***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Lexi you are such a trooper!

Summer how are you feeling?

My mom gets here TOMORROW. I can't freaking wait! Then I have a week of things planned cause I'll have her here to help. Massages, dates, lunch with a friend, the dentist (barf), yoga classes... It will be so nice!
I am fed up, tired, irritated, hormonal... The usual overdue pregnant woman feelings :rofl:

Nice your mum is arriving tomorrow kholl hopefully you'll be able to enjoy yourself :)
Hope you can catch up on some sleep kholl whilst your mum is staying.

What's happening with all the babies, especially the over due ones?! Hope you ladies aren't waiting too much longer x
Good morning ladies - my waters broke at 12.30!! Currently in the bath, contractions started as soon as my waters broke. Wish me luck!! Xxx
Oh my god that's amazing :)

Good luck, and cannot wait to hear your good news and see a very cute pic of your boy :) x
Omg Lexi, I'm so bloody excited for you! Fingers crossed for a quick birth!

OH helped with the dinner yesterday so it wasn't as bad as I thought it might be, though definitely noticed I'd swelled up abit in my feet after being stood on them for a few hours..taking it easy today!
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Omg lexi this is so exciting! Hope you're doing OK and progressing nicely xxx
Yey Lexi, the psychic lady was only a day out! Will be stalking this thread for updates!

How's everyone else doing? I'm officially due today!
Happy Due date Nicki! Hope you're not waiting too much longer to meet your little bundle!

I'm 39 weeks today! He's officially full term..hurray!
Yay Lexi! Hope everything goes well and will be back to keep an eye on you announcing the arrival! Eep! There is movement in the August babies! Time to start shifting some more!
Good luck Lexi!!

Wifey had BH most of the night - so we've not had much sleep. Pain started at about 1.45am and stopped around 3am, they didn't become regular or closer apart. Wifey is downstairs looking after our 3yo and doing as much as possible to hopefully brnig things on, I'm upstairs in my office working! Wifey is 38 weeks today, induction booked for next Thursday but thinking he'll be here by then!
Yay, Lexi! I hope birth goes a bit faster for you after all this waiting!

Happy due date, Nicki. We can't all go overdue, maybe your baby will be nice and arrive today or tomorrow :-)

Enjoy the rest today, Lullie.

OH doesn't understand I'm feeling bored. Doesn't understand I'm not reading books or watching movies all day now I have the time. I tried to explain it's different when you're busy all week and have an evening or a day in the weekend to do that. And definitely if you're only waiting for this baby to be here and nothing else seems very interesting... Well he still thinks I'm crazy not enjoying these weeks at home more ;-) At the same time he's one of these people who answer work email during holidays so you'd think he would actually understand, but I don't think he realizes that. I know he will at least join 1 video call for work every week during his paternity leave, while he's busy in the garden or cleaning the garage when baby sleeps, but I am weird for wanting to be busy with something more useful than watching TV all day. Lol.
YAY Lexi!!! Hope you're doing ok and you now have your baby in your arms. Exciting.

Happy due date nicki.

Hopefully your wife won't need the induction Michael.

I am day 6 over due today. It is pure mental torture being overdue and just waiting around. Flo I totally understand I think we all do. Others can't understand why I'm not enjoying my time more and when I try to explain I've geared everything up to be off with my baby & i don't want to be alone enjoying my time anymore they just don't understand.
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Fab - good luck Lexi!!!! Newborn snuggles for you!!!! Xx

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