***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Lexi you are doing well I only went over a few days with my son and I was evil for all of those days ... So glad I'm not going over this time

Flo have you tried putting a flattish pillow under the curve of your back? So it stays the same direction it would be under your head but goes in the natural curve of your spine but then lie on your side, also with a pillow between the knees ... It sometimes works for me x

I can't sleep either, been up since 6am and feeling very sicK! I don't remember what comfy is anymore, my back is ok if I'm sat up but slouched but if I'm sat up too straight or laid down then it's bad!

My cravings seem to have come back - I really really want steak!
Hey all xx
Cant sleep woke up my boobs are leaking soooo much tonight ( havnt leaked at all )
Officially 40 plus 1 now. Backs sore tho.... But would said mid section. Xx
I think there are a few squatters ladies, either that or your insides are clearly just like heaven x

Morning ladies. How we all doing?
Baby is still very much taking up room inside me, it obviously didn't want to come and give mummy the best birthday present ever :(

Loads of people keep telling me they went into labour with no real signs with their first so I'm hoping mine happens like that as the signs so far haven't been that great.

I'm at a loss now as to what to do for the next few days whilst oh is home from work. This overdue malarkey is really boring stuff!
Hoping that the magic lady was right and that Lexi is well on her way now?! all digits crossed!

Nothing here, nothing at all.. had a bright idea to make a sunday dinner for 7 and a newborn today, (Im sure pregnancy makes me not think straight at all) and have been tossing and turning all night so it'll probably be a long day.

Hope everyone else has a relaxing Sunday!
Lilies scrap the roast and do a bbq but get someone else to cook it (: sounds good though, I love roast dinners!

Nothing to report here but I did get some sleep so that's a bonus! Does anyone else brace themselves for the waters going every time they get up for a wee?

Oh I forgot about the Psychic lady, ooo fingers crossed!
Lulie you are mad. I would totally sack off cooking for that many and just chill!
Keep getting intense pressure in my bottoms and lots of BH and low back pain maybe it's all down to too much hubby cuddles last night and this morning lol I hate all this teasing!!
I went 11 days over with my first so I'm dreading it this time. It wasn't too bad though to be fair. Hope all the babies start coming soon!

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Fingers crossed for Lexi!
Lullie I'm with Nicki: prepare some simple side salad and let your OH do a barbecue. You shouldn't be standing in the kitchen for hours now. :-)

MrsB: it helped a bit, at least I managed to sleep. :-)
Oh fab :)

Apart from lexi, mainly because she is so overdue, there's a chance some of us September mummies will start overtaking soon x

Good afternoon team!! I am gutted to say that I am not in labour yet but I still have 11 hours of the day left, so you never know!

Well, I have been doing okay being overdue but today on the way to do a food shop I had an emotional breakdown in the car and just sobbed uncontrollably for a few minutes, I am just feeling the pressure literally in my groin! Lol I don't know what came over me but I cried like a baby. Poor adam probably thinks I am mad!

Did a good food shop with loads of stuff as this time next week we will definitely have a baby one way or the other. I am just at a loss of what to do! I don't know what to actually do with myself, I want to go exploring and go to the beach and take my dogs on nice scenic walks etc but I am no way able to do that right now!

Sofia comes home in the morning poor kid I will get her friend's mum to take her out for the day tomorrow as she did offer that a few days ago just so my poor child can have some fun this holiday.

I can't believe 3 of us at least now are overdue. It is so bloody typical isn't it, I am 9 days over today in case anyone wanted to know lol :rofl:

What you guys doing today? xx
Mrs B there is a big chance I think! We have all made their homes too comfy for the past 9 months that they don't want to leave! I have definitely run out of space and keep telling him that there is more room to stretch out here! But he won't listen!

Lexi I hope the psychic was right and you are in the throes of labour, I admire you for hanging on overdue for so long! I am getting fed up now and I am not due until Friday! I keep getting lots of teasing but nothing coming of it! Oh is watching the football this afternoon (something I would normally do with him as we are both big football fans) but I feel the need to tidy out my wardrobe, so going to be doing that instead. It's really muggy here today, I am literally a hot, sticky, huge mess!
I hope the magic lady is right and today is my day too, that would literally be amazing! We shall see.

Yeah I remember the last week before actually being due and feeling fed up, then due date came and went and well, not a lot has changed since that! LOL!

Are you in UK kirsty? It is muggy here in the south of england too xx
It's muggy in the the north west too

Lexi you are doing amazing, you should be proud of yourself I would driving myself insane if it was me.

I'm out of space now too ... Only have 9 more sleeps to go though unless something happens before hand which would be good but also not good at the same time, I don't fancy ringing 999 or having an emergency section though x
Yeah I am, muggy in the Midlands!

Oh I am sure I will be fed up until the time comes for him to vacate, whether that is naturally or with a little help!

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