***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

So I have just had a scare like knoll... I am currently waiting to see a doctor for a plan of action as this is the third time I have been in with reduced movements, but whilst I have been here, I have been having very regular tightenings the CTG machine have picked them up every 3-5 minutes but not lasting too long. Fingers crossed this is the start of things to happen!
Let us know how you get on Kirsty.

Still nothing to report here really. I'm a little uncomfortable and got quite strong stabby pains where you get period cramps but still not getting my hopes up. Know I'll be waking up alone tomorrow as oh working for another boring day!
I'm feeling so tired today. Yesterday I had enough energy to get DS from daycare by bike, clean, clean, clean, wash clothes, cook, do the washing up... Today I was exhausted after buying some groceries. It's so annoying, you can't know how you'll feel tomorrow. Hubby is at home and he's constantly asking if anything happens yet. I'm happy he's around, but now there's 2 of us waiting...

My mum is coming tomorrow to go to a playground with DS and me and maybe a nephew, hope that takes my mind of the waiting for a few hours! I can't imagine what you must be going through, summer. The only thing that keeps me going is I can still count down to due date.

I hope hopejoy has her newborn in her arms by now!
Fingers crossed its the beginning Kirsty

When is it they will induce you again summergurl?

My husband had the cheek to say he was fed up of waiting today, and that he's ready for the babies to be here x
Good luck kirsty, hope it progresses for you.

I cant believe your still waiting summer. Must be so frustrating for you. At least you know if baby isn't here by Sunday you'll be induced. Hopefully you wont need it tho.

I am so tired tonight but India wont settle. She'll sleep fine cuddling me but once she's in her crib she wakes. She was so good last night too, barely woke and spent all night in her crib. Harpers behaviour has been challenging the last few days, refusing to eat, tantrums and screaming fits over the smallest of things, waking multiple times a night again. OH is back on his first set of nights tomorrow so that'll be fun if they are both up at the same time! I can't believe indias gonna be 2 weeks on Friday, where has the time gone already?! Xx
Swearing. That's funny :rofl:
Oh my God MrsB. Did you manage to refrain from punching him?

Yep Sunday is induction day. Does anybody know if they'll still let me use the birthing pool if they induce me? I'm assuming not but I forgot to ask my mw on Tuesday.

OMG roxy 2 weeks old already! Can't believe your oh is back to work tomorow too. Do you feel nervous? Hopefully it's just a minor phase harper is going through whilst she adjusts to not being the only one anymore. X
He got the death glare lol - he's not allowed to be fed up of waiting when I'm the one struggling :)

I've never been induced but I'm almost certain you get monitored the majority of the time so I doubt they will let you use the pool X
I think it depends on how your induced whether you can use the pool, and whether you need monitoring or not. I had to have constant monitoring so was confined to the bed really.

OH actually went back to work on Saturday but has been on days so it hasn't been too bad as we've been out most days to play group or my mums so I've had help but I'm kinda dreading him being away at night so soon, especially as harper has been waking again. If worst comes to worst ill have to put harper into bed with me but I don't wanna get into that habit again if I can help it as harper comes to expect it at bedtime and will kick off when she's gotta go into her bed. I'm sure it is just a phase with harper but its so tiring, I hope it doesn't last too long. I've been trying to keep things as normal as possible and been going play group and park etc but I suppose its still early days and still a lot for her to take in. Xx
Baby Jack born at 11.02
Today 8lb 3oz - just gas and air.

Havent slept since Sunday cant wait to get bome xxx
Congratulations hopejoy! I like his name :-) you'll feel better once you're home, even if baby wakes a lot you always sleep better at home I think.

I think I might be leaking waters, but I'm not sure at all. Last time they went all at once. Now I just noticed a wet spot in my underwear (sorry for tmi!) and I'm quite sure I'd know if it was urine. But it could be the stupid discharge that keeps coming. I guess I'll know in the morning, it should keep on leaking tonight if it's waters, no? Or can it be just a bit now and then nothing for days?
Congratulations hope joy!

I am also home from labour ward, contractions have died down, was given a sweep to see if that helps, but due to being in three times with reduced movements, I am back Sunday for induction if nothing happens before then! There was talk of inducing me overnight tonight, but they said they needed to give the sweep a go first, so alas I am home, but with an official eviction notice!
Congratulations hopejoy and what a lovely name choice :)

Aww sorry to hear the contractions wore off Kirsty but you never know something may happen before Sunday with a bit of luck, it gives you something to aim towards though doesn't it :) x
Congratulations hopejoy! X

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