursery he's been super!!! They're running a pilot to extend nursery hours in my local authority with ds1's nursery undertaking the pilot so from Monday he'll be there 8.40-2.40. He loves nursery and it's great for him and they've also extended his support hours :) :) xx
Glad you are home Summer, glad all is well and that steak sounds amazing!

Ah Kholl, I'm still keeping my fingers crossed your little one will make an appearance sooner rather than later! My curry was also a lot hotter than I would normally go for, doesn't seem to have done anything either!
Ugh Lulie I wish we could just know when these babies will come! I mean even just having a one-week window would be so amazing.
Glad your home summer, Its so much nicer being at home. Hope your first night went well. I know the bubble your in, I had it with harper. It all seemed unreal the first few weeks, it's a lovely feeling. Enjoy it. I didn't really get that feeling so much with India, I suppose because life still goes on and is back to normal relatively quickly when there's a toddler already!

Hope everyone is well. Hope some more babies will be arriving soon.

I cant believe India is 3 weeks today. She's spending more time awake now which is great to see. Here's a recent pic of her awake x


Dunno why its sideways!

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