***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

I have, hopefully, just had my last appointment with the midwife, as she now doesn't want to see me for 3 weeks, and she'll do a stretch and sweep then. I'll be 41+6, so I'm hoping I won't need it! I've got the consultant the week before, and hope he'll book me in for an induction if she hasn't made her appearance.

Flinty at this point in your pregnancy you don't see your midwife weekly? Three weeks seem so long. In the states once you hit 32 weeks it's every two weeks and every week at 36 weeks. If your are high risk then it's twice a week.
Hopefully you see her sooner meaning no overdue baby for you.:)

No, as its my second I should see her at 38, 41 and 42 weeks, but my doctors only have a midwife on a Thursday morning. I thought she might want to see me in 2 weeks as I'd be 40+6 so only a day off being 41, but she didn't. I've only seen the consultant once, and he said he only wanted to see me if I went over due, and I was to be treated as low risk. I was refered due to previous mc and because there's a 50/50 chance she'd have a genetic condition called NF1, but I refused an amnio, so I'll find out in afew months if she has it.
I also don't get seen weekly, my midwife just sees me whenever lol its because this is my second too apparently x
Raspberry leaf isn't meant to bring on labour though is it? I've been on it since 33 weeks it's meant to help with the 2nd stage of labour from what I've read. If it's meant to bring on labour don't bother it obviously doesn't work :rofl:

I think something might be going on today well, it's Brixton hicks for defo if not. I've had a few little crampy pains followed by a very rock hard bump which has happened about 4 times this afternoon so far. I'm still in 2 minds as to whether the crampy kinda pains are me needing the toilet though although I went twice yesterday so usually isn't my pattern to go again the day after. Not getting my hopes up at all though but I feel the crampy pain every time I stand up from bending down or when I sit. Could just be pressure from baby maybe?

Hopejoy I'm bouncing like a maniac on the ball. We have sex quite often anyways and I'm just trying to keep active by walking a fair bit. Other than that I'm not trying anything else really.

Kholl that's lovely your daughter was just there and knew what to do. What a lovely moment.

Lexi I would defo skip the wedding. They'll understand for sure. Better to be here with fiance and comfortable for defo this close to the end.
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Summergurl I hope those signs mean something for you! I have these signs but clearly my body has decided that it will just not get this baby out just yet so maybe yours will mean more! I hope so for you girl!

Yeah I figured it is best to just not go to the wedding as awful about it as I feel I would literally be screwed if I went into labour or something happened so far away from home.

Anyone else feel like your life is like on stand still just waiting for these babies to arrive?! I have tried to keep busy and I have a few appointments and things booked next week etc, but I can't help but feel like each day I am just waiting for the arrival of this baby! Adam said he feels the same, I think it is hard to carry on as usual when you are close to being due xx
I hope so too but I've had no more bh's but still have the uncomfortable ache like a need the loo. I have tried to go but to no avail I think if I pushed anymore to try and go I'd have pushed the baby out :rofl: so surely it can't be that?!

Oh yeah totally feel like everything is on standby. I'm scared to make plans just incase I can't make them as I don't want to tell anybody I'm in labour but at the same time I don't want to be bored on my own whilst oh is still at work! Catch 22!
Lexi: Sounds like you made the best choice. I'd definitely not go all alone... I'm sure they'll understand!

Kholl that's so beautiful of your daughter! It must be a precious memory for you. I'm only not telling our boy cause he's only 2, completely in love with mummy and very sensitive about pain. My husband once told him he should let me rest cause I was in pain because of the baby and he totally panicked and kept asking if it still hurt for more than a week... I won't lie to him, but I avoid talking about the baby giving me pain if it isn't necessary (if I go into labour I won't say it doesn't hurt). It just makes his sister a 'bad girl' in his eyes and I don't want him to think like that about her.

I'm curious who will have her baby next! It's getting really exciting with all these signs!
I'm curious too I can't wait for us all to kick off into labour!
I also don't get seen weekly, my midwife just sees me whenever lol its because this is my second too apparently x

Wow ! I guess sometimes the visits are overrated because technically it's just vitals lol and a talk. But I'm high risk so I do NST 2x a week and see my doctor once a week. I'm off work so the travel back n fourth doesn't bother me.
Is it the norm in the UK to be seen every week after 36 weeks? I'm getting a bit panicky now as only have a doctor's appointment 8th August and then a midwife appointment on the 25th, might ask at the docs appointment if I need to be seen again in between those dates, as it does seem a while to go without having my vitals checked?
Lulie in my notes after 36 weeks i see the midwife every 2 weeks until 40 weeks and then again at 41 weeks.

I've not felt myself for days now, cant put my finger on what's wrong but just been feeling strange! Due a week today, hope I dont go over! Xx
Lullie: I have appointments every 3 weeks from around 30 weeks, then a few days before due date and a few days after. They don't do much more than check your blood pressure and answer your questions if I remember correctly.
Yay I am 39 weeks today too! Soooo excited! I hope I don't go over but at the same time I just think knowing my luck I will lol so I am not gonna stress about it, if he's late he's late!

For the last few days I get really bad hot flushes, I am sweating constantly and just feel absolutely boiling I could walk out in public in minimal clothing but of course that is completely socially unacceptable lol :rofl: I can't believe how hot I am :o

I have my Dad visiting in the morning .. we booked the church the other week for our wedding and tomorrow we are going to book the reception venue! I cannot wait to book all this cool stuff for the wedding, it is so exciting! xx
Lullie this is my first and I've had appts at 31 weeks 34 weeks 36 weeks 38 weeks 40 weeks then 41 weeks. I've got to book another in for next week so she can hopefully do a sweep but that's cuz I've asked.

Oh how exciting lexi. When is it you're getting married again?
Hope you have a lovely day with your dad. Do u have pinterest? I became addicted to looking at that for our wedding ideas!

I had a very good sleep last night. Was hoping to be woken up in labour but nooooooooo lol I didn't get up for 1 single wee and I remember having a fair few dreams all of them about me being in labour, which of course means it won't be happening soon lol

I'm going to have a very lazy day today. I've got my brother sil and niece popping around at some point but other than that I plan on doing nothing!
Thanks for the reply, I guess that would be right then, every two weeks!
Lexi I'm exactly the same. We have a heating system that doubles as air con, I've had it on 16(!) Degrees for weeks now, and still feel warm. I'm usually always complaining of being cold so this is all new to me haha!

When's your wedding Lexi? So exciting!
Hi ladies, I have been AWOL. Just been reading through and catching up with how you are all doing. Really is not long at all now! Going to keep checking in regularly now!!
I am 37 weeks tomorrow but I am booked in for induction a week tomorrow so I really do know the end is in sight. Suddenly feels so real! I was induced with my son a bit early so do know what to expect. Hopefully my body will be ready and it won't take too long.
Next week I will be cleaning and tidying like mad so everything is perfect before I go into hospital.
Hi Clare. Almost full term for u! How come you are having an induction at 38 weeks if you don't mind me asking?
Must be so nice knowing that you have questions date to aim for.
How's everyone today? Hubbys last day at work today for 4 weeks and section booked for Monday so planning on spending the weekend spoiling DS1!!! Contractions from last week have totally subsided and has been replaced with the most horrific itchy hands and feet. All bloods came back fine but the liver bile salt test takes a bit longer and the likelihood is that I wouldn't get the results back before Monday anyway so I've just to be extra vigilant about monitoring movement. Anyone got any exciting plans for the weekend? Xx
Hey Clare!! How exciting that you're being induced next week!

GillM and a section monday! Eek! That is so exciting too. I am very envious of you both!

I am getting married July 2018 - I want this baby to be walking and stuff before we get married so we figured a couple of years away would be the best thing to do! I have a good 4 stone to lose as well so might as well get that shifted and maintained before we get hitched!

Well I got ready, and then all of a sudden had to rush to the toilet, yep I have the runs again :( and I feel so so sick! We just took the dogs for a walk and I just cannot cope any longer being pregnant lol I have hot flushes constantly too! I just generally feel quite rough to be honest, I plan on having a sofa day today with Sofia, she goes off to her dads on a friday evening so I can relax tonight and have an early one. I just had a massive dollop of plug for like the 4th time too, I was gonna give my dogs a hair cut this afternoon so I will see how I feel later! xx
Aw wow Gill you must be super excited to meet baby on Monday. I too am very envious.

July 2018 you'll defo have that weight off and baby will defo be on their feet by then. Will you have baby playing a part in the wedding?
Ours is September next year so baby will only be just 1 so we are thinking that baby will just be at the front with oh whilst I walk down but we'll still put them in the same colours to match us.

Shame you feel so rough Lexi. Take it easy today. Give the dogs a miss it'll be more important to rest whilst you're feeling so crappy.

My stomach cramps from yesterday are still around despite 2toilets already today (albeit little ones) and baby hasn't moved much at all so I'm keeping an eye for the rest of the day. I'm off to get showered then I'm guna take my comfy position on the sofa which is when baby loves to move about so will hopefully get some kind of reaction then.
July 2018 sounds nice, and as you want to lose weight it's a great incentive! Your signs still all sound very promising, can't help but think you'll have a baby boy in your arms before long!

Gill, glad you only have the weekend to go, I'm jealous! I've been having blood tests the last three weeks because of itching but they have said the salt bile test was fine, did take a while for those results to come back, annoyingly. They sent me a message today to say I don't have to go back again for more blood tests unless the symptoms come back, so hopefully I am in the clear as no more itching (fingers crossed!)

Does anyone else feel like baby has no routine whatsoever? This little guy has active days and quiet days, and seems to do what he wants generally!
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