***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

What a lovely bump kholl.
Aw lexi I am sure you don't look like that at all woman!
I'm not sure why it's acceptable for people to tell pregnant ladies they're massive, or their skin is bad ... come on as if some of us don't feel like crap already!

How are you doing roxy? How is India?

Here's me 2 days ago on due date.

I'm hoping for a baby sometime soon! I have been having tightenings all day and when I walk she is so low that it hurts to walk and feels like she is right on my cervix!

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Lexi I have no words of wisdom as I went absolutely insane when I went over with my first. I was a mess. I even resorted to drinking castor oil it was a nightmare. BUT I mostly went crazy because I was desperate to give birth at the birth center and if I went over 41 weeks I would have to be in the hospital. So if I hadn't had that stupid arbitrary cutoff date I would have felt better. Luckily she came at 40+6 (though according to my dates it was actually 41+3, but when I realized my dates were off I didn't say anything cause I didn't want to miss the cutoff!). I feel you girl!!!
Michael oh wow that is so cool! My best friend has Cerebal Palsy and cystic fibrosis and she is currently undergoing fertility treatment etc so I think that is really positive that your wife has managed to carry babies how wonderful is that! My friend is mobile so I wonder if she will be the same when she falls pregnant, I assume they won't want her going overdue either. If you don't mind I will tell her that I know of it being successful, she's terrified she won't be able to carry a child so this is massive hope for her :D xxx

Of course I don't mind. My wife is amazing that she is having to go through this difficult time nearing the end of her pregnancy and looking after our 3 year old. I couldn't love her more. Baring high blood pressure with our first near the end (which can be normal for anyone) my wife has had no issues at all carrying our children. Of course her disability makes some things difficult and she occasionally loses her balance but it has never affected the pregnancy.

I also, with her permission, have a bump photo from last week (36+4):


Michael x


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Victoria Robyn Grace was born today at 9.05am. I don't recommend a quick labour- it was so painful. I was 3cm at 6.55, and they were talking about sending me to a ward. At 7.55 I was checked again and I was 6cm, she arrived at 9.05 with the help of a suction cap because her heart rate was dropping. We are still in hospital at the moment. I'll post a pic when we get home as the Internet connection is poor here.
Flipping hell Flinty - congratulations! That is quick.... I hope you're okay!! Let us know when you're home and tell us all about life with a new born!!

Thanks Michael, that's excellent isn't it, how lovely for you both :D Bet you can't wait to have your bub! x
Congratulations flinty :)

Lexi just think of it as each day you go over there are less possible days left ... You know they won't let you get to 14 days over (I know you don't want inducing) so you know there is a maximum of 8 days to go which is a week tomorrow ... I don't think you will get that far but it's something to focus on x
Kholl I am 40+6 today :o I hope so much this baby appears tonight or tomorrow - I don't want to be pregnant any more! Considering my first was on time/a few days late this is hideous! x
Thanks all! I just want her here when she's ready which is hopefully soon!

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Congratulations flinty!

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Congrats flinty.

I've been for a long walk down the beach to watch the red arrows and eat icecream - not even a twinge other than in my feet and hips! Feel like I've got a bad tummy coming though, it feels weird!
Congrats flinty, hope your both home soon.

Fingers crossed its the start for you aes.

Were good thanks summer, India is so chilled, complete opposite to harper lol. Doesn't like sleeping anywhere but on me at night tho, I'm not getting much sleep tbh but she's only little still. Lovely bump, it looks low, that's good. Hopefully baby will be here soon.

Hope everyone is well. Xx
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Aw congrats flinty! Hope you're doing ok.
Michael lovely bump pic of your wife and so lovely that she's doing ok with pregnancy.

Glad you're doing good roxy. I bet you are just loving the cuddles! How is she at night time does she wake a lot?

i went out this evening and had to walk just under a mile to the bus stop as oh has the car for work and then coming home had the same walk. It was a struggle and my back was killing me but bless my neighbour, she drove past me and realised it was me, dropped the others off that were in her car & came back and got me. I love the fact we have some really lovely neighbours it makes me feel at ease knowing they're there if ever I need anything & oh isn't around.

Anybody else been up to anything this evening?
Aw congrats flinty! Hope you're doing ok.
Michael lovely bump pic of your wife and so lovely that she's doing ok with pregnancy.

Glad you're doing good roxy. I bet you are just loving the cuddles! How is she at night time does she wake a lot?

i went out this evening and had to walk just under a mile to the bus stop as oh has the car for work and then coming home had the same walk. It was a struggle and my back was killing me but bless my neighbour, she drove past me and realised it was me, dropped the others off that were in her car & came back and got me. I love the fact we have some really lovely neighbours it makes me feel at ease knowing they're there if ever I need anything & oh isn't around.

Anybody else been up to anything this evening?

If she sleeps on my chest or next to me in bed she sleeps well, as soon as I put her in her crib or Moses basket she wakes up and wont go back to sleep until being cuddled again. I'm not too worried ATM as she's still tiny and needs reassurance. Although I co slept at times with harper I don't want to get back into that habit, plus I never sleep properly when she's next to me as I'm too worried to move. The other night tho she slept in my bed from 1am until 8am without waking, it took harper well over 18 months to sleep 7 hours straight! X
Congratulations flinty!

My back is killing me tonight. Wouldn't mind if it would be the start of things, but it's probably just another useless ache...

Oh my God, Kholl, I can't believe anyone would say such a thing to a pregnant woman! And I don't understand why there are people who have a problem with others who have 3 or more children. OK, honestly I would look if someone with 10 children passes me in the street. But even then it's their choice and nothing to judge. Probably she just hated kids.
Congrats Flinty!! Look forward to seeing a pic of your little bub!

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