***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Urgh... all died down here for now... still getting the odd pain but not what it was :( oh well, the most positive sign I have had so far! Possibly my body teasing me too!!! "This is big mother, baby, you have been evicted, time to leave big mothers belly!"
Mine died down from yesterday but all his movements hurt now and my vj is very achey,

I've got no plans this week, just trying to keep busy.
Sorry to hear that ladies, better luck next time eh :( annoying isn't the word!

Well at least my house is bloody sparkling now :rofl: I have run out of things to dust and bleach! hahaha!

Had ANOTHER curry tonight, nothing spicy though haha just a chicken tikka! I have a day without Sofia tomorrow so that would be of course the ideal day to go into labour, if I don't, then I am going to take the dogs on a massively long walk and I am going to go visit my friend for a cuppa tea, then I am going to jump on Adam when he's home from work because I need sex its been too long now lmao! xxx
Hahaa kill two birds with one stone there Lexi, make sure he gives u some nipple stimulation!

Still nothing from me. I got all emotional earlier when it hit me that there's a real possibility that my brother won't get to see his niece or nephew until March as he goes away Sunday & it made me feel so sad.

Midwife tomorrow so I'm excited for that. Anyone else get excited for their appointments?! X
Good luck at your appointment tomorrow summer. Hopefully you'll get an induction date.

God lexi what a nightmare all these false promises, hope baby comes for you soon.

Hope everyone is well xx
Aww summer that sucks :( I really hoped your baby would be here by then too for you, I hope he does get a chance to see his niece/nephew :( You never know!!

I love my appointments! I always look forward to them - I like to think of them as milestones. If I get to go to my one on Wednesday, that will more than likely be my last one and my usual midwife is on annual leave so I am a bit gutted I won't see her, because I am having another sweep and I always feel a bit wierd about someone doing things like that that hasn't ever seen me! Not because I am embarassed but for their sake it can't be nice to be poking round someones bits hahaha!

I just had a massive period pain that really quite hurt so I am glad about that ha! I hope to be getting more of those in the next few hours that would be nice!

I live in a block of housing association flats, and since being off work, it is really noticeable that my neighbours literally never leave their houses. the one on our left has 2 dogs that constantly bark allllll day, the fella smokes endless weed and they have a baby. the ones to the right have a 4 year old son who clearly doesn't get out much either, he can barely string a sentence together and he stands on their balcony all day shouting at passers by or anyone that appears from anywhere, like I can't go out on my balcony without getting harassed by him. Sounds so mean but god I can't even have peace in my own home lol! I guess this is what life would be like if I didn't go to work every day, I couldn't stay here all day every day just because of all the bloody noise! It is madness. My old block of flats I lived in weren't like this and they were still housing!

Sorry for that ranty type thing it just annoys me that people can just stay in all day and not do anything about their clearly bored children and pets! xx
Roxy tell us all about how amazing it is to have a new born please! I need to hear about the loveliness xxx
I'm loving the newborn cuddles, I forgot how amazing they are, I could lay for hours cuddling her. India is so chilled out, hardly cries so far. She's not sleeping bad either at night, going 3-4 hours between feeds. I forgot how many nappies newborns go through a day haha.

Its been a manic few days but settled down today and managed to get out to do a food shop. Only had India to take as harper has gone to the inlaws for the night. Its her usual routine, she stays there once a week and she's been asking to go whenever she's seen them the last few days. Harper has been amazing with India but we've had a few tantrums today, was to be expected.

My milk has come in and because I'm bottle feeding my boobs are so sore and big. I'm in agony tonight. Midwife came today, all is well. Coming again Wednesday to do the heal prick test and to be weighed. And then health visitor coming next week. Looking forward to things settling down again with appointments etc so we can get back to normality and get into a routine. X
Ahhh India sounds so content! Bless her.

Lexi its the 9th tomorrow so if the lady was right you should be giving birth soon!

All you ladies that have done it before, did you choose to have an epidural or not? I'm leaning towards having one if it's offered as I'm abit of a wimp, even though part of me likes the sound of being able to get up and move about. My hubby's cousin refused to have one when they offered, and then as the pain got worse she changed her mind and begged for one but they said she was too far gone so she had a really rough time.
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Awwww India sounds like the sweetest little soul! My second was (and is!) SO difficult, I definitely did not have that experience going from 1-2. I am so glad she's sleeping well too!

Lulie... I can't recommend "the business of being born" highly enough. It should be free on YouTube, and it sums up how I feel about epidurals and drugs at birth in general. I am passionate about drug-free birth so of course, take what I say with a grain of salt. It's not about judging women or their choices! Everyone has a right to choose her own way to give birth, and I have immense respect for that.

I have had two 100% drug-free births and every woman deserves to have an experience that empowering. The way I view myself and my confidence in myself has changed forever. Every woman on the planet deserves to have that journey and that experience. It has helped me find my voice and my power in every other aspect of my life as well. And birth and parenthood helps women do this no matter what, of course! But I believe so strongly in not messing with birth hormones, which are perfectly designed to help babies and mothers thrive, recover quickly, bond optimally, encourage breast milk production... I mean the bottom line is we don't know the long-term effects of drugs during labor. We just don't. And women need support and encouragement- not drugs.
Lulie I didn't have an epidural with either during labour. I just had gas and air. I didn't like the idea of not being able to feel the need to push and not being able bodied for a while after the birth or having a catheter.

I had to have an epidural after giving birth to my first due to needing stitches in theatre and wasn't happy about it. I couldn't feel my legs for hours after and had to rely on the midwives to pass me harper in the night when she cried as I couldn't turn to pick her out the cot.

With India I only grazed so no need for stitches, I was up and out of bed in the shower an hour or so after giving birth and doing skin on skin contact. I felt much better after not having the epidural.

I understand why people do have them as the pain isn't nice but it just wasn't for me. I think you'll have to see how you feel at the time and if they offer or you feel its too much then go for it. Xx
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Thanks for your replies. Hopefully things will move quickly enough that there isn't time for one, that would the best outcome!

Il have t check out that film Kholl!
Lexi, I know that feeling! The woman next to me gave birth to her 4th a few months ago, and you never see her interacting with any of the elderly children! They get bored in their garden and obviously think that constantly kicking the ball over my fence is fun, problem is I am.on constant ball watch as my youngest dog will get hold of any football that appears in our garden! Beside the point, I don't think those kids have gone out for the day or anything, she just has everyone else's kids round!
Lullie: we don't get any other pain management (medication) besides epidural around here. I had one and I won't ask immediately for it again as I heard it can go different from how I experienced it, but if I'm in too much pain I won't hesitate. My epidural was simply perfect. I managed without until the very last moment, was just in time to still get one, but for some reason I didn't believe the mw when she said it would only take another hour. I could handle another hour, but not 2 or 3, I thought. They had already messed up by not filling the bath in time (first thing I asked was a bath, they said there was still time and when they started filling it 2 hours later they noticed I progressed alot more centimeters than they predicted and they couldn't fill it in time). They just thought 'first baby, we have lots of time here'. So I pushed her to get the epidural. The anaesthetist came, I got the epidural (hardly noticed that), had to go on the bed and then I could start pushing. The doctor had done a great job: I had no pain but I could still feel. I did still feel when I needed to push, but I could relax and focus. Midwives told me they could see the head already. An hour later she started getting annoyed and had her intern push my bump. Another half hour later my gynaecologist arrived, saw his head was too big, gave me a cut and got our boy out within 20 minutes I think. I really liked the midwives, they took good care of us (especially the aftercare was wonderful) but I wouldn't have coped well with the situation if I had still been in pain during all of that. After birth, I got my son with me for skin to skin, they cleaned me a bit after the stitches while hubby got skin to skin. Then he could dress our boy while I dressed myself and then the first breastfeeding. I couldn't go to the toilet by myself the following hours and day, but that was only cause I had severe iron deficiency, it had nothing to do with the epidural.
I'm certainly not recommending epidural, I would always try without it first, but if you want/need it: don't be afraid to ask for it.
Thanks for your story Flo, seems like it was right thing for you at that time :)
Morning ladies! Day 4 of overdue for me! Yay! lol.

Lulie - I personally felt like last time I was in labour I didn't actually need an epidural, I took the gas and air when it was offered to me, then chugged away on that for about an hour and before I knew it I was pushing, so even if I did want one there wasn't time for one anyway. But of course if you were to have a slow and painful tiring labour maybe it would have been more attractive to me, I dunno. I too had to be stitched in theatre so had a spinal block which does the same as an epidural only it is one big injection to the spine instead of having a catheter.

This time I am literally gonna play it by ear, I reckon as I had a quick 6 hour birth last time, this time could be very similar so I am not going to plan too much, other than when I go into labour I will be ringing the birthing suite and asking for a pool room and ask them to start filling it up when I am on my way in case I get there and deliver, which I know has happened to soooo many people.

They say epidurals can slow labour down and they can mean more chance of medical intervention with delivery and more likely to end in a c section too which does put me off, I am a bit of a natural wannabee, I don't like the idea of any of those things and I certainly don't like the idea of being induced either so I am just striving for a natural type birth with gas and air and water for pain relief.

Kirsty Leigh - gotta love the neighbours! Man if I had footballs appearing in my garden I would be letting the dog eat them, then at least they will learn their lesson! Not your problem if they are gonna keep kicking it over, I have a few things to do today so at least I don't have to listen to dogs barking and kids bloody shouting all day haha, I am getting out of here! I know as soon as the baby is born I won't be in very much either, I can't stand all the bloody noise. It is every single day as well, if it was a one off it would be okay but it isn't lol xxx
Roxy ohhhhhh you lucky thing, at least you have a good baby so far eh! I am soooo very jealous of you right now... I simply cannot wait to see my baby! God I have forgotten about nappy changes etc too it has been 5.5 years since having a new born! I don't remember how often they are changed etc lol! xxx
Lexi I think you should start brushing up on your squatters rights knowledge :), my fingers are firmly crossed that you go into labour soon. X
Lexi I'm rooting for you to go next too!

It's 1:22am here and I'm up with reflux. Sipping baking soda in water and trying not to cry- this is excruciating!
Lexi, I do let the dogs get hold of the odd one or two! They spend all day screaming too! Hope you enjoy your day away from the dogs and barking!

My day consists of cleaning, bouncing on my ball and trying not to remove all my taste buds with the biggest pineapple on Northampton Market that my mum brought me at the weekend! I have some family up/down from various parts of the country this week as well so will pop and see them today as well :) hope everyone has a good day, and there is some movement in amongst the rest of us!

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