Lullie: we don't get any other pain management (medication) besides epidural around here. I had one and I won't ask immediately for it again as I heard it can go different from how I experienced it, but if I'm in too much pain I won't hesitate. My epidural was simply perfect. I managed without until the very last moment, was just in time to still get one, but for some reason I didn't believe the mw when she said it would only take another hour. I could handle another hour, but not 2 or 3, I thought. They had already messed up by not filling the bath in time (first thing I asked was a bath, they said there was still time and when they started filling it 2 hours later they noticed I progressed alot more centimeters than they predicted and they couldn't fill it in time). They just thought 'first baby, we have lots of time here'. So I pushed her to get the epidural. The anaesthetist came, I got the epidural (hardly noticed that), had to go on the bed and then I could start pushing. The doctor had done a great job: I had no pain but I could still feel. I did still feel when I needed to push, but I could relax and focus. Midwives told me they could see the head already. An hour later she started getting annoyed and had her intern push my bump. Another half hour later my gynaecologist arrived, saw his head was too big, gave me a cut and got our boy out within 20 minutes I think. I really liked the midwives, they took good care of us (especially the aftercare was wonderful) but I wouldn't have coped well with the situation if I had still been in pain during all of that. After birth, I got my son with me for skin to skin, they cleaned me a bit after the stitches while hubby got skin to skin. Then he could dress our boy while I dressed myself and then the first breastfeeding. I couldn't go to the toilet by myself the following hours and day, but that was only cause I had severe iron deficiency, it had nothing to do with the epidural.
I'm certainly not recommending epidural, I would always try without it first, but if you want/need it: don't be afraid to ask for it.