Fingers crossed KirstyLeigh! Hopefully they will stay and ramp up for you!
Flo yeah I love earning my own money too, I feel like a right sponge now I am on maternity leave, my maternity pay literally covers things like gas, electric, phone, internet, dogs, car, council tax and Adam pays the rent and food, and I have no spare money with maternity pay, luckily I can go back to earning some cash one day a week once I am healed enough to stand up and work! I saved a little bit of money to enjoy whilst being off too so it's not like I am completely housebound because I am skint but it is annoying being used to quite a comfortable life to one where I actually have to really watch my spending lol!
Sofia is quite happily watching Chicken Run on the sofa (god i love this film) and I am just cleaning and about to make lunch lol, I am having some braxton hicks too since getting up off the sofa a minute ago, come on body get some more practice in! lol!