***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Very cute name! Glad you are home. Rest up and enjoy your first few days :)

So exciting isn't it flo!

Think I have had my 'show' tonight even though the midwife told me my plug had gone yesterday as she said she would have pulled it away else. I've had 3 wipes all with what I imagine is my show (jelly like & browny tinged) ... could it be a result of the sweep though?

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Beautiful name Roxy! Ahh, it's all getting real now, all these babies are coming!
Roxy what a lovely name! How lovely, and congrats again you lucky devil!

Day one of being overdue lol, took dogs for a walk and that's about it!

Summergurl yeah that was probably due to your sweep that you have had another show thing, I have had like 3 or 4 shows since my sweep with brownish pink stuff in it, so I reckon that is what that is. I wonder if I will be getting my second sweep done on Wednesday?!

It's such a weird feeling going overdue, I feel a bit lost and I feel like I can't make plans lol! We have a family bbq tonight for father in laws birthday which will be lovely, then tomorrow literally no plans other than my daughter comes home, so I will probably take her off to the park or something tomorrow to entertain her for a bit, then I honestly don't know what I will be doing with myself for next week!

Anyone else got any good plans for the coming weeks? xx
Thanks ladies. Still cant believe she's here. She's perfect. Here's a few pics of my gorgeous girls. Harper is such a proud big sister and has been amazing with her.



How is everyone doing? Xx
Soooooo adorable roxy. Harper looks proud as punch holding her little sister. How are you feeling?

Lexi enjoy the BBQ tonight and your day tomorrow.

I'm off to the theatre in a bit to see Mary Poppins and then for ice cream then I really have no plans either except for next Saturday for my birthday which will just be a family afternoon at my mums. I too am worried about making plans as my due date is Tuesday. Really hope it happens for you soon Lexi!

How is everyone else today? Xx
Roxy how beautiful are your kiddies! How lovely, I bet Harper is really made up! Lovely!!!

It is tricky eh summer cos in reality there could be 2 weeks left of pregnancy! So at the same time I guess planning things to do is a must because it could be a long wait otherwise!

I literally just feel like this is never ending now, I feel like maybe there isn't a baby in there and I have been fooled to think I am pregnant :rofl: I just can't actually imagine my little baby boy in that moses basket or cot in my room, and the swing, and the push chair and the car seat! It is crazy to think that there is supposed to be here! I dunno, its just weird. lol and of course everyone messaging all the time to ask if the baby has arrived isn't really helping. I guess I just have to keep patient! lol xx
Thanks. I'm so made up. I'm feeling good today summer considering I probably slept about 2 hours last night. India doesn't wake for feeds so I was having to wake her, plus she was sick after her bottles so couldn't relax incase she was sick and I was asleep. She's such a content baby and has hardly cried.

Hope its not long for you ladies now, cant wait to see some birth announcements and photos xx
We have just got back from the farm park decided on that instead of zoo as was.only 30 mins away took hospital bag and notes incase but home and didn't need them lol been having lots of BH over last few days and baby been a right little wriggled in there which is quite uncomfortable now she's running out of space

Roxy your girls.are Gorgeous xx
Roxy both your girls are just gorgeous! Welcome Indie.

Lexi I remember that feeling of going over, like... Ok what now?!? You are done with the official countdown and now it's just this weird limbo. I'm sure it's not long for you now!

37+1... I'm starting to get so tired every day (well not surprising considering how awful my sleep is) and my lower back screams at me every time I play at the park with the kids or take a long walk. The end is sooooo long!
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Omg Roxy your girls are gorgeous, look at all her hair! So lovely.
Feel so blah and spent a good chunk of today in a mood and /or crying. Just fed up now, not sure how Il get through these last few weeks..just trying to remind myself how thankful that he's still in there and getting bigger and stronger. The end is really dragging!
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Lulie I'm right there with you today. I am exhausted and my nausea is horrendous. I have so much housework that has piled up and physically I just can't do it.
Glad you're feeling good roxy.

Hope you ladies start to feel better soon. It really is a bit of a slog the last few weeks isn't it. Constantly being on edge wondering if it's guna happen must take it out of us too!

I've had a couple sharp crampy pains this afternoon followed by a rock hard baby bump I did begin to wonder if that was it but I've had nothing more. I keep telling myself when it's the real deal I'm sure I'll know.

Oh is back to work tomorrow for 6 days so what's the odds it'll happen when he is at work. That makes me a little anxious that I could be here on my own and then people in work would know what's happening as hell come home and I'm paranoid that somebody will write something on my Facebook to me about being in labour when we're not even going to tell parents it's happening!
Congratulations Gill, dgreen, and Roxy! Isn't it wonderful having your babies in your arms !

My Baby boy was born Aug 2 @11:29 a.m. the ecv was successful and labor and delivery went well. I hope all of your labors go as fast and good as mine did.
What's happening Lexi your son having too much fun inside :)
Lexi 3hours before my first contraction I had a lavender bath with a little witch hazel in it. I used 16 drops of lavender essentials oil. I had no signs of labor contractions just started.
That's so funny Lexi as I feel the same, can't imagine the baby using any of things I've bought, I thought it was just because it was my first that I felt like that, but I just can't imagine it!

Congrats on your little one Toni!
Thanks Lulie! I'm so happy he's finally here. Sleep is so much more comfortable lol.
Hooray Toni! Welcome little guy!

I want my babyyyyy!!!!
Thank you ladies! It is so wonderful having him here. Nursing is awesome if you can get pass that second/third day and the latch is correct. It's just so amazing what we can do as mothers. We are made so beautifully!
Kholl your just around the corner the home stretch is in sight, hang in there luv.
Roxy are you nursing?
Summer I sure hope it happens when your OH is home. Fingers crossed for you.

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