Congratulations Gilby!!! How lovely
Hmm I need to think this honeymoon thing through more I think, I thought we could go on a nice holiday just us two but I don't know if we will enjoy it as much as we should, we could always do a week alone or something then take the kids on a family holiday maybe, I dunno how we will do it!
Someone said maldives and cape verde are amazing but there's literally nothing else to do there except sunbathe. I was thinking Seychelles or somewhere like that? I have heard good thinks about it and it seems there may be a little more to do but I haven't done much research on it yet!
I would definitely be happy with like Spain or somewhere easy but I guess if we can afford a more luxurious trip I guess we should take advantage!
I thought I was in labour last night, I had contractions every 5 minutes and they were painful... I couldn't lie down or anything then I tried to get comfy and I managed to go to sleep but they woke me up! I was so excited, then morning arrived and they're still happening but nowhere near as intense so that is annoying that they're proper teasing me. Fingers crossed tonight they just get more intense again and then the real deal eh!!!
Anyone else having loads of BH's??
And second time mums - TMI but I feel like "down there" is really puffy and just a little swollen and feels a bit like it did after delivery of my last one, which is weird I think and it is a reminder of what it felt like to deliver last time!
Has anyone been doing pelvic floors? Since feeling a bit swollen and stuff I have been on the case of trying to do lots of pelvic floor exercises just to help lol! xxx