I hope Lexi is enjoying cuddles!
I have realised I am the next one due! Scary thought!
Went for a walk around my local town centre today, it was funny, all the pregnant women, especially those as far gone as us, would look at each other, smile as if to say, I feel your pain in this heat! It was rather funny to see! It did me good to get me out and walking although my PPGP is now killing me so it's an evening on the bouncy ball!
OH is determined that he only wants to be at work three days this week, so wants me to order a hot curry on Thursday night (he works Saturday and Thursday is his day off for working saturday) I will give him the news that the maternity support worker came out to do my home visit and safe sleeping/breast feeding talk and she recommends sex and sex only! So will give him the news when he gets home from work soon!