***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Milk drunk!!! Hope you are all well? Xx


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So gorgeous he is Gill!

Keep popping in here to see if there's any updates, hopefully we will be seeing plenty of August babe's showing up soon!
Keep popping in here to see if there's any updates, hopefully we will be seeing plenty of August babe's showing up soon!

Let's hope so!
I keep checking in for an update from Lexi!

Aw Gill just gorgeous. How are you getting on?
Happy due date Nick :-) hope u go on time xxx

I'm 2 days over due - had strong contractions lastnight now easing off.... I've researched ' latent phrase ' as my midwife said this is whats happening.

wow Lexi!!!! I hope ur well & that baby of yours is here xxx

GillM - you baby is soooo gorgeous congratulations xxxxx

Hope everyone else is well :-)

I'm also constantly checking for news from lexi, I hope she is a trigger for more of you to go into labour :) x
I can't see it happening, got no symptoms or signs other than being in a bad mood! :)
Aww, I had no pre labour symptoms with my first if that's any help?

You never know, he may Spring the element of surprise on you x
I'm probably reading to much into it but my little doggies are very clingy today I have one on my lap and one squeezed in next to me! my friend said her cat acted clingy before she went so who knows.

Mrsb thank you that makes me feel better, if the waters don't break but your contractions start do they start suddenly or do you start getting aches?
Lovely pic gill. They are so cute when milk drunk.

Happy due date Nicki, hopefully your not waiting long.

I hope your having lovely newborn cuddles lexi.

I have two poorly and unsettled girls, don't think I slept at all last night! So tired today. Harper has hay fever which is making her grumpy and sneezing loads, and India has trapped wind. Just been to get some infacol so fingers crossed it helps a bit. On the plus side HV came today and India is weighing 6lb 10.5oz, well past her birth weight. I'm not surprised as she loves milk! Will quite easily polish off 3-4oz in one go. Hope everyone is well x
I'm probably reading to much into it but my little doggies are very clingy today I have one on my lap and one squeezed in next to me! my friend said her cat acted clingy before she went so who knows.

Mrsb thank you that makes me feel better, if the waters don't break but your contractions start do they start suddenly or do you start getting aches?

Mine started, then when I went to hospital a midwife broke my waters as I had been have contractions for about 24 hours and it wasn't progressing fast, then 5 hours later he was in my arms :)
The contractions started properly when they started x
Nicki, I had symptoms for weeks and none at all on my due date. That night my waters broke and DS was born. So it is possible today will be the day for you!

I hope the infacol will help, Roxy. It's so frustrating when they are poorly and there's nothing you can do about it...

Lexi, I hope you're enjoying the first hours with your newborn now!
Lexi dying for an update! Can't wait for pictures of sweet baby George.

I tell myself every pregnancy that I'm gonna savor those last weeks before baby and not get impatient but EVERY time I hut that wall and am over it! I swear some kind of hormonal shift happens in a woman's brain and she gets into "get-baby-out" overdrive. There's no escaping it.

It helps immensely that my mom gets here today and I have this week full of plans. But that only gets me to 39 weeks. I'm sure at 41+ I'll be losing my mind.

So yeah, going over is agony. I wish they would change our due dates to 41 weeks or even 42 so it would feel every time like our babies were coming early!
Changing due dates is a fab idea, at least you have that latest date in your mind :)

I'm grateful I'm only going to 37 weeks this time ... Makes it much shorter ... Not any more bearable though, I have been wishing them out for weeks ... I have had enough now x
Nicki I've been told by loads of people they never had any signs then all of a sudden either their waters broke or their contractions started. I'm hoping that's how I go. I keep thinking every time I go to bed that I hope to be woken up by a contraction. Still hasn't happened yet.

Ah roxy hope your girls get better soon.

Have you all had good days?
I've been on a 3 hour walk but I bet it still doesn't get this 6 day overdue baby moving!

I do hope lexi is doing well. Can't wait for an update:)
wonder how Lexi is getting on.

Summer let's hope that's us. Today! I always brave myself for my waters going when I wake up for a wee at night!
I've had bad and stomach ache this afternoon but nothing major! I'm going to take dogs for a walk later, thing is I can't walk far enough to get things going!
I hope Lexi is enjoying cuddles!

I have realised I am the next one due! Scary thought!

Went for a walk around my local town centre today, it was funny, all the pregnant women, especially those as far gone as us, would look at each other, smile as if to say, I feel your pain in this heat! It was rather funny to see! It did me good to get me out and walking although my PPGP is now killing me so it's an evening on the bouncy ball!

OH is determined that he only wants to be at work three days this week, so wants me to order a hot curry on Thursday night (he works Saturday and Thursday is his day off for working saturday) I will give him the news that the maternity support worker came out to do my home visit and safe sleeping/breast feeding talk and she recommends sex and sex only! So will give him the news when he gets home from work soon!
I've had period pains and constant low back ache since lunchtime and just lost more of my plug hoping this is the start of things altho knowing my body these pains will last the next 2 wks so trying not to get hopes up x
Mictho sound promising.
Kirsty that's funny to see isn't it. It's like nothing needs to be said just a look and a smile/nod to know what a stranger pregnant woman is thinking lol

Aw nicki I hope it happens soon. I have mw tomorrow as I'll be 41weeks I'm hoping I don't make the appointment!
Mictho sound promising.
Kirsty that's funny to see isn't it. It's like nothing needs to be said just a look and a smile/nod to know what a stranger pregnant woman is thinking lol

Aw nicki I hope it happens soon. I have mw tomorrow as I'll be 41weeks I'm hoping I don't make the appointment!

Are you having any signs? X

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