***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

You and me both Mictho!! Looks like we are due a day apart too, so cool.
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I hope you ladies dont go over! I always thought the more babies you have the earlier they arrive but talking to others I've realised that's not always the case lol.

Harper is finally asleep after doing everything she can to fight it. I haven't had much movement since I fell earlier so gonna have a bath and cold drink to see if that wakes baby up. I normally get a good amount of movement around 10pm each night so if I haven't had any by then Ill give the hospital a call. Im so tired tonight I could easily sleep for days x
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Well today has been emotional! I got a promotion at work which is great and got home for my mom to tell me that my grandad has cancer. Devastated doesn't even cut it!

Oh Aes I'm so sorry, such awful news :(

Roxy hope baby has woken up after a cold drink, and hope you're less achy after your bath
Oh no, Aes, that's terrible news! I hope it's still early and they can help him heal completely...

Roxy, hope you feel a bit less painful and baby started moving. You really must be very careful!

I had such a lazy (tired) day. I went to the store to buy food, lay in the sofa reading, got DS from daycare and I didn't have any energy left so we just watched Sesame Street together until hubby came home... usually he only gets to watch television in the weekends, after daycare we play outside or do some cooking together or play with his train or paint or whatever, but I just couldn't handle anything more than sitting down with him... I actually apologized to him and promised that we'll play more once the baby is here, lol.
So sorry to hear aes, what a worry for you.

Thankfully baby has been moving the usual amount now so I feel much more relaxed. Thanks ladies xx
Thanks all. I'm usually a crier but hormones are making it so much worse. I know I need to be rational for my DD1 who won't understand why I'm crying. I also need to try and stop crying long enough to go to work for the rest of the week. Urgh

Glad bubs is moving for you roxy. How are u feeling now after your fall & soak in the bath?

Oh aes a bitter sweet day for you. Hopefully it's something that can be treated and they haven't caught it too late.

Seems like tiredness has us all today I'm tired too.

I am considering asking if mw will out me forward for an induction sooner rather than later on Thursday. Anybody else asked for this? I'm beginning to panic a little about going so far over and baby being massive and the complications.
I'm feeling better now thanks summer, not so achy. Are they inducing you? When have they planned it for? I haven't asked but no harm I suppose, the worst that'll happen is she'll say no but if your cervix is favourable than it'll work better.

My bump has been rock hard since last night, its usually soft in places that baby isn't pushing against but the whole of it feels hard now x
No they mentioned it to me on my scan at 33 weeks then said at my next scan which I had at 36 weeks they would see how the growth was going. At that scan it was still showing big but they referred me to mw. Mw was happy as even though big it was following the same curve. I'm just beginning to panic a bit that it's guna be huge and there will be complications like they've mentioned to me before when they first said baby was big. I will see what she says on Thursday. Hopefully she can do a sweep and that will work!

Is it hard constantly roxy? Wonder what that could be.
Summer, your body is making the right-sized baby. There are far more potential complications with induction than with letting your body do what it does best.
She may consider it then if there's already concern about baby being big. What do they reckon baby's birth weight will be? She may try a sweep first and if that doesn't work then go for induction but fingers crossed the sweep works for you. Is she gonna try a sweep on Thursday?

Yeh pretty much constantly its been hard, everytime I've touched it today anyway. It feels like its stretched to its limits and like baby is constantly pushing on it. Just weird because its always been soft in places, especially right side as baby generally lays on the left side. I've been having quite a few stomach cramps and pains today too so maybe that's to do with it. X
Oh Aes, I'm so sorry. I hope he makes a full recovery. Thinking of you.
Has anyone here watched "The Business of Being Born"? It targets women here in the US but every pregnant woman should watch it... At least once! :)
My belly is rock hard too... like yours roxy, normally hard where he is laying, but it's all over, like I have stretched as far as I can! Oh has just said I look like i have stretched further out front...

Please don't be long baby, I want to meet you!
They reckon 9lb plus. She said last week to come back this week if I've had some tightenings so I'm hoping the little cramps I've been having and the few hard belly moments means something and hopefully cervix is good for a sweep.

Kholl never heard of that programme. What's it about?
I've had that last weekend, Roxy and KirstyLeigh. Told my doctor about it at our appointment Monday and she said it was a good sign, checked for dilation cause it could've caused that (but it didn't with me). So I suppose it's a good sign for you ladies!
"the Business of being born" is a documentary that changed my life. I watched it while pregnant with my first and ended up watching it like 3 more times! I wish every pregnant woman would see it!

I can't wait to see all the babies!!!
Just been on a pregnant lady rant! Started itching again yesterday including palms so got in touch with the doctors office this morning to come in and take the usual blood tests, first they said because my doctor was off that I wouldn't get a reply until the 22nd, but I told them I have an appointment with the stand in doctor next week so give the results to her, then I get to the blood test and when I double checked if they had checked the salt bile levels they hadn't! Hopeless!

Least it's sorted now and I should get the results Friday.

I've calmed down abit now as finally on route home and have bought one of my biggest cravings..dettol! Haha.. I can't get enough of the smell!

My dh's cousin had a sweep yesterday but was no sign of anything happening so she's in hospital now being started off.. we're so excited to see her little boy!
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Lulie I can't stop craving the smell of talc powder!! Oh my god I could eat it!! Haha!

I went for my sweep this morning and i am 2 cms dilated WOOOOO!! She said she could do a very successful sweep and felt baby's head :D So fingers crossed. It has set off loads of braxton hicks but I guess the test is whether they actually turn into something, I have a sweep booked next wednesday lol I will be 5 days overdue at that point so we will see.

I have just nested loads and cleaned flat again top to bottom this time I let loose with bleach haha like every surface so I know we are nice and clean and ready in here!

Aes - I am so so sorry about the news you've just received. I had similar news back in February - My Grandad was given a year to live, he peacefully passed away 3 days after being told that in his arm chair. I was just told yesterday by my Dad that my Grandmother (his wife) has just been told the same news, she has a rare form of bladder cancer and she has refused all treatment so she can be reunited with her husband, they have been together since they were 16 and she said she can't stand to be without him. It is so awful this disease. I feel for you, it is a massive shock.


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