***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Hip and groin pain are good signs though aren't they? Get bouncing on that ball :) x

I think it might just be us lexi.

Woken up day 2 overdue. I had a horrendous nights sleep. Think my boobs must've grown some more as I felt they were choking me. Woken up to lots more snotty stuff coming out but other than that still no bloody labour signs.

Lexi sounds like you really are at your limits. Let's hope bouncing on the ball does it today.

No plans here for me. Another day of being bored senseless.
I could go for a walk but I always feel a little on edge on my own but shall see how I feel later.
Can't believe that baby is still in there Lexi, typical boy I think!! Even with the sweep and the adult exercise he's still holding on haha.
I had irregular BH from 5-10 pm last night and started to worry as hubby on a course 2.5 hrs away today and tommorow luckily he has decided to come tonight and drive back tommoro I'm just bricking it because my last pregnancy once waters went daughter was here 2.5 hrs later and I keep dreaming he's gonna miss the birth so hopefully she will wait untill sat at the earliest although daughters were 12 and 4 days late so I'm sure this one won't be this early!!
Hopefully baby holds on til your hubby is home Mictho! Mine was planning a business trip to Sweden at the beginning of August and I told him no way but he might aswell he gone now as no signs at all, but of course it'd be just our luck if he had gone!
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Hi Everyone,

Long time no see, it's been a very busy 6-8 weeks here! Hope everyone is ok!

Wifey is due 29th August, booked in for induction on 25th if he hasn't arrived by then!

She's had lots of BH over the last 2/3 days to the point that day before last we thought she was in labour but it all stopped! She's had increased discharge yesterday and today but all clear - no show. Baby has dropped a lot and she says she can feel him between her legs!

Fingers crossed he arrives before induction! GL to everyone especially those overdue!

Michael x
Hey Michael! All signs in the right direction! How come she gets induced early?

Well, I have been in bed all day lol, my mum took Sofia and dogs for me, dropped Sofia back and kept the dogs. Sofia is just watching a film bless her she's such a good girl and entertaining herself. I just made us both lunch, sat on my birthing ball and then will go back to lying down shortly as my poor hips are just killing me!

MrsB I didn't know hips and groin were a good sign ahahaha I will stop moaning about them now and keep my fingers crossed then!

Mictho thats a good idea for your hubby to come home i think, just in case. These second babies could well appear quicker than the first ones once labour establishes! That is one of my worries for sure!

Typical eh Lulie that your hubby could have gone. I could have gone to that wedding ten times over, and Adam could have gone on an abroad stag do that he had planned, pretty annoying eh!

I really hope I don't have days more of feeling like this, just completely and utterly knackered is the only way to describe it I guess. In a way I think of it as a good thing, like how much more can my body actually take of this, on the other hand I do need to actually live and keep a 5 year old alive too haha, so it's a little tricky lol. I am just keeping as positive as I can that he will come as soon as he is cooked enough and good and ready! It is hard to keep telling yourself that when you feel utterly fed up but I am trying not to be negative. It is a right challenge lol. I reckon I might start on my next crochet project whilst I am waiting! xx
Emotional wreck doesn't come close to how I am feeling! Could easily cry at the slightest of things, had my mum upset me earlier because I chose to spend time with the oh instead of getting something checked at my house before the baby is born... sorry mum for wanting to enjoy our final couple weeks as just a couple! Grrr. Sorry I needed to rant!!!
Emotional wreck doesn't come close to how I am feeling! Could easily cry at the slightest of things, had my mum upset me earlier because I chose to spend time with the oh instead of getting something checked at my house before the baby is born... sorry mum for wanting to enjoy our final couple weeks as just a couple! Grrr. Sorry I needed to rant!!!

Aww honey don't be upset, people just forget that end of pregnancy is really tough and everything is magnified emotional wise. Hopefully your mum understands, it is nice to get some end of pregnancy alone time with partner!!

Im gonna join in your rant now, so you know how we are all getting texts from people asking if baby is here yet, well I got my like millionth one from my mums bloody next door neighbour, "any baby yet?" I reply "no" and then she replies "god then after youve had it youll have to deal with all the sleepless nights, my second one just cried and cried so good luck with that" FFS ARE YOU SERIOUS WOMAN?!?!?! what a way to put a downer on having a baby!!!! I replied "Sofia was a dream baby and i have no doubt my next one will be just the same but thanks for your concern" seriously FUCK OFF!!! some people are total knob heads aren't they?!
Some people lexi just don't know what to say! God I hate people telling me how my baby will be! Baby boy must be so comfy in there but hopefully it wont be much longer for you. You got an induction date booked incase you need it?

We managed to get out the house to play group this morning, and was only 15 mins late!! What an achievement. I'm normally later when I've just got harper so god knows how this morning worked out haha xx
People are really rude, nobody has asked me that question but they ask everyone around me for information ... My uncle asked my nan so she told him the date of my section and he had the cheek to ask if it was a secret and upset her, I had to calm her down because she had done nothing wrong. But a lot of my family believe that everything in your life should be plastered on Facebook and that's not my thing.
Some people need to learn that they will be told in due time and to keep their noses and opinions to themselves x

Omg Lexi, from your Mum's neighbour of all people, what a weird thing to say?! People have no tact at all, and it bloody well shows during pregnancy for some reason!

Had a good scrub down of alot of the house today including washing all the wood floors, everything is 10 times harder with this belly though, it seems to be getting harder by the day! I've had a little word with baby and said if he wants to come soon I'd be quite happy now I've done my housework, don't think he's taken any notice though!

So achy and sweaty after all that housework so going to have a cool bath now, my treat haha.
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Some people just love to tell you how their way is right & it's bound to be the same for you as it was for them. I'm a first time mum and the amount of people telling me to do this, do that, this will happen, your baby will be like this, you should do this ... I honestly don't know how I have managed to not flip out at a single person yet.

Think the hormones in the later stages are just as bad as the first 12weeks. I feel really emotional today like I could burst out into tears at any moment. I'm utterly bored. I have no company. This was my biggest fear when I found out I was pregnant that I'd be so alone and man I feel it today.

People keep telling me to enjoy my time, I've had 3bloody weeks now 'enjoying my time' and I am ready for all of my time to be with the baby but try telling people that!!

It bugs me when people that aren't even close to us want to know everything, I'm with you Lexi in wanting to tell them to F off :rofl:

It really does sound like we are all at our wits end!
My birthday is on Saturday and I can't even get excited for that. This feeling of being in limbo is frustrating. Still, I know I only have 10sleeps max to go.

Lexi have you got an induction date yet?
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Some people just love to tell you how their way is right & it's bound to be the same for you as it was for them. I'm a first time mum and the amount of people telling me to do this, do that, this will happen, your baby will be like this, you should do this ... I honestly don't know how I have managed to not flip out at a single person yet.

Think the hormones in the later stages are just as bad as the first 12weeks. I feel really emotional today like I could burst out into tears at any moment. I'm utterly bored. I have no company. This was my biggest fear when I found out I was pregnant that I'd be so alone and man I feel it today.

People keep telling me to enjoy my time, I've had 3bloody weeks now 'enjoying my time' and I am ready for all of my time to be with the baby but try telling people that!!

It bugs me when people that aren't even close to us want to know everything, I'm with you Lexi in wanting to tell them to F off :rofl:

It really does sound like we are all at our wits end!
My birthday is on Saturday and I can't even get excited for that. This feeling of being in limbo is frustrating. Still, I know I only have 10sleeps max to go.

Lexi have you got an induction date yet?

I'm a second time mum, but with my son everyone thought that we should do what they said ... I just ignored them ... Mainly politely but not always - but you and your other half will have ideas of what you want to do so stick to your ideas and amend them to suit if the original plans aren't quite right, my husband and I were frowned upon by a family friend who thinks she is Mother Nature with her son. There are so many different ways to parent just do what suits you :) x
Lexi, what makes it worse is that my OH has been doing loads of overtime even on his days off to help support us when baby is here, so I like to enjoy the full days I get with him other than the few hours in the evening we get, but my mum knows that I don't get much time with him! Plus being home alone on mat leave isn't exactly the party that people think it will be, I have things I do during the day such as cleaning (when I am not knackered!) Washing, ironing etc so I am pretty much knackered when oh gets home from work!

I cheered myself up by going and seeing my cousin and all my nieces and nephews this afternoon, who are absolutely mental... now I am home enjoying a cuppa before doing some ironing and cooking dinner!

I walked home from my cousins house and got stopped by loads of people! 'Oh you still pregnant' (no, I have put on a fake bump and left him at home with the dogs) 'you have got to be overdue now' (no, I still have a week until I am due, but thanks for making me feel huge!) Although I did get told I am glowing and look amazing and like I am enjoying pregnancy!
Hey Michael! All signs in the right direction! How come she gets induced early?

Hi Lexi,

My wife has Cerebal Palsy - she's unable to walk, so the doctor doesn't want her to go past her due date, as based on our last growth scan the baby was around 7 1/2 lb (1 week ago).

With our first she was induced 2 weeks early because of her disability. But this time doctor said he doesn't want to induce too early and risk it failing and her having to have a C/S which would be the worse outcome for wifey as with her disability it would take longer than average for her to recover from the C/S.

Michael x
Well I don't know why people think it is okay to speak to pregnant people the way they do and I am quite abrupt with the people that do think it's okay to speak to me like that. I often get in trouble for my mouth - not gobby just truth telling!

Yep all booked for induction on Weds 17th but I will be refusing it if I make it that long lol, I won't be induced until the 19th as I don't agree or want to be induced.

Michael oh wow that is so cool! My best friend has Cerebal Palsy and cystic fibrosis and she is currently undergoing fertility treatment etc so I think that is really positive that your wife has managed to carry babies how wonderful is that! My friend is mobile so I wonder if she will be the same when she falls pregnant, I assume they won't want her going overdue either. If you don't mind I will tell her that I know of it being successful, she's terrified she won't be able to carry a child so this is massive hope for her :D xxx
Lexi someone saw me with the 2 kids and pregnant with my third and said "Are you Catholic?" A complete stranger! Like what?!? All I EVER say to a pregnant woman is "how are you feeling?" Or "you look great" or if it's a friend "what's your favorite food so I can bring you some?" I mean COME ON PEOPLE.

Ladies any more bump pics? Here's me now! 38 weeks tomorrow.


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This site hates me and won't let me post pics but I look pretty much like a whale so just imagine a whale stranded on a beach and thats me :rofl:

Kholl people are unreal!! How do you keep yourself sane when you have gone overdue with your kids then Kholl come on I need some words of wisdom lol! xx

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