***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Morning! Wifey is having contractions which she says are different to what she's had the last 2 weeks. Fingers crossed. 9 days before due date!

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Thanks for the update on fairy princess glad all is good with her x
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Everything stopped after an hour :( x

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Lovely to see all the new babies arriving and I feel your pain those that are overdue as I was first time round. It'll be worth it in the end!! We're doing well although the absolute maximum I can get this monkey to wait between feeds is two hours and that's formula feeding!! I feel that we're just finishing winding and bum changing before he wants another feed!! I'm exhausted!!! Ds1's behaviour has been fairly undesirable also - although he's four he functions at about the level of a two year old so we've well and truly hit the terrible twos!! Great timing :( :( xx
Ah gill I feel your pain. Harper is 2y8m and has been in the terrible 2's for a while now but her behaviour has definitely become more challenging this last week. Also re the 2 hour feeds I had that with harper, she would only take an oz or 2 every 2 hours for months! It was really hard as like you say you just finishing feeding/changing etc and it would be time to start again! She was formula fed too. Xx
That's a shame Michael.

Roxy I have no gut feeling at all. Strange for me because I always have a feeling on most things and always trust my gut but I literally haven't had one moment where I thought it's going to be girl/boy. OH has no gut instinct either.

Less than 24hours to go now. I've just set up the steriliser and prep machine washed all the bottles etc. I know I'll have to do it again when we get back from the hospital but I wanted to use it to know how to work it all.

Ah Gill what a nuisance that is.
Do you change baby as soon as you've finished feeding? Or do it before?

I had a mild panic last night that I'm just not going to know what to do and when.
Honestly summer it comes so naturally. I had never held a baby, changed a nappy or even had any interest in children or babies before I had harper. I've never been one to coo over babies and my mum thought id never make her a grandparent. Before I had harper I did wonder how id cope and if I would know what to do etc but does come to you. Totally normal too to think like that with your first. Its entering the unknown and no one can prepare you for it. But you'll do amazing. Xx
I agree with fcroxy, you just know :) and a lot of people offer different advice, just go with what you feel is right x

Yeh defo do what feels right for you. What might work for one doesn't always work for another. Take advice from people with a pinch of salt. It seems that everyone always has an opinion when it comes to parenting. Also with HVs too take what they say lightly, they follow a text book and not all babies are the same. Apart from getting the girls weighed I try and avoid them haha. Xx
Kirsty what time do you have to go in on Sunday?
I don't have to go in till 1130 and I've heard it can take them a few hours to actually get around to starting you off. Wish I was going in first thing!

I am not due there until 12 :( I hope it doesn't take them long! I wish I was in first thing! Well little man has got until 12 tomorrow to vacate himself!
Good luck for tomorrow kirsty! There will be two more babies soon! X
Well Kirsty atleast we know we'll be coming out of there with our babies and the wait will be over.

It is quite daunting isn't it being a first time mum. I naturally worry anyways and because this is the one thing I can't plan for, I don't make the routine the baby will it's giving me a mild panic today. Need to chill as that won't help with tomorrow!
Summer, the same way babies are born with instincts (to nurse, to cry, etc) as soon as your baby is here you grow the same instincts. It's amazing how it works. It's like love- you'll just know.
39+1 here and nada! I feel like I'm gonna go so far over with this one.
Good luck for tomorrow ladies, will be thinking of you!

Nothing much to report here, lost a big bit of plug last night and this pm, had some cramps that woke me up last night but nothing else much today.
all quiet here now.. last weekend without our 2nd little boy. Although depending how busy the labour ward is. Consultant at 9am Thursday and have been told first available induction she'll be going in.. 38+5 today..

Good luck ladies going in tomorrow!

Michael x
Best of luck to the ladies going in tomorrow!
Can't wait to hear stories and see pictures of those sweet little babies!!
I can't wait to be telling you all about it! The more I sit & think about it the more I worry about the pain!

I've done nothing but eat today!!!

What have you all been up to?
Yeh defo do what feels right for you. What might work for one doesn't always work for another. Take advice from people with a pinch of salt. It seems that everyone always has an opinion when it comes to parenting. Also with HVs too take what they say lightly, they follow a text book and not all babies are the same. Apart from getting the girls weighed I try and avoid them haha. Xx

I must say I avoid them too, I say what I need to and ask the odd question but as long as I'm sensible I won't cause any harm :) x

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