***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

I'm taking a double dose of iron tablets every day. They are awful but got me from 10 to 32 and my doctor's hoping they even get better before birth. I needed an infusion after DS was born 'cause my levels were under 9 back then and I couldn't get out of bed without fainting. I had been taking 1 tablet every day for the whole 40 weeks then, they were still that low. I needed to stay at hospital for 4 days and had to call a nurse every time I needed to go to the bathroom or every time my baby cried cause I couldn't pick him up myself. I would recommend taking the tablets. I feel sick everyday until the afternoon (I take them in the morning), but I prefer going home early after birth this time... I also had low energy and I feel more energetic since I take the tablets.
Thanks ladies, what are the tablets called? Il have to have a scout in the pharmacy. Last time they just bunged me up so bad so I haven't tried them lately, but maybe another brand might be better?
Fingers crossed summer! I'll be checking for updates. X
Lullie: I'm currently taking biofer but that's in Belgium so no idea if you'll find that brand...

Good luck with your first night alone, Roxy!
Thanks Flo! Indias been awake tonight so managed to just finish a massive pile of ironing. She's currently having a feed now so fingers crossed she'll go to sleep after. Harper hasn't woke so far, hoping it'll stay like that. X
I'm wide awake and have been since 0215.
Still nothing though just a huge dose of insomnia. I laid in bed for an hour and a half before finally getting out of bed. Let's hope I manage to get back to sleep soon. Baby is having a good wriggle though. Been the case that it moves more at night for a good few weeks now. Hope this isn't a sign of what's to come!
Thank Flo, im in Norway so Il have a look what's available here.

One of my cats come in with some sort of injury to his back legs yesterday so hoping that baby doesn't come until I've managed to sort him out, he doesn't seem to be in any pain but his back legs appear weak, so off to the vets today, hopefully it's nothing serious as he's only a year old. He's eating and seems happy enough bless him.
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Happy Due Date to me!!!

So my little man has until Sunday to make his own way out, before I am induced, praying he makes his own way out!

I am not sure but have just felt a small trickle down there- doesn't smell like urine, it is clear, but I don't think I have had anymore so maybe just discharge (sorry TMI!)

Hope some more of these babies make an appearance soon!
Does it smell sweet and almond like? Fingers crossed it is your waters :) x
Happy Due date Kirsty! Fingers crossed you'll have a baby this weekend! :)
Happy due date Kirsty.

The full moon did buggered all for me, let's hope the sweep is more successful! I'm going to ask to book me in to be induced if she doesn't mention it.
Happy due date, Kirsty!
All this waiting is so difficult, I am way too impatient for this!
And then with a husband asking 'no contractions yet?' every few hours and a toddler randomly stating things like 'baby is ready, mommy'... Yesterday my mom took us to the playground and went for a drink together. Wish she could be around every day. I'm a bit jealous of you Kholl ;-) it's so nice to have someone around who actually understands what it's like.
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Thanks all, I have a semi blocked up nose, but it certainly doesn't smell like urine! I am about to pop a pad in and see what happens! I am praying it is my waters too!

Nicki I hope the sweep works for you :)
Good luck with your sweep Nicki. I can't believe how laid back these babies are! They must be comfy xx
Girls!!!! My life has just been turned upside down since George arrived in desparate to catch up with you all! I've just had non stop visitors and I'm breastfeeding and that means not enough bloody hours in the day!! Tonight I will sit down at my laptop and actually catch up with you all.

Hang in there summer!!

Congratulations hopejoy!!!

Massive love to the rest of you ... I've been thinking about you all so much!! Xxxxx
At least the visitors wear off after a couple of weeks, the breastfeeding however the amount of times may reduce who knows :) x
The feeding is going so well, he's tongue tied so of course it's going to be tricky until it gets fixed its just the first few weeks of breast feeding are incredibly challenging xx

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