***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Bishop score of 5 dunno if that's good or bad? She didn't even talk induction she said we'd talk Tuesday, the only thing she said is that it wouldn't even get booked until next Friday, so will prob be a week Monday :(

Hopejoy he's gorgeous!
He's a cutie hopejoy.

Nicki did your midwife give you a bishops score?
I know I'm very favourable for am induction as my cervix is ready just baby is being stubborn so atleast I know Sunday when I go in it won't be a failed induction.

I've not been too bad today my mum was here the whole afternoon when she left 30mins later oh was home so that was nice.

I'm just wondering what to do with myself tomorrow. The oh will be off to work at 1pm and not back until 11 and it'll be my last day and evening at home as just me as I know the next time I walk back through the door there will be 3 of us. Feel like I should do something just not sure what!

Seems we are both in on Sunday for our inductions! I hope they are quick! I was told when I had the sweep on Wednesday that my cervix is very soft, so hoping that the pessary works and he doesn't make me wait until Monday for my waters being broken!

Everything has again died down here... I don't think it was my waters as it hasn't continued all day... come on boy, two more days before you are evicted!
Congratulations hopejoy, hope you can get some rest after that labour! Maybe try putting an ice pack on them?

Summer: I'd go for a nice warm bath (I never get enough alone time now to have one), a big bag of crisps or some chocolate (in case you want to lose weight after birth, enjoy a last treat!) and maybe a nice movie or just play your favourite music (by the time your baby is 2 your car will be filled with children's songs).

I found out they're predicting temperatures of 27 to 30 degrees around my due date until at least 3 days after it. I really hope the little one will come this weekend, I don't want to give birth in such heat!
Flo I was defo planning on eating everything naughty I possibly can!
I don't envy you with those temperatures though!

Nicki my Bishops was 5 too and she explained it to me and said if it's 5 and above if they wanted to, they could pop your waters straight away rather than a pessary that's how ready your cervix is, however she said being my first (is it yours too?) Then they will go for a pessary because breaking the waters can be very intense. So that's good to hear isn't it.

Kirsty what time do you have to go in on Sunday?
I don't have to go in till 1130 and I've heard it can take them a few hours to actually get around to starting you off. Wish I was going in first thing!
SCL just go for it and if it doesn't work out don't beat yourself up about it, at least you will have tried ... By any chance is your SiL anything to do with this? X

How did you guess?!
I'm going to give it my absolute best go!
As you say, that's all I can do.
Just month/thread hopping! So good to hear you're doing well with breastfeeding, despite little man being tongue tied :-)
I am soooo determined to brest feed and all I hear is people saying that I shouldn't count on it and how hard it is and how I might not ever be able to do it.
I appreciate reality, but would also appreciate some positivity from someone other than my husband, my mum and you ladies on the forum! Although at least the two most important people are positive!
So, well done, Lexi, in a non-patronising way. Your little boy is inspiring people already!

That is so unfair of those people you know! Loads of women breastfeed, there was a time when everyone breastfed. Why wouldn't it work for you? I've got nothing against formula, I grew up on formula milk myself, but I hate it when people try to talk you out of breastfeeding. Some women try it and stop quickly because they have difficulties with it, but that's no reason to go and tell others they shouldn't try it!
People who love you should encourage you in your choice...
I'd recommend finding a breastfeeding group where you can get advice and support when needed. It really helped me a lot with my son. Sometimes you think something's wrong and it turns out to be normal, like their weight gain is different from formula fed babies...

Just go for it girl, you can do it! :-)

Thank you! Just what I need :-) xxxx
SCL just go for it and if it doesn't work out don't beat yourself up about it, at least you will have tried ... By any chance is your SiL anything to do with this? X

How did you guess?!
I'm going to give it my absolute best go!
As you say, that's all I can do.

It sounds like the sort of thing she would say :)
The midwives will be very helpful if you are struggling too x
Hubby officially thinks I'm going crazy. I just cleaned baby's room and it's 1 o'clock here. Couldn't sleep and felt the urge to make sure her room is perfectly clean. You got to love nesting :-)
Haha flo 1am and cleaning!!

Well here I am day 11 overdue now. Still absolutely no sign this baby is going to make its own way. It still has just over 24 hours so let's hope it makes a move.

My last day at home today with just me and OH until he goes to work at 1 then it's just me. I feel all emotional that tomorrow I'll be leaving the house and not coming back until we have our child. I'm super excited!
That is very exciting :) at least you know know if you get through today with nothing then tomorrow is your day to start things :) x

I can only imagine ... I know I'm only making it to 37 weeks this time but my god the last 2 weeks have felt like an eternity, so to get to due date then add another 2 weeks I couldn't think of anything worse x

Exciting to think we will have a few August babies born this week for sure!! x
I'm excited for all the babies! There has been no progress here. Still pregnant. 39 weeks on Monday. Sweep booked in for the 30th though. Fingers crossed I go before then! X

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Enjoy your last day by yourself summer. Your baby will be here soon, so exciting. Do you have any feeling what sex baby is? I was completely wrong with India haha, convinced she was a boy! Cant wait to see baby updates!

Hope everyone is well x
Hi ladies, I seen before you were asking about jess (fairy princess). I speak to her through text and she's doing great, just waiting for her baby girl to arrive. She's having a little break from the forum! I'm sure she'll be back to update you all when the baby comes :)

Congratulations to you all on your babies and good luck to those still waiting, hope you aren't kept waiting much longer! Xx

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