***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Good luck, hopejoy!

Good to hear everything is OK, Kholl. Pregnancy can be so scarry...
Such a relief Kholl!

Come on August babies, show yourselves! These last few weeks are so hard..I can hardly walk, so much pressure/pain/heaviness low down..I just can't wait for it all to be over now!
I've been awake since 345 with terrible stomach pains been loo 3 times I hate wondering is this the start or just a upset tummy! Pains constantly there so not.like contractions I can time getting back ache with it now! !
Glad all is okay with baby kholl, such a relief.

Ah mictho what a nightmare for you, its annoying not knowing if its the start or not. Could be your body clearing out in preparation.

Lulie I feel your pain! I had so much pressure and pain in the last few weeks, anything was uncomfortable, walking, sleeping, getting up from sofa etc. It was hell. Not too long now tho and you'll have your body back and baby in your arms.

Does anyone know if baby needs to be registered before informing child tax credits of their arrival? I cant remember if their birth certificate is needed or not x
Morning everyone. Glad all was ok kholl. It's such a worry isn't it.
Hopejoy how are you getting on?

Day 8 of being overdue for me. Seriously fed up now. I want to cry at the smallest things. It's such a struggle to try and be upbeat right now. I've been off work 4 weeks tomorrow and I am done with 'enjoying your time alone' 'chilling' 'sleeping'. Im fed up of feeling lonely too when oh has gone to work. It's awful.

Roxy sorry I can't say about the tax credits thing I have no clue.
Just think lexi got to 9 days over before anything happened ... That's only tomorrow, so there is some hope :) x
I don't think it'll happen on its own. Baby is lateral right side & she said yesterday I'll need some strong contractions to get baby to turn and the bh's I've been getting I don't feel that strong because of baby's position. I've resigned myself for another 4 sleeps & then baby will be on its way as induction is booked for Sunday.
Aww, but 4 sleeps isn't too bad, I can feel your pain though I'm carrying just over 12lbs of baby and I have never been so uncomfortable in my life I cannot wait for this pregnancy to be over x
MrsB I don't envy you one bit. You can't have long left either though can you? X
I'm having a section next week when I'm 37 weeks as the first one is footling breech, they will be worth it when they are here :) I remember being overdue with my son though and I hated every minute so I am grateful to not have the waiting around this time, but you are doing really well at least you know you are only days away from having your baby in your arms x
Absolutely lol ... 6 sleeps to go :) ... I think we are all as bad as each other for counting down to babies :) you still having no signs? X
No nothing at all. I'm off for a walk in a bit not that it'll do much I've been walking so much these last 4 weeks and still not a thing happening :rofl:
Your baby is clearly very comfortable in there, I can't even think of anything to suggest that you won't have already tried either x
Hey ladies,

Nothing to report here, this baby is not moving out and I've tried everything to get him going.
Glad all ok Kholl, It scary when they do that. When I went in he perked up as soon as I was attached to the machines! X
Haha I have tried litterally everything and nothing has worked.

When I went in last time for reduced movements the mw was talking to me and telling me that the machines they use use some kind of sonar which the baby's can hear which is what gets them moving, little interesting fact.
Ah that makes sense to why they get giddy when we are wired up :) x

Still surprised these August babies are hanging on.

Nothing here either; so bored and too warm! Not like me at all but I just can't take the heat the last few months, luckily my heating system doubles as air con so running it on 16 (!) Degrees haha!

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