***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Sounds like a good sign flo!

We've got the angel care monitor that has the sensory pad that can go in the moses basket or cot that sounds an alarm if the breathing stops but I know I'll still check constantly!
I STILL check my kids' breathing at night and they are almost 2 and almost 5 years old! I get it!!!

Flo very exciting!

I am 38 weeks today. And soooo tired.
Slowed down after 3 hours... only some annoying back ache left.
Oh, it's cot death, that literally translates to how we call it in Dutch. Such a scarry thing... I'm one of these mums too. I still check my boy at least 2 times before I go to sleep and again in the morning when he sleeps long. The first weeks I checked him almost every hour, as long as we still swaddled him.
Let's hope for some babies this weekend!
Yes Flo, this is part of why I cosleep, is I need to be able to check on my baby constantly through the night! Sorry that fizzled out for you, I had so much prodromal labor with my second but then actual labor went very fast so it was worth it.

Just had my 38-week appointment, all looks good, she offered to check my cervix but I refused as I don't want to get excited. Or discouraged.
Yes Flo, this is part of why I cosleep, is I need to be able to check on my baby constantly through the night! Sorry that fizzled out for you, I had so much prodromal labor with my second but then actual labor went very fast so it was worth it.

Just had my 38-week appointment, all looks good, she offered to check my cervix but I refused as I don't want to get excited. Or discouraged.

I had it with my first too, so it's nothing new :-( I do like to think it means actual labour will be shorter :-) I just have more difficulty with it this time as I really want to get DS with one of my sisters when it happens and they live furthest away of close family. They're the only ones I really trust to not get him all excited and worried. They'd just play with him and only talk about the baby if he asks about it, and my youngest sister is the only person he ever asks for a cuddle, he just adores her. But if I want one of them to come over, I need to call them in time so now everytime I feel something I immediately keep track of it to call them if necessary. I just hope baby'll come when he's at daycare with his friends and we don't need a babysitter.

Good everything is OK with baby! Smart of you not to let her check, sometimes it's better if you don't know. Do you have a babysitter nearby you can count on?
I've had an evening of baby being very active & I'm full of dull achy period cramp pains. Taken myself off to bed now & hoping I wake in a few hours in pain ... I doubt it'll happen tho lol
Oooh summer SOMETHING is happening- very good signs!

Flo my mom is flying up on Monday (3 days!!!) and staying for close to a month. I don't know what the hell I would do otherwise cause my son FREAKS OUT if I leave him with ANYONE other than a beloved grandparent or his daddy or his aunt and uncle. I know I will be able to relax so much once my mom gets here and will be at our house round the clock. The help leading up to when baby comes will be invaluable too.
We got discharged late yesterday, and Victoria is currently fast asleep in my arms, as she refuses to be put down in the night, perfectly happy to be put down in the day though, and will sleep for 3-4 hours.


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Awwww! Welcome sweet Victoria! And what a proud big brother. Rest and recover and enjoy those newborn snuggles! Gosh I just can not wait.
Lovely photos flinty. They both look so cute. Glad your home now. What is it with babies only wanting to sleep whilst being cuddled at night?! India is the same yet will sleep perfectly in her Moses basket in the day! Saying that the other night she did sleep 4-8.30am in her crib. Longest she's been in it at night lol. X
Happy birthday summer, wouldn't it be lovely if your present was baby coming today! Hope you have a nice day xx
Oh Flinty, she's absolutely gorgeous! Congrats again!

Happy Birthday Summer and fx baby makes an appearance today!
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I pmd fairy princess a while back as we share due dates but haven't heard anything x
Adorable flinty. Glad you are now home.

Thanks ladies :)

The cramps amounted to nothing & ive woken up this morning, day 4 overdue with disappointment that's it hasn't happened. Still, at least I get to scoff loads of cake today!

Lexi, how are you doing? I am hoping you've laboured over night & are guna give us our next August baby! One of us has to share a birthday with me surely lol
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Happy birthday summer,

Flinty loving the photos! Glad you're home!

Nothing to report here other than being wide awake at 6am having only fallen asleep at 3.30. Usually I fall asleep about then but sleep till 8/9 on the plus side the washing us done and on the line so been productive!

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