Hello ladies! Good luck you guys that are being induced I cannot wait to see birth stories!!
Kholl I know going overdue totally and utterly sucks doesn't it and I think a third baby would also tip me over the edge too, but you WILL have this baby soon, the thing I found the hardest about going overdue was the boredom and waiting! I just didn't know what to do with myself! But THAT day does arrive and even if it's late, its an amazing day!
I haven't really said much about my birth because I haven't had time to sit and write it all down so here goes:
12.30am Monday morning waters broke in bed spontaneously, started contracting straight away.
I rang delivery and they just said wait it out a little longer so my contractions were 1 in every 3 minutes. Around 1.30am contractions coming thick and fast so rang them back and was told to go in to be assessed.
Just before we left I felt another gush of water and it was bright GREEN!!!! Yes the little monkey had poo'd inside me. So on arrival I was assessed and 3cms dilated, which I had been since Wednesday! GRRR!!
So as he poo'd the waterbirth and all that went straight out the window. I was stuck on a bloody monitor. So I contracted away for another 4 hours, and felt the urge to push! Midwife got me on the bed and I started to push. Nothing happened, she checked me and I was only 4cm. She then told me baby had moved and was back to back. I was soooo upset.
I soldiered on for 12 HOURS ON GAS AND AIR!!!! And by the end of that 12 hours, I only managed to dilate to 5cm. By this point the contractions were just consuming my body and I couldn't get any rest from them, so I opted to have the epidural. The consultant came in at this point and said I needed the hormone drip on full to just get me dilating. So I had an epidural and hormone drip fitted.
a further 4 hours went by, and I managed to get to 7cm. By this point the consultant wasn't happy and said if I wasn't fully dilated in 2 more hours time, I would be whisked to have a C section.
2 hours went by and I FINALLY reached 10cm!!!!! As soon as I started to push, his head crowned. He arrived in 8 minutes. Was the easiest part of the whole labour.
He came out coughing and a little rattly in the chest with green goo coming out his nose and mouth but the baby doctor said he was okay! All 8lbs 12 oz of our gorgeous baby George.
Then my catheter filled with blood and they were really worried I had done some serious damage to my bladder.
I had a 2nd degree tear but luckily the midwives could fix it so I was sewn up on the bed there and then.
I then went round to the ward and filled up on toast and tea haha.
The next day, I wasn't allowed to be discharged til at least 6.30 pm because of my catheter problems. So at 6.30 I had catheter removed and had to go and wee 250ml and I managed 500ml. Then the ward did a staff change over, and I bloody well didn't get discharged til MIDNIGHT. But we got out in the end.
And that was how it all happened, it was nothing like my first birth of my daughter which was quick 6 hours on only gas and air. It was really difficult but I soldiered on and made it out the other side! I cannot believe my pregnancy journey is completely over now. I am really smitten with my boy though and Adam and Sofia just love him so much and it is wonderful.
I am done with visitors now so I can actually find some time to come online and get back in touch with my lovely ladies!
Love to you all! xxx