***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Congratulations Toni! Wahoo, another one has arrived! It's finally starting to feel real! I keep looking at all my bits, moses basket etc and thinking, in the next couple of weeks little man will be here and using that... scary but so so exciting! People are asking if I am nervous about giving birth yet, no is my answer, but I probably will get nervous when it happens!
Congratulations Toni! Breastfeeding is wonderful, I know, I'm really looking forward to it lol.

We didn't go to the festival as we had lots of last-minute shopping to do and I didn't feel up to standing the whole afternoon. We went to a playground/park instead which turned out to be very nice. They reorganized since we were last there and had lots of new slides especially for littler children and a whole new water play area. Perfect for a relaxed afternoon with the family. We're even considering going back tomorrow.

I'm also tired, but it's like my biological rhythm is totally messed up (body preparing me for sleepless nights maybe? :-p). During the day I'm sooo tired and at night I can't fall asleep. Mostly I ly awake til 2-3 am! Luckily DS goes to bed late as it's the holidays so he sleeps until 9.30 or longer...

Roxy, your girls look lovely together, I'm sure they'll both love having a sister and have lots of fun together as they grow up!
Urgh. What a crap night I have had. Been on/off sleeping since 3am, with constant backache, hit flushes causing some lovely sweating, the need for a poo (sorry if TMI!), reflux, and nausea... hope you have all had a better night than me! I want to sleep!!!
Ugh tell me about it Kirsty, sleeping is getting more and more difficult every night! Must be us gettin used to the newborn schedule! Hope you manage to get some rest today.

I'm going to see the new baby in my family tonight at the hospital, which I think will be pretty surreal and scary as Il be there myself in a few weeks!
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It's been the worst night I have had... to top it off I have had period type cramps as well :( and my feet are swollen too :( the joys!

Hopefully I will get some sleep, we have friends coming round later for a bbq, she is 7 weeks behind me, and also suffering a bit I think at the moment! But I need to tidy the house and clean before they get here so may get up soon clean and then go for a nap layer!

Oh that will be nice to meet the baby, but yet very surreal that you will be there in a few weeks time! Eek. Scary how quick it's coming round!
Congratulations Roxy and Toni on your gorgeous bundles!!! We're eventually home!!! Has been a bit of a drama but I'm glad to say that despite the unexpected trip to theatre to stop the bleeding, two blood transfusions later and a heart test scare for Alexander that I still feel so much more positive about this time round than last. I felt like I was really listened to and my opinions were valued by the staff this time and it made the long stay so much easier in hospital. I'm so glad to be home though and Daniel loves his little brother!!! I thought the most difficult thing about a section would be the incision site - it's been the least of my worries!!! The absolutely exhausted, boulder boobies which I can't even look at let alone touch as we're bottle feeding, the swollen feet and legs that are making me look like the elephant man and the trapped wind that is the most excruciating pain I've ever felt!!! I still stand by my elective section decision though and he's worth every bit of it :) :) :)
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Forgot to add my pic!!! Xx


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Hope everyone's wait is a short one and thinking of you all and all of the beautiful babies still to arrive!!! Xx
Gill you both look gorgeous!!! So glad you're home and that the experience was a positive one overall.
Gorgeous pic Gill & so glad you're home.

I feel you both talking about the sleeping. I don't have it as bad as you ladies but my God I wake up so many times needing to change positions as my hips are legs are dead it's so uncomfortable. Still, we are on the home straight. I am certain every niggle and moan we have will be worth it when our babies are here.

I've had a bit more of a show again this morning. Probably still from the sweep. I just wish labour would hurry up and show its butt!!
Ah Summergirl, hopefully it wont be too long for you if you've had another show! exciting stuff!

Has anyone got no symptoms whatsoever? or just me? Haha! I don't think this little monkey has any plans on attempting to exit any time soon!
A www babies :D big congrats ladies! I'm a million % jealous! Lulie I've had none, I don't even get braxton hicks and he's only 1/5th engaged so I think he's happy in there! My hips are starting to play up again at night, if I'm in the same position for more than 30 mins I get terrible pains so sleep is non existent!
Toni Congratulations how wonderful! I shall try a lavender and witch hazel bath next haha! Brilliant!

GillM what a lovely picture! You lot are so lucky! I am very envious!

Day 2 of overdue life :rofl: nothing exciting to report, other than I am going food shopping today :lol: and that is about it!

I am hot, tired, swollen and bothered lol, nothing else really happening other than the constant braxton hicks and heartburn which seems to have been my life for the past month, so I am just patiently waiting for pain I guess!

My tomato plant is finally ready for picking :rofl: that's my life's excitement right now! xx
Was awake 3-5am with constant tummy pains followed by the runs sorry TMI x kept thinking is this it? Its been 5 yrs since last baby and I knew it was the start because waters went it's been 8yrs since It started with contractions and have forgotten what the pain feels like lol I'm sure I'll remember when they do start tho hubby didn't even hear me get out of bed and I had visions of giving birth on my own in the bathroom lol
Had my little girl at 5:30 this morning. It was a straight forward induction and very speedy once my waters were broken and I went on drip.
Congratulations Clare.

I'm so bored, tired and I'm missing Sebastian, but he's having lots of fun, and doesn't want to come home. He's been away for nearly 2 weeks now, and isn't coming back until baby girl decides to arrive, so I wish she would hurry up. It's not a new thing for him to go on holiday with my parents, but last year while he was away I was kept busy by working and decorating his bedroom, but after nearly a year of being a SAHM I'm lost without him. I'm having no signs that she's going to be here anytime soon.
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Hi ladies. I have been lurking every so often but haven't posted for so long!! it's amazing to come on and see that some babies are here already!! congratulations all new mummies :)
Hope the wait isn't long for the rest of us xx
Congrats clare.
Babies are making their entrances thick and fast now!

I only hope I'm next! Haha

I have no signs either really. I get a couple tightenings a day but nothing major. Other than that I'm just with you lot, impatiently waiting for pain! I only hope I know what it is when I feel it!
Congratulations Clare! Feels like everyone's overtaking me! Lol.

I have just done a food shop and had a few braxton hicks but that was it, guess I just have to power through to midwife appointment on wednesday and I will have another sweep then be booked for an induction the week after! xx

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