***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Aw twins. Cute. Hope it all goes well for you. Keep in with us and let us know how you're getting on x
Summer if it's bright red I would call just to be safe I think!

Lexi I had a dream you had your baby, he was super chunky and cute.

Hi MrsB! You're totally having your babies before I have my baby, I can just feel I'm going overdue.

Ladies i am miserable. I slept maybe 45 minutes last night due to severe reflux and peeing absolutely constantly. If I go to 42 weeks like so many other 3rd time moms out there that gives me one more month of pregnancy. I can't do this for another month. I'm just so down today.
Aww you might be on time or early :), I'm struggling with reflux, so I'm drinking gallons of milk which seems to help quite a bit :) x
Kholl that really sucks, can you not get anything prescribed for the reflux? I had something prescribed when pregnant with harper which helped a lot. Possibly another month suffering like that will be hell for you. I hope you manage to find some relief x
I had a tight bump since yesterday evening. Regular pains all day, getting worse and closer together. When we went to bring lo to his grandparents (they're taking him to the zoo tomorrow) I had to breath away the pain, 4mins apart. Then it stopped. I hate all this teasing.
Flo what a nightmare. Fingers crossed things start up again in the night. When are you due? X
My due date is August 25 so I doubt it, Roxy. Still 2 weeks to go. I had something similar a few weeks before Ilias' birth so luckily we didn't get our hopes up too much, only made sure we had my hospital bag with us when we left for the in-laws. But of course you can't help thinking 'maybe...'.
I imagine it isn't easy taking care of Harper in between feeding India instead of taking some rest yourself. At least it sounds like they're both behaving wonderful. It must be lovely having 2 little girls like that!
It is lovely and its so sweet seeing them together. I cant wait to watch them grow together and see their relationship as they get older. It is harder this time as you just don't get the chance to relax as much this time but once we get into a routine I'm sure it'll get easier to manage time. Do you know the sex? Is Ilias looking forward to having a sibling? X
Morning ladies! God I slept soooo much yesterday! Fell asleep on the sofa at 7, went to bed about 10 and slept all the way through til this morning at 8! Hahaha I clearly needed that!

Kholl it is NOT COOL that second and third time potentially you'll go overdue, I hope you don't! The wait is bloody torture isn't it. I have reflux too, its killing me slowly from the inside. I like that you had a dream about me having my baby, fingers crossed it happens sooner rather than later!

I am 5 days overdue so I think I am winning with overdueness out of all of us, not sure who's next in line? I am too lazy to check the front page hahaha!

I have a sweep at 2pm today, and this morning I have had a few period pains again so I am hoping baby is now much more ready than last week and todays sweep might well get things started. Who bloody knows.

Taking my daughter to soft play this morning with my SIL and her 5 year old daughter too, so that is a nice morning distraction for us eh! I feel quite anxious today, dunno why but my heart is racing and palms of my hands are really sweaty! Maybe my body is trying to tell me something! xx
Morning ladies.
I am now officially in the overdue club and do not like it one bit. I feel constantly on edge wondering when it's guna happen, I've got texts coming out my ears from people (the worst is my mum every morning for the last 3 weeks so far she's text asking how I am. There's only so many bloody times I can text back '"morning I'm fine").

I have chub club this morning so that'll keep me occupied till lunchtime then oh is off to work till 11 & I'll sit around bored and waiting again.

Doesn't look like my sweep did much yesterday except give me another show. Hopefully yours works Lexi.

Had some more boob leakage during the night this time from both so I was shocked that they do both in fact work!
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Good luck with your sweep today lexi. Hopefully this is your last midwife appointment. Xx
It is lovely and its so sweet seeing them together. I cant wait to watch them grow together and see their relationship as they get older. It is harder this time as you just don't get the chance to relax as much this time but once we get into a routine I'm sure it'll get easier to manage time. Do you know the sex? Is Ilias looking forward to having a sibling? X

Yeah, I'm sure it's just a matter of time, once you find a new routine it will get easier. We're team pink this time. Ilias simply loves the bump, he calls it baby, sister or her name and cuddles it and asks if it is OK etc. A few days ago he even said 'baby also play train'. His train is his favorite toy so we take that as a good sign. Not sure he can link it all to a real baby though. We'll see when she arrives!
Here's hoping the sweep helps, and hope baby will show up sooner rather than later for you Summer!

Nothing happening here, as per usual! I'm off into town to do abit of walking/stomping about, try and jiggle him abit!

How does this sweeping work? I have a midwife appointment on my due date, will she offer one then or do I have to be overdue? I guess it depends on the midwife?
Managed to lose 1/2lb this week at chub club so I'm guna sit at home all day today and stuff my face as the rain has set in and I'm not walking in this!

Lulie I asked for a sweep at 38 weeks but she said she could only do them if I was having some kind of tightenings and at that point I wasn't so booked back in for the following week when I was having them. It depends on midwives I think. Some don't like to do it before 40 weeks some don't mind. I believe most do offer it on your due date though.
Summer that's handy to know... I have had more BH this week I have the mw tomorrow, and it's not my usual midwife so maybe she may take sympathy on me! I had the old breast pump out earlier to see what would happen, nothing so far, but for the first time I was able to see a bit of colostrum as I hadn't noticed any leaking so far!

Bean is moving like absolute mad the past couple of days, as in he doesn't stop! I currently have a bum sticking out making my bump look pointed!

Hope the sweeps work summer and Lexi! Praying it does for you both!
Mine doesn't seem to have done a thing it's been over 24 hours now and I'm still sat here feeling pretty normal! Oh well,,as every single person in the world keeps telling me "baby will come when it's ready"

The only change I've had is that both of my boobs were leaking in the night. Other than that, nada!
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It is lovely and its so sweet seeing them together. I cant wait to watch them grow together and see their relationship as they get older. It is harder this time as you just don't get the chance to relax as much this time but once we get into a routine I'm sure it'll get easier to manage time. Do you know the sex? Is Ilias looking forward to having a sibling? X

Yeah, I'm sure it's just a matter of time, once you find a new routine it will get easier. We're team pink this time. Ilias simply loves the bump, he calls it baby, sister or her name and cuddles it and asks if it is OK etc. A few days ago he even said 'baby also play train'. His train is his favorite toy so we take that as a good sign. Not sure he can link it all to a real baby though. We'll see when she arrives!

Ah that's sweet of him. Its good he's including baby with his toys. Harper talked about India too when I was pregnant and spoke about what toys she would play with her. I did wonder too how much she understood and whether she knew a real baby would be coming to live with us but so far harpers been amazing with India, really loving and affectionate. Im sure Ilias will be the same once your little girl is here x

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