***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Fingers crossed it's something starting for you, Mictho!
Gill, your lo looks adorable.
Kholl: I hope you manage to get some rest with your mum there. It must be reassuring to have her around.

Baby is having a party inside my bump tonight. I wouldn't mind it being a 'goodbye tummy!' party, but at least I can still count down to due date and tell myself she'll be here by then.
MrsB nope nothing. I've had my show I get a few bh's but other than that nothing. I'm hoping I'm one of the ones that have no signs then bam... labour!
Im having pains every 8-10 mins

Have no idea whats happening started at 7.30pm now 11.30pm they were 20 mins apart and slowly getn closer!'i'm scared my unit says call when every 5 mins xx
Oh wow, don't be scared ... Just think that after each pain it is one less to have until you meet your little bundle of joy ... Good luck x
Im having pains every 8-10 mins

Have no idea whats happening started at 7.30pm now 11.30pm they were 20 mins apart and slowly getn closer!'i'm scared my unit says call when every 5 mins xx

Sounds good! It's difficult when you're stressed, but you should try to sleep a bit. I certainly wish I slept more the night DS was born. You will wake up in time from the pain and you'll need your energy! Good luck!
Third time lucky? I remember being told that a sweep was only done well if you felt like you were being forced through the wall behind you x
Baby George Peter James Kenward arrived safely and naturally at 6.33 pm weighing 8lbs 12 oz and he's just so perfect ������

Ladies I had a horrendous labour. 18 hours, 12 hours of that just on gas and air, then I had epidural as I was only 4 cms after 12 hours! It was horrible. Then I was put on the hormone drip as my contractions died..... Then I pushed him out in 8 minutes when I finally went fully dilated! I was very nearly rushed off for a sodding c section..... But he's here now and he's just so beautiful. He's massive and he feeds like an absolute King..... I am just so glad.

Hope joy how's it going?! Xxx
Oh welcome baby George! Lexi I'm SO sorry to hear labor was so difficult. I'm telling you, when your water breaks first it's a whole different ballgame. I was in screaming agony for hours with my first after having my water break first and the only reason I didn't have an epidural was the birth center didn't carry ANY pain relief drugs of any kind. Or else I'm telling you I would've taken them all! Anyway so so glad he's here and you feel good! Can't wait to see pictures!
Baby George Peter James Kenward arrived safely and naturally at 6.33 pm weighing 8lbs 12 oz and he's just so perfect ������

Ladies I had a horrendous labour. 18 hours, 12 hours of that just on gas and air, then I had epidural as I was only 4 cms after 12 hours! It was horrible. Then I was put on the hormone drip as my contractions died..... Then I pushed him out in 8 minutes when I finally went fully dilated! I was very nearly rushed off for a sodding c section..... But he's here now and he's just so beautiful. He's massive and he feeds like an absolute King..... I am just so glad.

Hope joy how's it going?! Xxx

Welcome to the world baby George, even though it wasn't a walk in the park I am glad everything is ok :)

And he's a fab size ) x
Welcome baby George! lexi i hope ur well. Huge congrats to u and ur family xxx

Im bk from cmu - im onlt 2cm dilated and had a show. They sent me home... Going to try and sleep
Now xx
Hope you manage to get some sleep hopejoy.

Congrats lexi! He's a great weight. Sorry to hear labour was tough. Cant wait to see a pic of George xx
Are you still getting pains hopejoy? Get some well deserved rest I imagine it's been a long night for you x

Congratulations Lexi! Sorry to hear you had such a long labour. This boy certainly loves to keep his mummy waiting! But... He's here now! Yay! Enjoy! Did Sofia meet him already?

Get a good rest, hopejoy. Maybe you'll have the next August baby today!
Congrats on baby George Lexi, well done getting through that, sounds like it was a rough one!!
Aw massive congrats lexi! How are you feeling after that long labour?

Hopejoy how are you this morning?

1 week over due for me today. Been away since 530 and thoroughly pissed off now :(
Sorry summer your feeling so pissed off. Cant believe your a week over due now. Must be very frustrating. Is midwife gonna do another sweep today? When is your induction booked for? X

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