***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Sorry ladies i was trying to catch some Zzzz's but i'm still contracting - thats been 12 hours surly somethings happening x
Congrats Lexi, so glad he's here! Your labour sounds scary and painful, hope you'll be allowed home soon.

Hope joy hope Hope you get some sleep!

Last night I was sure I was having contractions, they were pretty painful but not very long but they died down after a few hours so officially overdue now! Summer I've joined the club!
These babies sure like to tease us I woke up twice in the night hoping to be in pain or my waters to go but nothing!! Hopefully all signs things will progress soon got midwife this afternoon which will hopefully be my last appointment!
Huge congratulations lexi! Well done mama! Sorry it was long and difficult but he's here and you're both well. Fab news xx
Woohoo congrats Lexi, sorry it was a long one, but he is here to give you cuddles now :)

Hope joy, we are all going to be looking out for updates now, I am sure this is it for you, good luck!

I had a couple of teases last night, belly went really tight and painful for about 40 seconds... then nothing for about half hour so thought that maybe it was it, but alas I have not been woken up by anything else!

Have a good day ladies x
Yeah I think the mw will do a sweep today again but not 100% I'll ask her anyways to do one.

Ah nicki welcome to the club. It's not a pretty club you'll probably hate it but hopefully you won't be in it for long!
I'm so jealous of you guys and all your symptoms haha! Just had my (hopefully) last doctors appointment. Got a midwife appointment on the 25th if he's not here before.

Out and about today meeting a friend for lunch and doing abit of shopping. My mum has asked me what I will do if my waters break in the shopping mall, but I can't see that happening to be honest! No signs of anything happening here, I'm just very achy walking about.
Ah yay lexi! Congratulations! I want my girly here now!

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Good God, the bouncing ladies on my chest hurt today... they feel quite heavy, but they are properly sore, like you get before aunt flo normally arrives! Hope it's a sign of things to come, I have the mw on Thursday, would like to have given birth before then! Here's to hoping/dreaming/praying/wishing Haha!

I am currently looking after my 18month old nephew, he is fast asleep and looks soooooooooo cute, it's making me want my boy here now! Just a couple of days left until due date for me!
Congrats Lexi xx

Wifey has had a quiet 24 hours, nothing at all - no pains or signs. MW on Thursday wifey hoping for a sweep before she see's consultant next Thursday for an induction date which we're led to believe will be the same day or Friday. Wifey is desperate to go of her own accord, so fingers crossed!
KirstyLeigh are you planning on breastfeeding? Heavy and sore breasts are a good sign then, seems like your body is preparing to feed your LO.

Today was my last day all alone before baby arrives. I'm gonna pick up DS at daycare now and OH has changed his arrangements at work to work at home, starting tomorrow. I wanted to do some more nesting but forced myself to enjoy my time alone.
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Flo yes I am planning on breastfeeding, I did think it was probably a good thing they were feeling like this... I just wish it was a sign that little man was on his way! Lol x
Saw the midwife today my last appt with her. All was exactly the same as last week. Cervix was very soft, bishop score still 5. She done another sweep I'm not in the slightest bit hopeful. I actually feel quite down today. Somebody I know who was due after me has given birth already. It's all so depressing.

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