***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Your first birth sounds like it was a good one Lexi, fingers crossed I get one of those haha!

Just been to my doctors appointment, I think they are actually sick of me in there as I've been back and to taking blood tests for the itching, etc. All is fine, and I've asked for another check on blood pressure/urine etc next week too, just being abit dramatic probaby but I felt like two weeks was abit long to wait at this stage!
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Ah roxy India sounds like a sweet content baby.
I was hoping to come on this morning to find another ausgust baby has made their way into the world. Come on ladies!

Re the epidural at the start of pregnancy I was all for it but now I 100% defo do not want one unless it's absolutely necessary for surgery. I'm planning on gas and air and am open to the jab in my leg but really don't want an epi.

So today is my due date!!!!!

Surreal I've made it I honestly thought id be early.
Seen the mw this morning. She's done another thorough sweep, said she did a really hard one (I defo felt it this time!) and said she could get 2fingers in to do it rather than the 1 on Thursday that she did. Bishops score has gone up another point and she felt a tightening whilst doing it. Said waters were bulging so if I am to lose my waters then they'll gush rather than trickle! Baby has been given their eviction notice too, we have a time and date for induction so let's hope that baby makes their way much before then!

Anybody any plans today?
I'm just planning a little walk once the oh has left for work hopefully meet up with my brother and niece too.
Come on August babies! I'm only 37 weeks but no signs other that backache, which I think was more to do with spending 3 hours cooking out of boredom! I have the midwife on Monday at which point I'll be 38 weeks and I'm going to beg her for a sweep! I've been having tightenings for weeks now and I'm so uncomfortable so I'm hoping she will agree! I just want something to happen!

Happy due date summer. Hopefully todays sweep works but at least you have an induction date to look forward if you need it.

Glad all is well with the blood tests lulie. Best to be safe than sorry and dont blame you asking for another BP check etc.

We need more babies now, last night I really struggled to stay awake during the night feeds and needed people to chat with who would also be awake doing feeds lol. I can't wait to see photos either and find out the sexes of the team yellows we have due soon. So exciting xx
Nothing to report here babywise, few tightenings here and there but nothing major. In fact my MIL seems to think baby is higher :(

Had a bit of a trauma filled evening last night, my tortoise got her mouth stuck on her enclosure and had to be cut out but I got a bit hysterical when hubby was trying to free her. Thankfully she didn't pierce herself which is what we were worried about and she seems fine today, stomping and eating but everytime I look at her I burst into tears.

I'm so bored!!!!!!!! I have finished my mock for my book keeping course so waiting for the results before I can enter for my actual exam so today I decided to teach myself how to build a website. Anything to not obsess about labour.

How we all doing? any plans for today?
The joys of pregnancy. It just took me 20mins to get up. I was sitting down and my hip started hurting and I just couldn't move, am home alone so no one could help me up. At least I can laugh about it, I feel like I'm 60, lol. Come on, babies! Oh Aes I almost wish they did sweeps here, I feel exactly the same. Two weeks seems so long...
Yes more babies soon please! Happy due date Summer, hope it isn't too long for you!

I hear ya Flo, getting up and down seems harder and harder on a daily basis now. Doctor measured my fundal height at 35cm today which looks from the chart I have about what it should be at 40 weeks, so I'm guessing he's good and big in there! I'm ready when you are little man... :D
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Oh man I am getting fed up now... I am knackered as I can't sleep that we'll (although last night was the best sleep I have had in ages!) My back is killing me, my PGP is playing up, TMI warning- I am fed up of pooing one minute it's loose the next it's like I am blocked up and my body is giving time to practice pushing, then there is all the extra discharge that makes me wonder if my waters have gone every time it decides to escape my body, reflux is doing my head in, feeling like a caged animal in the house as I can hardly walk... I am soooooooooo ready to have this baby if you can't tell already! Haha. I am truly blessed to be pregnant, but I am.now ready for him to make an appearance!

Hope everyone is having a better day than me! Haha!
Sorry to hear your suffering kirsty. I felt like that towards the end, its horrible the last few weeks with the aches and pains. Hope baby doesn't keep you waiting too long xx
Happy due date summer! Lol tomorrow you'll be in the world of overdueness just like me :rofl:

Kirsty I have also had a tonne of extra discharge and constantly wonder if my waters have broken too but it's certainly not water hahahah!

I have had a productive day, took dogs for hour and a half walk, went to SIL's to drop her birthday pressie off then went to butchers and filled the freezer with a tonne of meat! We won't be going hungry in a very long time lol.

I am having small period pains, but they are very low, although a little regular. I am hoping that they are going to be here to stay this time!

I am all of a sudden absolutely starving too and have the shakes! So I am gonna eat loads this evening haha, I think my body needs gearing up for labour. Gonna do steak, jacket potatoes with salad so we have a nice healthy meal for energy!

Did anyone see that newspaper article where that woman walked into the hospital and delivered her baby right there in the reception area?! i am terrified that is gonna be me lol!

Come on, one of us has to bloody pop we are all being overtaken!!! xx
Aww Nicki your poor little tortoise! I'm glad she's alright though, bless!

Lexi I couldn't believe my eyes when my mum told me to watch that clip, the way she just had to drop her pants and scoop up the baby, bloody hell, and her poor bloke didn't even witness it!

Getting some small, low period type pains too but don't think it's anything, just going to try and get comfy (easier said than done!) And that's me done for today haha
Ah roxy I should've come online last night I had another rubbish sleep and at one point woke up as my boob was leaking!! I was so shocked. I've had it in my head that nothing will be coming out of them so I shot up out of bed and cleaned it up lol I then couldn't get back to sleep for almost an hour.

Hopefully we'll be with you on the night feeds soon!

I went for a long walk after my sweep where I was having some quite strong bh's and stomach tightenings but all seems to have died down now.

Going to cook myself something spicy tonight and hope for the best when I go to bed.

Lexi I feel a little uneasy going into the world of overdue tomorrow, I just can't get my head around it because I was so certain baby would be here early.

Oh gosh yeah I saw that article. It's my biggest fear that my oh misses it so after seeing that there's no way he'll be dropping me off at the door I'll be staying with him whilst he parks. Luckily the car park is very close to the maternity unit.

Fingers crossed for you Lexi, scoff away!

Anybody else's skin flared up? I never get spots but this last week I've had 4 big ones on my chin which is just so unusual for me. It must be the increase in hormones I guess.
Funny you should say that Summer my skin has flared up, it's been AMAZING most of the pregnancy and now its super spotty! Mainly the bottom half of my face like round my mouth and chin and cheeks are quite spotty. So weird and slightly annoying as I have terrible skin anyway so having it back is a bit of a slap in the face :lol:

I hope I am joining you on night feeds too Roxy! I can't wait to do a bloody night feed. How do you feel like "down there" and stuff after a second delivery? Do you feel tired and stuff? xxx
I'm not feeling half as sore lexi down there and bleeding is almost gone already. Saying that I only grazed this time but recovery has been much easier. The tiredness has hit me sooner than it did with harper but I expect that's because I still got things that need doing when India sleeps, whereas with harper I barely done anything the first few weeks and napped a lot when she did. Things are much easier this time too and I don't feel as worried or stressed, first time round I could never relax properly and always worried if harper was too hot/cold, hungry etc. Xx
Argh! I'm so excited for our babies to be here! I have a horrible feeling I'm going to end up being a September mummy!

Who is due next or over due the most? I keep thread hopping and all your births are making me very excited for mine :) x
Oh aes I hoe not.

Hi Mrs B. I think Lexi might be the most overdue at the minute and I'm not sure who is next due. How are you doing? When are you due?

I've just had quite a big bloody show. It's quite a bright red. Should I be worried?

I've had a curry tonight and been bouncing on the ball. That along with with a boob leakage during the night & sweep today is getting me a little excited but trying not to get my hopes up! In all probability it's down to the sweep I imagine.
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I hated being overdue with my son ... It was the worst part. My due date is 13th sept, but I'm having a section on the 23rd.

Your symptoms sound really good, hopefully it's the start of something for you :) x
Aw we could have our babies the same day as 23rd for me is day 14 so they're bringing me in on the 21st for induction. How come you have a section booked? X
Ooh that's if you make it that far over :)

I'm lucky enough to have 2 footling breech babies so natural birth is not an option, so that is the soonest they can come x

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