***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Back from midwife bany still not engaged measuring 38cm all good just gotta wait now back ache has returned currently sat on ball booked in Aug 30th where MW will do a sweep if I request one x
Oh Summer, so many hugs. The end is brutal already and going over is just horrific emotionally. I know in France they don't calculate your due date until 41 weeks, why don't they just do that everywhere, it would save women so much heartache! I know it feels like forever but you won't believe how quickly the anguish of these days is forgotten when you are holding that sweet baby in your arms. So, so soon!
1st was 12 days late 2nd was 4 days late!!!! I'm praying this little monkey doesn't follow suit x
Still having contractions getting more intense but still 10 mins apart. Its been a long 24 hours.... I'm at home
On my ball wondering if i've dialted anymore xxx
Still having contractions getting more intense but still 10 mins apart. Its been a long 24 hours.... I'm at home
On my ball wondering if i've dialted anymore xxx

Keep having baths, when I was in labour with my son it bought the contractions on more, I think I had 4 baths that night, plus it eases them when you are in it, but give it a go x
Fingers crossed things will pick up for you Hopejoy!

Doctor today was a very young just qualified doc and when she felt my stomach she remarked he was large, makes me feel even more nervous than I already am about the birth!

These last few weeks are bloody brutal!
Congratulations Lexi. Hope a few more August babes will follow quickly now.
Congratulations lexi!!!!! Good much hopejoy -hope things are happening swiftly for you xx
Im contracting ever 3 mins im kept in hosp - only 3cm
Dilated tho x
Well I'm headed to be monitored for majorly decreased movements over the last 24 hours :( Freaking out.
Hope things speed up for you hopejoy and your having baby cuddles soon.

Hope all is well at the hospital kholl, its such a worry when they have quiet days! Especially being so close to the end. X
Glad everything is o kholl, they know how to scare us don't they

That's some good progression hope joy ... How are you feeling? How are you getting on? Hope your baby is in your arms very soon x

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