***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

He is gorgeous Gill. Hope you are starting to feel better, that must have wiped you out!
Personally I think the new moon tonight has an effect, it's all about the water....
Congratulations Gill! He's beautiful and I really like the name. Hope you feel better soon, when are you taking him home?
Ahh Gill I am so happy for you :D Congratulations!! I hope you're okay?? Take it easy and rest lots if you lost that much blood you're bound to be knackered, lots of help from your OH!

I have groomed my own dog this morning and sorted the horse out for a bit of exercise :) Gonna relax on the sofa for the afternoon now, I am absolutely shattered so I am gonna take it easy today! I feel really lethargic and hungry today lol, I am going to drink a tonne of water and fruit and see if that energises me, I also have a massive craving for cheese! xx
Yes indeed I do - expensive and hard work are the two describing words I would use :lol: xx
Awww wow wee congrats Gill. Hope you're doing OK.

Lexi give into them cravings girl you don't have long left to use the baby excuse Haha
I have just eaten a banana, massive lump of cheese and a nectarine hahaha! Really needed that lol!

Baby has had hiccups all morning and now that the baby is that much bigger it feels more weird! He is hiccuping so much today I have been holding my breath to see if it will help him get rid of them :rofl: poor little sod! xx
I've always wanted to ride a horse but I was too heavy but I think when baby boy comes I will be under the weight so hubby said he will pay for lessons (after I've learnt how to drive)

funny you say about cheese I've been living on babybels and cheesestrings for the last few days oh and cheesecake.

I'm really bored, I've been off work 6 weeks, the house is organised, bags are packed, daytime TV sucks. I'm trying to get through my book keeping course but i'm really uncomfy using my computer because I squish the baby and he doesn't like it.
Safe to say I have just ruined my taste buds with pineapple! After all those BH last night I want to get this baby moving! Lots of cleaning, bouncing on the ball for me today!
Sat at soft play cafe and my stomach is killing me, really bad pains, like I need a poo (sorry tmi!) feel really odd too, hot flushes and flustered.

Hows everyone today? Xx
Congrats Gill, what a gorgeous little boy!

Lots of promising signs from lots of people on here today. I'm just tired and been laid in bed all day, nodded off about an hour ago and had a nightmare after watching Panorama about North Korea! Woke up in a right sweat! Just feel very much like I can't be bothered anymore, everything is such a bloody struggle.. not long now though!

My dh's cousin is the 41 weeks today has had her membranes stripped, if that doesn't work she's going back tomorrow to be started off, so we are all very excited!
Sounds like good signs for you roxy. I've had that constant needing to poo feeling for 5 days now. I try to go but when I push to try I can feel baby being pushed so know it can't be because I need to go! Haha
Nicki horse riding is so great! I love it, I have ridden since I was about 8 and I bought this horse when I was 12 or 13, I am 26 now! Me and my mum share him, she is riding him now as I can no longer get on and off, I had my last ride a couple of weeks ago. I managed to ride til 36 weeks with my daughter but not this time it was a bit before that. I love having him, it is a massive life commitment though!

Lulie i am with you today with the tiredness, I have just awoken from a 2 hour nap that I took in bed as sofa napping has suddenly become uncomfortable, I am so glad I get the chance to nap during the day though, I really need it!

My friend is coming over tonight for movie and pizza, but honestly I can't be bothered to entertain... She is luckily my best friend so doesn't give a shit how I look or anything haha it's just the whole kicking people out when you are tired is a bit awkward lol xx
Lexi I know the feeling when you wanna just go sleep or chill and you got visitors. Awkward lol.

I feel knackered today too but haven't had a chance to nap, or even sit down for long tbh. I'm hoping harper will have an early night so I can too. She hasn't napped today so fingers crossed she'll be ready to drop around 6.30ish!

I slipped over in the garden earlier on the wet decking, fell flat on my back. Thankfully my bump wasn't knocked. But now my back and hips are killing me. So sore xx
Shit Roxy be careful you donut!! Dangerous on the wood in this weather our balcony is wood and gets so slippery! You must be careful!

I hope little miss Harper has an early night for your sake too, you can have a nice early one as well lol.

I am prob just gonna say to my friend 9pm cut off point for tonight I am so tired already!

Make sure you have a bath to ease your back and hips madam, you need them to be alright to push a baby out!! xx
I know I cant believe I done it. Our decking is always so slippery when its been raining but I was rushing in with the shopping that I forgot it had been raining. Defo gonna have a nice soak in the bath once harper is in bed, I'm feeling sore now.

Yeh I don't blame you giving a cut off time, that way you wont feel like you gotta awkwardly say its time to go as your tired xx
Roxy my best friend is 30 weeks and she just had a nasty fall on the sidewalk yesterday on her way to her first day of work! Baby is fine but my poor friend is banged up. Your balance is so off during late pregnancy. So glad you're ok!

Lexi my sister and mom ride horses and it's an incredible commitment. Their lives revolve around it! It makes them so happy.

I keep reading 3rd baby birth stories and I guess they are notorious for coming super late. Like 42+ weeks. I'm trying to stay calm but I'm getting totally depressed about it. i'm not even 37 weeks yet and could have soooo long to go.
Oh no poor you roxy enjoy a good soak xx

I'm expecting my 3rd and she better had not be 2 weeks late I'm ready now lol x

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