***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

That's good news, KirstyLeigh! Hopefully the sweep works before Sunday!

Seems like it was just that stupid discharge last night for me... Did have regular BH (every 10mins) for over 3 hours, which stopped of course ;-)

Sorry you're having some rough nights, Roxy! I suppose it's only normal for Harper to behave like that, it is a big change to suddenly having to share your parents. Even if they love their little sibling. That doesn't make it easier for you, though... Maybe if Harper wants to be with you at night, you can make an arrangement with her? Like, if she stays in her own bed until a certain hour, she can come with you afterwards?
Thanks Flo. I could try it with harper but theres usually no reasoning with her, she wants all or nothing lol. She did sleep all night last night so fingers crossed she does tonight too whilst OH is working x
Congratulations hope joy looks like these August baby's are starting to show their faces even if they are taking their time x
Congrats hopejoy hope you're doing OK too. How was your labour?

All these babies now starting to make their way into the world and I'm still here day 9 over due now. Waaaaahhhhh! I'm so jealous of you all!

Good news re the birthing pool. I know that if you have the drip it's a no so hopefully I can still have it I'll just have to wait until Sunday to find out. Doesn't look like this baby has any ideas of vacating my womb any time soon! :(

That's fab harper slept through the night roxy. Did you manage to sleep too?
I didn't get much sleep summer. India seemed to be extra hungry last night and must of woke every few hours for a feed. I dunno if maybe she was looking for a dummy as at some points it was like she was sucking the bottle for the hell of it, without really taking any milk. I don't have any dummys to try as harper never had one so didn't wanna give India one if I can help it. She's certainly making up for not growing much the last few weeks of pregnancy, she loves her milk! Drinks much more than harper did at her age. How you feeling today summer? Xx
Full Moon tonight, sets off a lot of labours, affects the waters the same way it does the tides... When they call it an 'old wive's tale' they really mean 'midwives' lol
Congrats hopejoy!

Full moon did nothing for me :( sweep tomorrow so see if that'll work but I honestly think it'll be induction for me. Roxy hope you get a chance to nap, do you think you'll try a dummy? I've bought some but don't no if I'll give them to him.
Im gonna try and hold out as long as possible without giving a dummy Nicki. I'll see how she goes today and tonight but id rather not introduce one. Harper never had one so I'm hoping India will be the same. Nothing wrong with dummies but I personally dont wanna give them if I can help it. Hope your sweep works tomorrow Nicki! Xx
I am the same as you roxy re the dummies. I bought a pack of 2 in the aldi baby event but me and oh are both set on not giving the baby one. Never say never but that's what we're going for. That's good that India is making up in the growing department. How is Harper today?

I'm feeling ok today. Feel a little lonely as I have no plans now until Sunday when I go in to be induced. No visitors, nothing. Atleast today I've got a couple programmes to watch, the diving is on at 2pm so that should keep me going up to nearly when oh finishes work at 5. May even squeeze in a nap!

Oh god I totally understand the full moon thing. I work for the emergency services and it's a night we dread. It just goes completely nuts!!! Fingers crossed for me tonight then.

Hey Lexi I hope you're doing ok too chick.
Thanks Flo. I could try it with harper but theres usually no reasoning with her, she wants all or nothing lol. She did sleep all night last night so fingers crossed she does tonight too whilst OH is working x

Haha I recognize that. When we let Ilias choose his dessert he always picks one, eats it and then asks for the other choice too, lol. The problem is we usually let him have the second one as well as the only choices he gets are fruit or yoghurt so it's actually quite healthy :-)

Fingers crossed the full moon will bring us more August babies tonight!
We have 2 dummies ready for baby. My sister never got one and used her fingers as a dummy. They could never take them away so she ended up sucking her fingers til she was 6. Both my cousins gave their dummy to Santa at age 3 or 4. So we prefer a dummy, at least that we can take away. Though it's best if they don't have anything of course.
We have bought them just incase, saying that from day 1 with our son we were very strict .... I don't remember him having it at day 1 or weeks 1 to be honest. He is only allowed it at nighttime for when he is asleep, but he's 2 now and sometimes falls asleep without it, was thinking maybe he could give it to Father Christmas Or something just haven't sussed out a plan for that x
I remember my brothers giving up theirs to the baby squirrels and they left them outside at night time so the baby squirrels could sleep with them instead. So funny now when you look back but I actually did the same with my niece and her baby spoons :rofl:
I am the same as you roxy re the dummies. I bought a pack of 2 in the aldi baby event but me and oh are both set on not giving the baby one. Never say never but that's what we're going for. That's good that India is making up in the growing department. How is Harper today?

I'm feeling ok today. Feel a little lonely as I have no plans now until Sunday when I go in to be induced. No visitors, nothing. Atleast today I've got a couple programmes to watch, the diving is on at 2pm so that should keep me going up to nearly when oh finishes work at 5. May even squeeze in a nap!

Oh god I totally understand the full moon thing. I work for the emergency services and it's a night we dread. It just goes completely nuts!!! Fingers crossed for me tonight then.

Hey Lexi I hope you're doing ok too chick.

Harper isn't too bad this morning, only had one meltdown this morning. Defo an improvement lol. Gonna try and get down the seafront later as its children's week so lots of activities going on. Hopefully that'll keep harper happy this afternoon.

It must be frustrating being overdue and making plans incase anything happens! Dont blame you having a nap, get as much sleep in now whilst you can haha xx
Fingers crossed your sweep gets the little monkey moving, Nicki! I'm hoping I get offered one on the 25th if bub hasnt made an appearance by then.

Feel abit better today, must just have had an off day yesterday, every little twinge I keep thinking "is this it?" But so far it seems to be just trapped wind haha.
It's good there's lots of stuff going on for you to take Harper too.
It's very frustrating but I've only 2.5full days left until I go in and get this kid moving.
Anyone else got low hemoglobin? They said mine was borderline low at the doctors on Tuesday, I'm guessing that's one of the reasons I feel so knackered! It was 11,5
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I do. I'm borderline too but can't remember the number. I'm meant to be taking iron tablets twice a day but I haven't because they make me feel so sick

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