***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Gill good luck for Monday, and enjoy the weekend.

Maximum of 3 weeks to go. I'm determined not to get my hopes up that she'll arrive on time or early. My brother said could she please avoid his birthday as he already shares it with quite a few people. I said that shouldn't be a problem since his birthday is the 22nd, and I'll be 2 weeks over on the 19th.
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Just been to midwife, I'm measuring 34 weeks even tho I'm 39 weeks. Gotta have another growth scan next week, waiting to hear from hospital when, and if baby is still small then they will more than likely induce. Baby has dropped on the chart again, at my last growth scan at 36 weeks baby was just above 10th centile and now with todays measurement baby is back down to below the 5th centile. Xx
Fingers crossed roxy, hopefully it won't be too long then until you meet your little girl. My husband's cousin who is one month ahead of me had to have a growth scan last week as baby was measuring huge on the chart, the ultrasound has shown a completely regular sized baby and a slight lack of amniotic fluid, so fingers crossed the chart is just off for you too.
Hi Clare. Almost full term for u! How come you are having an induction at 38 weeks if you don't mind me asking?
Must be so nice knowing that you have questions date to aim for.

As I have acute pain which effects my ability to safely monitor movements as well as being horrible for me. It's finally been attributed to a degenerative fibroid, had scans first on gallbladder and liver and they were clear.

Hopefully growth scan will be fine Roxy - my tummy measurements have been on completely different curve to my growth scan measurements.

Will be exciting planning your wedding Lexi and gives you plenty of time to organise things.

Gill how exciting! Baby will be here so soon.
Yeah I measure massively behind too, but I had a growth scan and they said pretty much everything is fine, just not tonnes of water which was the same with my daughter so hopefully its nothing to worry about roxy!

Summer yeah I thought he and sofia could be our page boy and little flower girl and I don't want any bridesmaids so it would be like our little family unit on the day kind of thing! Adam will want best men though.

Lulie I hope so too, I think I have had more than enough signs now haha! Adam said he reckons he will come this weekend I hope very much so that he is right!

I have drunk loads of water and eaten loads of fruit today as I am sooo dehydrated, so that should sort me right out.

Come on ladies someone pop and give us a birth story! xx
Thanks ladies. Its really annoying as at my growth scan at 34 weeks baby was measuring below 5th centile, 36 week scan baby was just above 10th centile and todays measurements puts it back down to below 5th centile. So baby has always measured on the smaller side. I just want baby to be here now so I can stop worrying!

Hows everyone's day going? Xx
Back from my week late 36 week appointment (made it to 37 weeks today, whoop!) With the Midwife, measuring well, head is 3/5 engaged... which I am guessing is a good thing? She is happy with me and growing... although I am ashamed to say I was weighed today and have piled on weight, I am officially the heaviest I have ever been, so I am already looking at slimming world for after bean is born, as it is breastfeeding friendly... sorry girls, my weight has always been a massive issue for me, it was a shock to see I had put on so much... anyway, hope you are all coping well with coming towards the end, it is in sight!!!
Roxy yeah you've had a few worries, the sooner it's over the better eh!!

Kirsty I am also the heaviest I have EVER been in my whole life and I have already found a slimming world group to join as soon as I have popped! I cannot stand being as fat as I am, I am so cross with myself!

I haven't got the balls to get on the scales now, I think I might get on the scales just before I leave for the hospital whilst I am in labour then weigh myself as soon as I get home after delivery to see just out of curiosity how much weight you do actually lose!

Ah roxy hopefully all will be well at the scan.
I've been measuring big all the way through been above the curve that was plotted for me and up at the 93rd centile and 2extra growth scans but they're happy to leave me naturally as my curve has followed the same pattern as the one plotted for me just its higher so hopefully you'll be fine too.

That will be nice Lexi just making your wedding a family thing.

Don't worry about your weight girls. We're at the end!

I've been following slimming world all the way through as was on it before I got pregnant and I swear by it I love the lifestyle it gives you. In fact, this week at weigh in some how I managed to lose a lb despite being 38 weeks lol

If you breastfeed whilst doing it you get to have 6 healthy extras a day 4 of which to be the calcium choice so you could, if you were a cheese fan like myself have 120g of cheese a day and 4 slices of bread! Thinking of that is making me now want a cheese sandwich!!
It doesn't seem very helpful or fair a midwife weighing you at 37 weeks - what's it meant to achieve? Too late to change anything at this point and could make people feel really down.

Everyone speaks really highly of slimming world though.
Yeah good point actually why weigh you so late on in pregnancy?!
I've heard of getting weighed incase you need an epidural but not regular weigh ins from the mw.
Apparently it was because I turned term, I hadn't been weighed since booking in... I have been on slimming world before and was really impressed with the weight loss I had in such a small amount of time, so will definitely be doing it again!
I dont seem to be following a curve on the chart, just random plotting's. God its such a worry I can't stop thinking about it now x


Dont know why the photo has gone sideways x
Shh would you weigh someone late in in pregnancy - that's rotten!!! Just been browsing the September mums and they're chatting about how it's odd that none of us early August due dates have gone early!!! Xx
Hahaha Ab went early though! She's the only one, it is weird we haven't had that many though, only 2 days left of July for us to go early eh! lol xx
Wonder if any of us will pop before August kicks in?!! How exciting.

Aw roxy see what you mean. Hopefully all will be OK at your scan for you. X
I don't understand why they weigh you only so late... In Belgium you get weighed every appointment and they put it in your notes every time. But only at the end seems a bit useless...
Lexi: how wonderful you can let both your children have a role in your wedding. They'll love it, certainly your daughter as she will remember it too...
Roxy: I hope everything will be fine with your baby. Measurements aren't really exact or reliable at this stage of pregnancy so maybe they're just wrong.
Gill: how exciting! Enjoy your weekend spoiling your firstborn and good luck on Monday!

My OH was home for 2 weeks, today was his last day (except the weekend) and we went to the seaside. It's strange to think this was probably our last outing as a family of 3, next time there'll be 4 of us! I start looking forward to breastfeeding actually. I always said I'd never breastfeed, then I tried and did it for a year, got emotional when we stopped it and now I'm looking forward to it. Never thought that would happen!
It's weird isn't it thinking of all these lasts that are happening before our babies arrive!

Anybody have any plans this weekend?

I am off to bingo this afternoon with a friend it's about 2.5miles to get there and so I've decided to walk it rather than have her pick me up. Got to get active!! There's a Starbucks and a costa right by the bingo hall so I may treat myself ;)
Here in Norway they also weigh us everytime, my friend who is also pregnant got told by the midwife to "watch her weight" which seemed abit daft seeing as she was about 37 weeks when she got told that! If they thought she was gaining too much shouldn't they have said something earlier?

Started with a bit of back ache last night! First time I've had backache throughout this pregnancy so I was abit excited, though it's gone now but hoping it might be the start of something haha.

In other news they doctors say my liver blood tests are still fine so as long as they itching doesn't return I don't have to go back in for the weekly blood tests. Hurray!
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