***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Aww Harper and Sofia were the same weight hehe! Thats not bad then your bub isn't gonna be too tiny, I hope a little bit that mine is a bit lighter than 7lbs 10! xx
So I've had some spotting since the sweep, got a lot of pressure in my bottom too which is new as it was only down below before. Been bouncing on the ball. Trying not to get too excited but really hoping the sweep helps things along before Friday x
Roxy if you can, have sex! I had a sweep and then spicy food then sex and baby was here the next day. But my cervix was already 3cm and close to 100% effaced so it was happening soon anyway.

Lexi what a horrific story about your poor friend. It is close to home and also a reminder to treasure the people we love in our lives.

Can't believe it's August. I still think I might be in for a September baby but at least we are all getting so close!
Glad everyone's scans went ok, and hopefully Gill is having cuddles with her baby now :)

TMI possibly, but has anyone else had like a massive increase in discharge? I have, and it has gotten to the point of, have my waters gone and I am not contracting? There is quite a bit and it feels weird... may just be me! Also, been feeling quite sick today, had to stop myself being sick twice whilst driving my mum about earlier... I am getting impatient already, God knows how I am going to cope for the next few weeks!
Glad all was good at your scan lexi. Both got good weights lexi and roxy!

Kirsty yeah I've had a lot of discharge the last couple of weeks. I went to Dr Google though and it said it was normal.
Kirsty I actually thought my waters had broken today because of discharge! I have had tonnes of it for the last couple of weeks, it is pretty gross because of the amount of the stuff! I had a bit of a show a minute ago too with some pink in it, has happened to me a few times so I think my body is just ultra preparing hahaha!

I feel really quite fed up with life this afternoon lol, not in a depressed way or anything, I just feel like I need a permanent rest and want to just sleep! I could go to bed now and not wake up til morning quite easily, I get the "baby here yet?" texts every day from people that I wouldn't even prioritise telling anyway which is grating on me slightly and I also get the "can't wait for a cuddle" messages from people that I couldn't care less about to put it bluntly! I just don't get it, why people that aren't even that close friends or anything think they can just come and intrude in your life just because you have a baby, and then you never see them again!

Haha the other day I had a facebook clearout of people that really aren't my friends and half of the f***ers readded me within 24 hours! I was like WHY!!!!!!

Sorry for the rant I just have had a few messages this afternoon and people are beginning to really irritate the life out of me!!
Tidied the house top to bottom, been bouncing on the ball most of the afternoon, vindaloo is on its way, come on baby I'm ready now! X
Hahaha Lexi I love a good Facebook clear out, embarrassing on their half though requesting you again surely they would figure out you deleted them. Cringe!! You should just stop replying to people and only reply to those you care about.

I hope you ladies pop soon! X
Today I decided to clean the bathroom and since being having BH on and off all day baby seems to have been awake all day I've lost some plug aswell!! Ive had a bath this evening and since then I've had the runs and been violently sick!! I'm Slightly worried this may be.the start of something as.I'm not yet 37wks! I have MW appointment tommorow so hoping I make it! Maybe I have a.bug?
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Maybe call labour ward mictho if it carries on or you start getting pains. It could be the start or it could be a bug. I was sick in early labour with my daughter.

I dont know how anyone can eat a vindaloo and enjoy it. My eyes and nose are running like crazy. X
Sounds like it could be the start of something, Mictho! 36 weeks is early, but both my sisters were born at 36 weeks, the oldest 20 years ago, and everything went well even then.

Went to my appointment, BP was fine of course :-) and I finally gained a bit of weight! Baby's head is engaged but no dilation yet.

So exciting, Roxy! Fingers crossed your baby comes soon on his/her own, but at least you'll have a baby by the weekend!!
Well ladies had a lavender bath at 2:15pm before my 3:15 nst. Start having a few Braxton hicks while there and the baby wasnt as reactive as they wanted him to be so they sent me to hospital. Came right over at 4:50pm and started contracting while waiting. Once they got me settled in a room they did ultrasound baby was off to my right pubic bone so they gave me the choice of csection or ecv. II choose ecv because he was so close to my pelvis. Got the epi and they turned him so far he's staying
Oh Toni I have heard the ECV is an agonizing procedure- I hope yours wasn't too painful and baby stays head down!
Nothing to update from me - got no signs and still no braxton hicks but he moves all the time! I don't sleep anymore.

How you all doing? Is a ecv where they turn baby? X
OMG what a night I have had... I have no idea what time it was, but woke up with terrible period type cramps, with back cramps that kept coming and going, got it into my head that this was it, next thing I know it's 9am and I am just waking up... must of been the strongest set of BH I have had so far!!!
Haha Kirsty I had a night like that a couple weeks ago. It's such a tease isn't it!

Still nothing here from me either. I plan on spending the day now bouncing on the ball until it's time to wake oh up from his night shift for some adult time ;-) I am 39 weeks today, just 1 week until due date. I'm hoping I don't make it haha

I've not heard of an ecv either?
Morning ladies!!!
Alexander James McKenzie was born at 2.45pm on 1.8.16 weighing 7lb3oz - he's doing great!!! Wee trip back to theatre for me after losing two and a half litres of blood and in recovery until midnight - nothing ever goes as planned!!! Doing much better this morning though!! Xx


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Congrats Gill he's gorgeous. Sorry to hear you had a bit of a tough time after but glad your feeling better this morning xx
Summer it was the most awful tease ever!

Gill congratulations! He is gorgeous, and I hope you are feeling better soon x

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