***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Yay Gilby- welcome Gracie!
Lexi you're next I can feel it.
Had a super scary episode of reduced movement this morning, I am so on edge. I didn't mention this before because it's so terribly sad but I realize now I have to talk about it; one of my dear friends in town just lost her baby at 35 weeks. She has had several early miscarriages and one late loss (at 21 weeks) and now this. I feel so horrible for her and it's also impossible to separate myself emotionally from what she's going through, you know? I just visited her on Friday and it's all just so heartbreaking and deeply wrong.
My baby is moving ok now after this morning but I am more anxious overall to meet this little one and wish I were a bit closer to my due date than 36 weeks.
Lexi I've noticed down below feeling more puffy and swollen lately, especially when I have loads of pressure down below.

Nicki I think they usually offer sweeps after 40 weeks. I asked my midwife for a sweep last week but she said she wouldn't do one before my due date.

Kholl that is so sad :( its horrible when hearing stories like that, even being so far along you never know what can happen. Its such a worry, even once they are here its still a worry.

I got my growth scan tomorrow morning, will find out if they are thinking of inducing me or not. Xx
Aw congratulations Gilby - someone was bound to go in July - how lovely!! Yes Lexi - very swollen weirdly!!! Hopefully your contractions will come to something and congrats on booking your wedding - how exciting!! Kholl how very sad - I can't even begin to imagine the pain at their loss :( :(
OMG I'm having a baby tomorrow!!!!! It's slowly starting to sink in!!!! Xx
Knoll that's so sad, do they know what happened? I think knowing someone that's been through that experience makes you more nervous. My best friend lost 2 in 2nd tri and my aunt lost my cousin at 39 weeks so I'm completely obsessed with movements and why I'm so keen to get him out! Fingers crossed baby keeps wiggling from now on and stops scaring you. Xx
Thanks guys- I am sorry to share such an upsetting story but it's such a part of my emotional experience these days that I can't keep it in.
They don't know what happened, but they are still doing tests. They didn't find anything wrong when she had her 21-week loss so they didn't do extra monitoring or testing this time, and now I am infuriated about that part. Even though they didn't find anything, with such a late loss why didn't they monitor her more closely? I hate it. It's too sad.

Gill TOMORROW!!! This is so exciting. Tomorrow is August!!!
Oh and Lexi yes- definitely more swollen down below.
Good luck for tomorrow gill, what time you due in the hospital? X
So tragic about your friend Kholl. It's devastating at any point but it must be horrendous at 35+ weeks, when they can easily survive outside the womb. All along I wouldn't say my boy has ever been super active (most of the time just a kick and/or a shuffle here and there) but I'm nervous if he's quiet, even if it's just half a hour..been getting more and more anxious just lately. When I get closer to my due date I'm going to be trying all the old tricks to get him out as am petrified of going over. I read online that the placenta is only made to sustain the baby for 40 weeks, not sure how true that is, but I can't get the worry out of my mind :-(
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Thanks ladies!!! 1.30 so need to be there until 11am xx
How awful kholl. I'm obsessed with babes movements it's part of the reason I have to sit in the same position on the sofa at night so I can monitor them.

Eeekkkk Gill tomorrow!! How are you going to sleep tonight?!!

Lexi I hope you're not suffering too much longer with the bh' etc and baby makes an appearance soon for you. That's what put us off of Cape Verde etc as with a 1 year old spending 2 weeks on the same sun loungers probably isn't the most enjoyable for them.

I've still no real signs. I've had the crampy feelings (which aren't uncomfortable just there) since Thursday. Since this is my first time do you ladies reckons this is something? Is it just baby pressure? I am just itching for bubs to start their journey into the world.

My down below area also feels a bit swollen but I'm ftm so no idea what that is about but I've had pain down there for a few weeks now.

Anybody else go to bed every night hoping to be woken up with the pain? And then wake up every morning hoping today is the day? X
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Oh, August hits us in 3hrs and 17mins. I've just had a stern word with baby telling them to start their journey as August will be here in a few hours and it's perfectly acceptable for them to now defo be born! :rofl:
Congratulations Gilby and good luck for tomorrow Gill!

Monitoring movements can be very scary. I don't think the worry gets any less as pregnancy progresses, well I haven't found it to anyway.
I think you are right Clare, for me it seems to have gotten worse, especially since now it's a fully functioning human inside who can cope with life outside the womb. Just got to believe all will be fine.

Saying that though, am I the only one that still can't imagine anything past labour? I can't imagine myself with a bub, even at almost 37 weeks :o
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Congrats Gilby and good luck Gill for tomorrow! How exciting!

Anyone experienced mild aches in the right hand side of theIreland belly? Low ones? I know it's not my appendix as I have already had that removed... it's only slightly concerning me, it's not massively painful and bean is moving well :)
Yeah Kirsty the past 2 nights I've had a little ache on the right side but only notice it when I lay down on my left and at the end of the day.

Nah the worry over movements doesn't go away at all does it, in fact I too have found I'm worse now nearer the end.
I'm hoping every night summer that tonight's the night lol. Especially as I seem to be in the most discomfort before going to bed.

I can't believe its almost August and our babies will be here! Its strange because it feels like 5 mins ago I got a positive test, back in December a few days before harpers second birthday, but at the same time its flown by! I still can't believe I'm gonna have another baby soon. Everyday I wonder if todays the last day of being a family of 3. I'm so excited but so nervous at the same time. I really hope harper adjusts well, I really don't want her to feel pushed out or anything. But at the same time I know she's going to love being a big sister and this time next year will be amazing seeing them play with each other x
And I can't wait to no longer have heartburn!! Its gotten so much worse these last few days..

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