***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Enjoy your cake Summer! I'm really hoping it's happening for Lexi at last!

Nothing here either Nicki, managed to sleep until 8 though so quite chuffed with that! Dishwasher emptied, cats fed and let out, and going to go to do abit of shopping in a bit. One of my cravings is fizzy water so I need to go get a new gas canister for the Sodastream.. I actually get panicky if it starts running out! haha!
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Morning ladies!!!

Massive happy birthday to you Summer, bloody hell I HOPE I have a child that shares your birthday :rofl: but DAY 8 OF BEING OVERDUE TODAY!!! And nothing.

Last night I had 2 CONTRACTIONS!! Like actual contractions, couldn't talk or barely breathe through them, lasted 45 seconds each then NOTHING. They were about 15 mins apart from each other. That was my taster I know it was, it was a slap in the face reminder of how painful it is, and now I am a little anxious for the real thing because I suddenly remember what it is like. I am hoping as I have had a few of these little teasers that when the real thing hits it will be a quick ish birth.

Do you know what I haven't seen anything from fairyprincess in a long time, I wonder where she's gone?! And if she's alright? Hmm might send her a private message, chances are she won't get it if she doesn't log on any more but no harm in trying eh.

Day 3 of refusing to leave the house today :lol: and its also day 3 of not putting a bra on and I feel liberated by this :rofl: Adam has taken the dogs for a walk this morning and I am childless so I plan on doing nothing but eat and watch TV because I am massively on strike. Who can blame me this overdue lol.

What are you lovely lot doing this weekend?! xxxx
Happy Birthday Summer! Hope you have an extra special present arriving today!

I am meeting up with my friends that I met at college, we are going for a meal tonight, as one of them and her oh are emigrating to Australia next month, which I will miss them for, but good on them!

I had an evening full of BH last night, was quite a bit of period pain and a bad back... I hate that my body teases me!
Why are ALL of us being teased so badly! It is so weird that we are all having labour signs and nothing is coming of any of them! I am so ready for the pain now! xx
Lots if BH here also our babies are big teases lol off to a wedding night do with hubby this evening 30 mins away starts at 7 doubt we will be there late as usually in bed about 9pm lol both our daughters have gone to the seaside with Nanny and grandad this weekend so a.good.weekend for baby to come lol wishful thinking I know x
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Happy Birthday Summer xxx
Happy DUE DAY to me..... Nothing....:
:-( xxx
Hurry up babies - august babies are being soooooo laid back!!!! Xxxd
Thanks you lovely lot.

Happy due date hope joy.

Our bodies really are evil aren't they, all this teasing!! I'm still amazed there aren't more babies already and were pretty much half way through the month!

Not too much planned here for me, over to my mums for a family afternoon of food for my birthday and also a little leaving do for my brother as he is off tomorrow. Then were guna have a cheese and cracker night with a film later on, I was hoping I'd be able to enjoy a glass of red with it too but no such luck! Then we have nothing else planned for the next 3 days that OH is off. I'm hoping now he is off for 4 days with me I'll be more relaxed and maybe baby will come!

Oh god Lexi reading that has scared me a little for these pains, as much as I can't wait to feel them I'm so anxious for them!
Happy birthday, summer! Fingers crossed for a shared birthday with your baby next year!

Our bumps are just too comfortable it seems, these babies really don't want to leave! Being halfway August you'd expect more babies here.

My mother suddenly has to work on mother's day Monday so we'll just have a quiet weekend. As it's only regional, it's not mother's day for me. ;-) We'll probably work in the garden some more. I'm not looking forward to next week: absolutely nothing planned, not even a mw appointment, my best friend will be gone on her trip around the world by then... At the moment buying groceries is the most exciting thing I planned until due date. We could be eating cake with OH's family for some birthday but he wanted a relaxed weekend at home. Very nice when you're working, but sooo boring when pregnant...
The prodromal labor is so frustrating, but it IS all doing something! I read a birth story referring to the prodromal labor as the "first room" of labor- sometimes you stay in that first room for days or a week before entering the "second room" (active labor) but you are still in the right house! It's not false or doing nothing, it WILL make active labor quicker and more effective!

Lexi hope that baby makes his appearance tomorrow- day 9 is what the magic woman said right?

Summer happy birthday!!!
Happy due date Hopejoy!!!

Kholl yes tomorrow is day 9 overdue and the magic woman said the 14th August - Good description of the room thing, yes at least I know I am dilated a little as when I have had both sweeps I have been a little dilated and almost 3cm last time so that means only 7 to go when full on established labour hits. My ex MIL said to me she wouldn't be surprised if I had the baby at home as she is another magic woman and seems to always predict things like this happening... it is weird that all these people are going all psychic on me :rofl:

Summer just have a little swig of red later it's allowed on your birthday.... We won't judge ;)

Well I fancy a bleeding steak and mashed potatoes and a chocolate brownie.... So I am gonna drag adam to the pub and stuff my face. The motif for this is that Adam and I won't get evenings alone for much longer, so we should go do that today hahaha!

Here's to one of us going into labour this evening!!! Come on team August! xx
Yes Lexi, you may still be in the first room but you have definitely entered the house!
Don't think I'm in the house yet :( can you go into labour with no warning or signs before hand?

Im about to take doggies for a walk but it won't be a long one as I hurt when I walk!
Nicki yes especially with first babies you can go into labor with zero warning whatsoever. The prodromal stuff only happened with my second baby. With my first it was a whole hell of a lot of nothing. Then my water broke and she was here 15 hours later!

However laboring with an intact bag of water was SO much more bearable so I hope it happens that way again for me.
Oh that's good then, symptom watching is seriously annoying when there aren't any! Actually other than bloody show, waters breaking or contractions are there any other things to watch for?

How's everyone doing today? It's soooo hot here, I'm melting!!
Yes nicki it's incredibly hot here too, I'm even getting some mild swelling and joint pain which I never had with either pregnancy before this!
Nicki I keep saying to my mum that I don't think its going to happen any time soon as I have no warning signs, but she said it definitely happened to her both times with no prior warning to fingers crossed it won't be too long for us after all.

Had movie and snacks with hubby, will never take for granted feeling comfy is after this pregnancy, just can't get myself into a comfy position!

On the upside my hubby's cousin is bringing over her 1 week old tomorrow..will practice my newborn snuggles. Yay!
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I remember with Sofia I had a week of just little braxton hicks but nothing that exciting at all and then BAM attack of contractions suddenly one morning, she was born 6 hours after that started.

This time, I have had every labour sign going for WEEKS now and nothing just yet but I am pretty sure I have entered the first room of that house. I cannot wait to enter the next room to be honest this is driving me insane, after we went out for dinner I had a few really painful contractions again, now nothing again. Massive tease! At least labour will be quick at this rate, my body won't have much to do when it does establish xx
Lexi being overdue is horrendous. I was an emotional wreck.

Only 38+1 here and the fatigue is unreal. Absolutely unreal. My son is almost 2 and he is throwing constant tantrums today. My daughter is almost 5 and she's an amazing help but still a kid who needs help and love and attention and getting up off the couch is agony. And now my daughter is shouting from the next room "uh-oh mama, come see what happened... It was an accident..." Omg I don't want to know!!!
Oh gosh what is it gonna be?!?!?! Bloody kids!!! Why do we think adding to them is a good idea :rofl: I am so lucky mine is at daddy's for the weekend otherwise I would be majorly struggling to entertain her right now in my whale state!

I cannot believe I am this overdue to be perfectly honest, I am calling bullshit on the whole second baby thing coming earlier and easier Blah blah blah! xxx
Lexi I admire you so much. I don't know how I would survive going overdue. You're doing great and you will appreciate these first baby cuddles so much when you finally get them!

Anyone else with an annoying not-so-painful-but-so-annoying back pain who knows something to make it more comfortable? I can't sleep, just watching Friends on Netflix and changing position every few minutes to be a little bit comfortable but no matter how I'm sitting or lying it doesn't help...

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