***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Aw we really don't have much longer to go.
What are your ladies hospitals policy on being overdue?
I know that my hospital want the baby here by day 14 over and bring you in on day 12 so I know I have a maximum of 23 sleeps until baby is here. Something to keep me a little sane whilst waiting ...

Roxy how has Harper been throughout the pregnancy? Has she been interested and excited? X
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She has been excited yeh, she'll come up randomly and kiss/cuddle my bump, she'll also talk about baby when playing, like the other day she was sat at her table in the garden and put the empty chair next to her and said 'thats for baby', she'll also say stuff like baby coming later (meaning soon). She's so sweet when she talks about it. How much of it she actually understands tho is a different thing, she's not at all interested in babies at play group, same with my niece who's almost 7 months now, she's never shown any interest in her. I do think she will take it well, it just worries me still as she does have a temper on her and going through the terrible 2's atm still. I'm expecting a few tantrums etc but I'm hoping to keep everything as normal as possible, back to play groups and out at the beach etc asap really. Wanna keep her in her routine too so she doesn't miss out and then in her way blame the baby, if you know what I mean?! X
I can't wait til all these symptoms actually lead to something: had (not really painful) BH all day while doing absolutely nothing. I can live with getting them after longer walks or doing housework, even if it's still 4 weeks. But I just sat down at my mil's table and in her sofa, eating and watching DS play and still my bump has been hard as a rock all day with intermittent pains. It's so frustrating to be uncomfortable and knowing nothing will happen. Can't wait for labour. Heartburn is terrible too! My husband has a conditio which gives him heartburn all the time (but he's on medication so doesn't feel it anymore) and I adapted our food slightly for him, which helps me now too. Tomatoes, chocolate, oranges, lots of fat all make it worse. But some days it doesn't matter what eat or drink, it's just there. Won't miss that for sure!

Kholl, that's such a sad story and I simply can't believe why they didn't monitor her closer with that history. It's such a shame that some people really want a child, would be great parents and then things like that happen to them... :-(
Gill: good luck!!!
Roxy: I can't be sure that's really the best way to handle it, but we're going to do the same with Ilias. Of course if the baby comes on Monday he won't go to daycare at Tuesday while we're at home with the baby, but we're not keeping him at home for weeks either. I also think it's important at that age they have their normal routine and don't go thinking the new baby changes everything...
Harper doesn't go to nursery just yet, the play groups we go to I stay with her so I'm hoping to still be able to go in the early days with harper and baby, like not have a big break from them as she's use to going 3+ times a week. Same with going to park and beach, we go quite regularly so want to keep that up too. Whether or not ill be feeling up to it is another story lol. X
Ladies please keep an eye on right hand side tummy pain a combined with other symptoms it can be an indicator of pregnancy eclampsia. Have your BP checked xx
Ooooooh Gill this is tooooooo exciting! You must keep us posted :D I hope everything goes nice and smoothly and we will all be very envious of you having your cuddles with baby!!

Kholl it is just too close to home sometimes when people lose babies so late on, a good friend of mine lost hers at 37 weeks and 2 weeks prior her partner died suddenly of brain cancer so she had a massive double whammy of awful awful luck and it was just so so heartbreaking - life is truly unfair. Especially when you are thinking you're due soon and then to be told that you've lost your baby is just incredibly heartbreaking.

I actually was in hospital on the monitor last night, I didn't get ONE SINGLE BABY MOVEMENT YESTERDAY! I hate this monitor baby movement thing it really is hard work and it sets in panic and worry when you don't feel anything, so I decided to ring delivery and I was on a monitor for an hour and he moved twice, but very small, unnoticeable movement. The good news is his heart beat is good and strong, and this morning he's moving like mad! The doctor has said I must have an extra scan either today or tomorrow just to check his growth is on par, if it is then they will leave me to go into natural labour and have my sweep wednesday, if not then I will be induced. I did make it clear I want to avoid induction but of course it all depends on baby growth, I am sure hes abosolutely fine but you never know eh.
So... this is the week for a few of us to be due! I wonder who's next to go into labour! No one has actually gone into labour yet have they in our August thing so I wonder who it will be! xx
Oh Lexi, these bubs like to scare us! Glad all is well, he was obviously just having a lazy day! Surely can't be much longer for you now, everything crossed!
I hope so lulie I need to just get it over with now! Being on the delivery ward brought back some strange memories of birth last time as they actually put me in a delivery room to be monitored, was really weird! xx
Sorry to hear you had worry yesterday lexi with movements but glad his heart rate is good. Good luck with your growth scan. I have mine this morning, hoping baby isn't measuring too small and above the 5th centile at least. X
I am going at 12pm today to my scan so that's good that theyre doing it nice and quickly, I am guessing all will be okay! I hope so anyway the thought of being induced terrifies me! xx
How was your growth scan, Roxy?
These babies always find a way to scare us, don't they! Movement tracking is such a worry...

I've been quite relaxed about pre-eclampsia this pregnancy. BP has always been perfect and I never noticed any big swelling. Only removed my rings on the hotter days cause then my fingers were a bit swollen but that's the heat I think. But yesterday my mil thought it necessary to tell me 'oh, your feet are so swollen!'. I was wearing new uncomfortable shoes without socks and I told her that's the reason but now I'm worrying of course. To me my feet look quite normal and I don't have problems fitting my older shoes but who knows? Hubby isn't helpful either: "how would I know if your feet are swollen?" Luckily I have a check-up tonight.

It's August today! We're having our babies this month!
I'm still waiting to see the consultant Flo, had the scan over an hour ago now! So boring sat here lol x
Baby still measuring below 10th centile. Consultant done a sweep today, already 1cm dilated and he managed to stretch until 3cm dilated. He could feel baby's head too. If I haven't had baby in the next few days then I'm booked in for induction on Friday as he doesn't want me going over due date. Cant believe ill have a baby by the weekend at the latest! Xx
Well ladies August is finally here! The first thing I thought of was this is the month I become a mum, like have the baby here! It's so flipping excited but I also feel quite emotional about it. Get a little choked up thinking baby will be here in no longer than 22sleeps (that takes me 2weeks over) I just can't quite believe it. Still no signs from me though. I am booked in with midwife on Thursday so hopefully cervix is good enough for her to do a sweep. Trying not to get my hopes up about it though.

Wow roxy here by the weekend. I bet you're silly excited?!

Lexi how'd you get on today?
So scary isn't it monitoring baby movements always feel on edge about them.

How long do we all have until due date?

GillM hope you're getting on ok. I can't wait to hear all about it.
Flo if you don't think they look swollen, try not to worry too much, you know best! People seem to like to comment on everything during pregnancy, I swear to god my MIL said a few weeks ago that I "was getting a big bum" managed to laugh it off but I thought afterwards how I'd never say that to anyone, pregnant or not!
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Oh yeah people love to tell a pregnant lady how massive they're looking etc they love to just comment on everything! Defo trust your gut instinct. You know yourself if you're swollen etc xx
Wicked Roxy that is good news! I am hoping when I have my sweep on Wednesday I will be already dilated too as I have had a feel and pretty sure I am dilated a little :D

My baby weighs 7lbs 10 today at the growth scan :O I can't believe it if it is actually accurate, Sofia was 7lbs exactly so I hope he's not any bigger than 8lbs! I was told by the doctor he will just let the midwife deal with me and no induction so I am soooo glad about that! He will come when ready :D

I feel so silly worrying about movements yesterday now but I am glad I got it all checked out, I guess better safe than sorry eh!

That's a really good weight lexi, glad the scan went well. Also good they are happy for you to carry on naturally.

Baby's weight was estimated at 6lb 6oz today, so not too small and harper was 7lb born at 39+4. X

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