***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

That's great lulie.

Anyone else have really painful movements from baby? Baby's movements are so strong lately some of them are quite uncomfortable and painful, especially when there is a foot sticking out, it feels like its going to rip through the skin. Also baby has been so active the past few days, more so that usual. X
Haha, I have him doing that on a frequent basis roxy, he has been for weeks, I think he has definitely run out of room! Takes my breath away when he stretches his foot out!

Dogs have gotten exceptionally clingy with me the past couple of days, shame that it isn't a sign of labour!

Been and had my last manicure before becoming a mummy today, have had a turquoise colour put on, nice and summery as well as being blue for the little man!
Roxy yes. Sometimes on the odd occasion that it kicks it takes my breathe away and the amount of rolling on my bladder is borderline unbearable. The pain from that is something else!

Kirsty don't they say dogs sense this kind of stuff? Maybe it is a sign!

Lexi may know she's a dog person :)
Great news lulie!
Summer yes lots of painful movements here too.
Lexi we haven't heard from you today... Hope that's a good sign!!!

36+1 today. So close, so far away!
Yeah they say dogs are very sensitive to this sort of thing, my terrier bitch isn't interested in me ever and the last few days I can't get her off my lap - I reckon it's a sign!!

Flo - I totally am on your side with the breastfeeding thing - I fed my daughter for one year and loved every minute of it and hated that she stopped, now I just cannot wait to feed this baby again! I fill up just thinking about it, my let down reflex is still strong after 4 years of not feeding haha! I also can't believe that potentially in the next few days or weeks that we will become a family of 4 - it is absolutely crazy!

I am not gonna lie, the baby's movements actually make me go a bit funny. I don't like them when the baby is this big and it really stops me in my tracks and makes me jump a lot because it just doesn't feel normal having such a big baby inside doing these kicks etc! I can't enjoy the movement at this stage.

We went and booked the venue today for the wedding which is just a massive weight off our shoulders because my dad paid for it! So we are soooo grateful because we can now just save and have a nice honeymoon etc with the money that would have been for the wedding :D So exciting and I cannot wait for Sofia to be my little bridesmaid! She's gonna love it I think!

Next week I have a midwife appointment on wednesday morning at 10 where she will do a sweep, and the same day the dentist at like 2pm with Sofia and that is all I have planned for the week! I wish I had filled my week up a little more to be honest but I do actually like a bit of time at home and I think Sofia really appreciates a little time at home with her toys in her room because she is here there and everywhere living between me and her dad's I think they always have plans with her and she doesn't get much indoor time so I think next week might just be spent at home with her and the telly lol! xx
Aw what a lovely gesture from your dad & such a huge weight off your shoulders. Are you planning on spending a little extra on the honeymoon now? Lexi I have a friend like you she doesn't want babies at the moment because she can't get her head around feeling the baby move inside her!

A week of just chilling will be nice though.

I'm hoping I can get an appointment for Thursday for a sweep but I have to call on Monday morning. I think she'll do it this time because I'm having a few signs so she should at least take a look, or rather feel!
Yes this one makes quite large strong movements, another reason why I think I may well end up with a August baby rather than getting all the way to September. He consistently measures 12-14 days ahead so... yeah lol
Ahh sorry Kholl I just saw your post! Dam it I wish it was a good sign that I was being quiet LOL!!!

Summer I know right! We can spend a little more on a nice honeymoon and chill out, my biggest thing with that is that I have been away for 10 days without Sofia before and it was TORTURE! Farrrrr too long without her, so now I am debating on a honeymoon with the kids but don't know if that would be wise or not to be honest!

Oooooh yes a sweep this week for you too would be nice! I am so glad I am having one but knowing my luck she will go to do one and my cervix will be too high or something (that happened in my last pregnancy) so I am keeping my fingers crossed as I can feel my cervix myself so hopefully that means my midwife will be able to too :rofl:

I can't help myself but keep watching one born every minute on catch up too, I love the reminder of child birth lol I don't know why but it soothes me a little watching it! Anyone else been catching it up? xx
I have to agree Lexi, these movements from such a big baby are a bit scary sometimes, almost alien like! Everyone says how nice is it to feel them move but I think I've got past that nice part to be honest!

I feel like he's grown just in the last few days and starting to dawn on me that this huge lad has to come out somehow! Haha

How lovely that your Dad has paid for your venue, do you have any idea where you fancy going on your honeymoon?
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That's good news, Lullie!

We're going to my in-laws tomorrow, some other family will be there too: my mil makes very good mussels apparently (I never tasted them being vegetarian) and once a year she makes a huge amount of them and invites everyone. Monday evening I have my next appointment: still need to let them sign the documents for maternity leave and then I will finally know more or less for sure when I'll go back to work. It will probably be in December already, but I'm doubting to work part-time for a while. With Ilias I was at home for a year, but I need to work to feel good, I go crazy staying at home although I love my child(ren) more than anything. So I'll try part-time work this time. Plus now we have a house and need to pay of the bank, so we need the money more than last time.

Lexi: what a lovely surprise of your dad! Now you can just enjoy the preparations without worrying about the money too much.
We did the honeymoon with kid, cause I would have cried every evening without him I guess lol. He was only 4 months back ;-) but we didn't have a budget for what we really wanted (hubby actually seduced me with talks about a dream holiday to Iceland when we first met, I'm keeping him to his promise to take me there) so we took a nice relaxing 'honeymoon' with our son and will have a real honeymoon in a few years, just the 2 of us, when we can pay for it.

Glad to hear I'm not the only one who finds movements annoying now! I like the reassurance that baby is OK, but it really hurts sometimes, especially the pressure on my bladder. I don't get too many kicks in my ribs luckily, I once heard of someone who's baby actually broke one of her ribs by kicking really hard!
Gracie Louise Gilbert was born 9.35 am on Friday 29th. She's absolutely incredible :)
Gracie Louise Gilbert was born 9.35 am on Friday 29th. She's absolutely incredible :)

Well well Congratulations!!:dance: I would love to hear your labor and delivery story when you have time to write it. Aww yay you. I'm excited now. Who hoo! :)
Gracie Louise Gilbert was born 9.35 am on Friday 29th. She's absolutely incredible :)

Lovely, congrats chick! Hope you are doing well :)

Lexi our fil paid for our honeymoon for us and we debated over taking the baby but I just couldn't fathom going away for 2 whole weeks without our 1 year old so they'll be coming but we've said we will do a little 2 or 3 day city break not long after just us 2 on our own. That will probably be enough time away from them.
I would always take Sofia and your son there's no point missing them just because. Where are you thinking of going? We have booked tenerife. We looked at far away 'honeymoon destinations' but we love to get out and about and see stuff and walk around and places like Cape Verde, Dominican you can really do that.

Ah jeez I hope my cervix is ready next week. It's now only 2 weeks until my brother goes and won't be back for 7 months. No pressure! How do I know what I'm feeling for if I want to try and feel my cervix?!
Congratulations Gilby! Enjoy these first days together with Gracie!
Congratulations Gilby!!! How lovely :D

Hmm I need to think this honeymoon thing through more I think, I thought we could go on a nice holiday just us two but I don't know if we will enjoy it as much as we should, we could always do a week alone or something then take the kids on a family holiday maybe, I dunno how we will do it!

Someone said maldives and cape verde are amazing but there's literally nothing else to do there except sunbathe. I was thinking Seychelles or somewhere like that? I have heard good thinks about it and it seems there may be a little more to do but I haven't done much research on it yet!

I would definitely be happy with like Spain or somewhere easy but I guess if we can afford a more luxurious trip I guess we should take advantage!

I thought I was in labour last night, I had contractions every 5 minutes and they were painful... I couldn't lie down or anything then I tried to get comfy and I managed to go to sleep but they woke me up! I was so excited, then morning arrived and they're still happening but nowhere near as intense so that is annoying that they're proper teasing me. Fingers crossed tonight they just get more intense again and then the real deal eh!!!

Anyone else having loads of BH's??

And second time mums - TMI but I feel like "down there" is really puffy and just a little swollen and feels a bit like it did after delivery of my last one, which is weird I think and it is a reminder of what it felt like to deliver last time!

Has anyone been doing pelvic floors? Since feeling a bit swollen and stuff I have been on the case of trying to do lots of pelvic floor exercises just to help lol! xxx
Lexi, every time you go quiet I am totally convinced it is happening!! What happened last night sounds very promising though! Eeep! Still crossing fingers for you that it is before thr 4th like the lady said!
Congrats Gilby, can't wait for pictures!!

Lexi hopefully it's kicking off for you. Exciting about your wedding and honeymoon, really wish I could do men all over again, I hated my wedding and didn't have a honeymoon have joked about getting divorced to have another wedding but hubby ain't keen :D I'm a ftm but I'm very achey down there, started yesterday but other than that I have nothing going on :( I no he's obviously not ready to come but I'm at my limited, I'm not sleeping as my hips hurt so much and he's so active, I feel sad all the time which is making me worried (more worried) about PND.

When do midwifes start doing sweeps?

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