***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Are you looking forward to getting that date Lexi?
Me told me on Thursday shed sort out my induction on Tuesday which is my due date and I am itching to get that date to just have something to focus on! X
Absolutely zero signs here too! I would bet I'm going to September.

Clare congratulations!

Summer I'm so sorry about the crap sleep and discomfort. It won't be long now!

Lexi I bet this next sweep does the trick, especially if you can manage some quality time with your man after!

Flinty I have noticed during pregnancy that my feelings about my kids are amplified to a point where being away from them is excruciating. Even just running to an appointment for an hour I miss them so terribly I can't think about anything else! I am a SAHM too and in general would just rather be with them than not but during pregnancy it's so much more intense. Hope your baby comes soon!!
Congrats Clare! Omg ladies I used my breast pump and I'm having contractions! Ok I'm not actually excited in the sense I think he's coming but I'm excited that I've felt something at least. They're getting further apart now I've stopped pumping :(
but i have a lot of pressure now as well so I'm hoping he's closer to being engaged.
Just trying to catch up. Congrats to the ladies who's had babies lately.

I hope you other ladies aren't waiting too long to meet your babies. Fingers crossed labour starts soon for you lexi and if not that the sweep works on Wednesday. Good luck if your being induced summer, is she booking it on Tuesday for another day or for Tuesday? Xx
She said on Thursday she'll get in booked in on Tuesday so hopefully will have a date to look forward too. She'll also be doing another sweep she said.

I've just had another load of show come out and have had a bit of an achy belly and back for the last hour or so. Trying not to read into it and get my hopes up but man I hope I wake up in the night to labour Haha!
To be honest Summer I am almost certain I won't need inducing, plus I don't want to be induced either so I am going to do everything in my power to have my induction as late as possible because I don't think I will need it, my body has done this before and easily and I have faith that I can do it again :D

Thanks guys for the well wishes hahaha! Yeah Kholl that sweep on Wednesday might find that I am more dilated than last week anyway and just help it along a little, I have a feeling I won't be going massively overdue, just a little bit.

Rox I hope you're all settled at home and loving it! It must be lovely :)

Nicki lol I tried to express the other day and it was weird! I don't think im gonna try it again cos it felt too strange haha xx
Yeah It did feel a bit odd, everything had died down now.
This might be a ftm thing but do you find any little ache/pain you think omg is this it?
Nicki yes every twinge/ache/pain I question if the time has come! But then again I am with you being a FTM! My PGP has been awful today, I possibly overdid it yesterday, but still, been horrific, will have to see how I am tomorrow... doubt it will give the Midwife anything to do about it... was hopeful she may feel sympathetic and sweep me early lol, I have to cope until Thursday anyway! Hope everyone has had a good weekend :)
Yes nicki. Every twinge or ache I question but keep telling myself if it was contractions then I wouldn't be questioning it as so many people have told me I'll just know. X
Oh yes, with every ache I think 'maybe it will get worse and start contractions'...

Congratulations to everyone who has her baby already! Summer, fingers crossed for you to wake up tonight in labour! I'm not there yet but I wish it'll start Tuesday for me. Ilias will be going to the zoo with his grandmother on Wednesday and stay over Tuesday night already. I would love to go into labour while he's already being taken care of and having a good time rather than having to call someone to get him once it all starts. Started with long walks, more spicy food... Don't really believe it will help though. She'll come when she's ready and I doubt that is 2 weeks early just because it's convenient for me :-D
Morning everyone! Day 3 of being overdue :D Lol I woke up with a few period pains and have a few this morning but nothing regular and nothing too painful so hopefully this is just the start for me, but who bloody knows, my body is amazing at practising for the real thing hahaha!

Anyone up to much this week?? I have zero in the diary other than a sweep on wednesday haha! It is so weird having zero plans, zero work and zero baby! I really couldn't be without my job I don't think, it's so boring not knowing what to do day to day especially when Sofia is so self entertaining and at her dads 3 days a week lol!

Summer, trust me dear, you will bloody know about it when labour hits you, it literally hits like a wall I found last time, it was like contraction on top of contraction that were really painful even though they were like 3 mins apart it felt like I was having one big contraction lol and you can't actually talk or breathe that easily through them at all, then you start thinking you can't actually cope too well with the pain so go to hospital and then you get there and they tell you you're being a drama queen lol (this is what my experience was) and then they find you're 4 cms and you feel like a right trooper! Trust me lovely you FTM's will definitely know! xxxx
I'm just waiting for that moment Lexi!

I went up to triage last night as baby wasn't moving much and it was the 2nd evening in a row. As always they were lovely but so busy! We didn't get home till half past 12 and we could hear all the little cries of newborns being delivered. Baby was fine though started moving when we got hooked up to the monitor, bloody typical! Had to wait to see the doctor as well as this was my third time going up with reduced movements (even though the previous 2 were over 10weeks ago) but he was fine with everything. Hoping the next time I set foot in that place it will be to deliver.

No plans here Lexi. I have my friend over tonight to give my hair a trim but as its due date tomorrow I have made no plans other than seeing the mw tomorrow morning.

I get you though, it's a tad boring at home on your own with nothing to do I almost want to be in work. Too worried to make plans for this week though just incase something happens. I hate this limbo feeling lol
Home alone today, I hate it. Constantly worrying 'what if something happened today?'. Hubby won't be back before late cause he's going out with a friend after work. I'm totally with you, Lexi: I went to do voluntary work when doctor put me on leave my whole first pregnancy cause I felt so bored at home. I respect stay at home mum's (my mother was one until we all went to school and I loved it as a kid to have her at home with us and she did everything for us) but it's nothing for me. I need the variation home-workplace, daily contact with colleagues, earning my own money (even though we put everything on a shared account)... Of course as a teacher there's also lots of school holidays to enjoy with the kids, so maybe I wouldn't like it with another job!
I have my hopefully second to last appointment on Wednesday. Maybe go to the seaside Thursday or Friday but not sure as I don't drive and would take the train with a toddler, all his toys, spare clothes, snacks... and the bump. We'll see. Probably going to my mum's in the weekend for mother's day too.
Not getting my hopes up or anything, but having a regular tightening either side of my belly button at the moment, with back ache... it's not lasting long but it's happening regularly... going to the cinema soon so will either die down or ramp up! Hope everyone has a good day!
Fingers crossed it's the start of something Kirsty!

Not alot for me today, need to do abit of housework but it can wait for now as had a horrible nights sleep again, went to see the new baby in the family last night at the hospital and got so excited that it will be me next, I just can't wait to meet this little guy now!

Of course she told me the horrors of childbirth but closed my ears to that bit haha!

We have alternatr doctor /midwife appointments here so doctors appointment tomorrow, other than that not much plans for the week :)
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Fingers crossed KirstyLeigh! Hopefully they will stay and ramp up for you!

Flo yeah I love earning my own money too, I feel like a right sponge now I am on maternity leave, my maternity pay literally covers things like gas, electric, phone, internet, dogs, car, council tax and Adam pays the rent and food, and I have no spare money with maternity pay, luckily I can go back to earning some cash one day a week once I am healed enough to stand up and work! I saved a little bit of money to enjoy whilst being off too so it's not like I am completely housebound because I am skint but it is annoying being used to quite a comfortable life to one where I actually have to really watch my spending lol!

Sofia is quite happily watching Chicken Run on the sofa (god i love this film) and I am just cleaning and about to make lunch lol, I am having some braxton hicks too since getting up off the sofa a minute ago, come on body get some more practice in! lol!

Yes it is summer lol I have just done majority of the housework which has set off tonnes of tightenings but god damit they aren't hurting me!!! Or have any regularity whatsoever! Soooooo frustrating!! xx

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