***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Haha nicki you can just imagine it. Brand new sofa & the first time you sit down bam your waters go :rofl:
Haha Nicki, better hope baby comes before the sofa then. To be honest, my oh didn't want to get a new mattress for our bed before the birth, for the same reason :-p
Again lots of BH today and something strange but sweet happened. I don't talk about it when DS is around, he doesn't understand how baby will get out of mummy's tummy and I obviously don't want him to know it will be painful for me. But I just sat next to him at the table with these Braxton Hicks and suddenly he stroked my bump and said 'baby is almost coming out now.' He's asked about when she will come out before, but this wasn't a question. Just like he sensed there was something going on with me that has to do with his sister getting born...
Oh my Kholl I can imagine the dread of having another baby on top of your non sleeping children that you have already and I feel really sorry for you, and I genuinely wish I knew what to suggest to make it better, I hate losing sleep as I find sleep precious. I don't know what you could try that will help, surely there's some sort of support you could try and get somewhere!?

Nicki oooh exciting new sofa! Lovely! Yeah don't be ruining it now will you girl :rofl:

Flo that is so cute, I hope that means something?! You never know kids are meant to have a sixth sense, my little girl says she thinks he's coming out soon to me but I don't think shes sensing anything haha!

I felt like I had to be honest with her when she asked about how the baby comes out and stuff in case I go into labour with her here, I have told her where he comes out and that it might make mummy have a bad tummy ache but it won't be for long and once the baby is out then the tummy ache will go and I will feel fine! I just remember going into labour with her and it being really intense pretty much from the first contraction so I wanted to warn her a little bit in case I am puffing like a steam train and she panics or something!

Well we went out for a curry with family last night and the whole time I was there I had major hot flushes, and majorly strong braxton hicks that appear mainly to be coming in the evenings, when I get them I actually feel like I am having contractions then I fall asleep and they die off which I am not complaining about because they are all steps in the right direction, it is just the anticipation of them turning into full blown labour that makes me a little anxious but I have never wanted it so much in my life! I have major foof ache too which I reckon is his head being so low, I literally walk along feeling like his head is already out lol!

I hope he doesn't keep me waiting too long, my ex mother in law came to pick my daughter up yesterday and she is a midwife and she said she reckons I am gonna go overdue! I was like oh great! lol! xx
Are u getting annoyed at all the people guessing when lexi?

I duno whether it's just me being irritable but people are really beginning to bug me. It's constant "oh you're having a girl" "you're having a boy for defo" "you're guna be x days late" blah blah bloody blah :rofl: I genuinely bite my tongue cuz if not I'd turn around and ask them where they studied for so long to make them an expert?!

I'm guessing I'm just irritable lol
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I have, hopefully, just had my last appointment with the midwife, as she now doesn't want to see me for 3 weeks, and she'll do a stretch and sweep then. I'll be 41+6, so I'm hoping I won't need it! I've got the consultant the week before, and hope he'll book me in for an induction if she hasn't made her appearance.
Summergirl, I too am irritated by it all... the whole "ooh your big" "ooh you're going to have him early" "ooh you're going to go over" "ooh he is going to be a big baby" is DOING MY HEAD IN!!!

I am having a hormonal day though, could easily cry at the smallest of things... I don't want to be at work no more, just got today and a half day tomorrow and boom! done!
I've had people say "you're big" and "you're small", buy luckily no one has started guessing when he'll come as of yet! A woman at the bus stop said I was big literally 1 and a half months ago! No matter how pregnant someone looks I would never dare comment on a strangers body, what if they weren't pregnant? I'd die of embarrassment! :D
Flinty that is so exciting to think that is probably your last appointment, I have my midwife next wednesday in the morning and she said she would do a sweep so I hope if he's not here by then I won't see her again either lol!

I guess people guessing when he's gonna come doesn't really get on my nerves at all, but the you're big, you're small, hes gonna be big etc stupid comments irritate the life out of me, and another thing that irritates the life out of me is the amount of messages I am getting asking if the baby is here yet! OBVIOUSLY IF YOU'RE MESSAGING ME ON FACEBOOK AND I HAVEN'T ANNOUNCED IT YET THEN HE'S NOT HERE, AND IF HE WAS WHY WOULD I TELL YOU!?!?!! God the amount of times I have wanted to put that as my status is unreal! People that aren't even good friends of mine or even on my friends list are on my bloody case! I don't understand why people care to be honest, it's quite annoying.

I found the energy to clean the flat top to bottom today so that is one thing down, I am so glad I got it done it was bugging the life out of me. I have just washed all the dog beds too so they are nice and clean, and now Sofia and I are on the sofa and I will probably fall asleep in a minute for a bit lol!

I don't know if anyone remembers my dilemma of a wedding I am invited to that is almost 2 hours away.... Well it is tomorrow and I am still undecided but I am more swaying with not going just in case and considering how tired and shit I feel I don't know if I would be good company at a wedding! What would you guys do? xx
Lullie I wouldn't dare either, I only asked someone once but she was a colleague and everyone was already guessing for more than a month but no one dared to ask and I got enough of all the gossip. She was 4 months pregnant luckily :-)
I get enough of strangers acting like I will go a lot over time. They're always commenting on how small my bump is and seem to doubt I'm really 36 weeks already. I know how far I am! And I'm worried enough about my weight/bump without people telling me it's too small!. Luckily we know it's probably iron deficiency and I told everyone so at least family and friends keep their mouths shut about it.
Hi August Mummies - is anyone nearly due? I was wondering if anyone is doing anything to help bring on labour? I.e fresh pineapple ect? Unfortunatly i'm allergic to pineapple but i have 2 weeks left and feel like i should try something? Xx
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Lexi: are they good friends or close family? I wouldn't go for anyone else, but I'd try to show up if they are really close. Is it only the evening party or are you invited to the ceremony and/or reception as well? In the second case you could go and if you get too tired just skip the evening, I'm sure they'll understand! And maybe make sure you have someone who can drive (as in: who won't get drunk) if your labour would start.
I have a goodbye party on Saturday, an hour away from home. I'm going, because it's one of my best friends (we've been friends since we were 4!) and she'll be gone for a year or maybe even longer. I'm really gonna miss her... I don't know how long I will be able to enjoy it, BH are always worse in the evening and I'm so tired, but... At least it's close to my mom's (DS will stay with her for the evening as well) and I know the hospital over there from when I still lived with her so if anything would happen I'm not too worried.
Hope joy, I had a pineapple yesterday but think it's too early for me still sadly. Have bought raspberry tea but had some itching after I ate some raspberries that we grow in the garden so I'm giving the tea a miss for now, not sure if there is any link but twice I've had a few raspberries and a few hours later I'm itching all over! Having a curry tomorrow night, will make it just a teeny bit hotter than usual, and I'm going to buy a exercise ball to bounce away on. Trying to keep active as much as possible too as I think it may help. My mum said she went a week early with me as she decided to clean the living room carpet on her hands and knees the night before I was born! :D

Have also told hubby that adult exercise will be happening, despite him thinking it's abit odd with the big belly haha.
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Thanks so much Lulie :) x sorry to hear the rasberries werent argreeing with you. I had a hot curry the orher night and all it did for me was upset my tummy. When are you due? I'm on my ball just now hoping it will help as his head is ' free ' and not ' engaged ' i also go to yoga for pregnant ladies and she recommended the ball & also on all fours. My husband and i still have sex jist not as often as i feel too big and swollen. Xx
I had pineapple last week, and it did nothing. Not trying anything else until tomorrow as my oh has 3 days off, so hoping she decides to arrive when he's off. The midwife asked me today what I'd tried, and then suggested I try raspberry leaf tea, but followed that quickly with 'well perhaps not, since you had a quick labour last time'. Since everything about this pregnancy has been different to last time, I'll probably be in labour for days!
I have, hopefully, just had my last appointment with the midwife, as she now doesn't want to see me for 3 weeks, and she'll do a stretch and sweep then. I'll be 41+6, so I'm hoping I won't need it! I've got the consultant the week before, and hope he'll book me in for an induction if she hasn't made her appearance.

Flinty at this point in your pregnancy you don't see your midwife weekly? Three weeks seem so long. In the states once you hit 32 weeks it's every two weeks and every week at 36 weeks. If your are high risk then it's twice a week.
Hopefully you see her sooner meaning no overdue baby for you.:)
Thanks everyone so much for the support! My mom will be here August 15 and then she stays a month so that will make a world of difference.

Lexi I was in active labor while home alone with my daughter. She was not yet 3 and honestly she was amazing. It seems like the kind of thing that would freak a kid out but in the moment they just accept it. It's incredible, she knew exactly what to do and what to say to help. My husband was racing home in rush hour traffic and my friend (who was staying with her while we went to the hospital) was in the same traffic so she was there to witness me in transition in the bathtub! It was intense! She was SO calm though, asking if I needed anything, turning the bath water on and off. I will treasure that memory forever.

I am very straightforward with how baby comes out too, she even saw pictures in a book I have-- again, it doesn't seem inappropriate or like it bothers her. She just accepts it. I mean I'd never show her pics of people having sex or hurting each-other or something but childbirth is something most kids just seem to accept and embrace in an unexpected and very cool way.
Flinty hope you don't make it to that sweep!

Summer EVERYONE seems to be SO SURE I'm having a boy or girl. Most people say boy-- but with my first literally 9 out of 10 people said boy and she is all girl!

Re: pineapple, I've been craving it like crazy this pregnancy so I've eaten more than one in a day sometimes and it does nothing. I think you'd have to eat like 5 and eat the cores too to get the labor-inducing stuff.

Lexi yeah if your body is exhausted skip the wedding!

Sorry for people I missed- hope everyone is having a great day!
Hopejoy I am due next friday - I am not doing too much to induce it, I sit on my birthing ball every day because it is super comfy and of course I bounce but I don't know if that actually does anything. We had adult exercise a few days ago lol we haven't had it for ages so we went for it hoping it would do something, but no lol. Not doing raspberry leaf tea as it is disgusting and that's about it! I walk my dogs 3 times a day and walking is meant to help so those are the lengths I am going to lol.

Flo the wedding is for the whole day, but it is nearly 2 hours away with just me and my daughter and me the only driver from this area so I don't think it sensible especially with how quick my last delivery was with my daughter if I did happen to go into labour tomorrow I would be giving birth in the footwell or on the dance floor of someone's wedding! I am so exhausted I just don't think it would be the best idea, my fiance doesn't want me to go and he would be furious if he missed the birth because I was miles away! You just never know eh!

Kholl that is so reassuring with your daughter, I think if I go into labour with her around she will also be supportive and stuff I just don't want to freak her out if I am in agony! I am sure she won't but I can't help be a little anxious about it. But I hope I can hold it together enough for her to not panic and luckily my mum lives close by and her dad does etc so it isn't like she will have to be with me too much!


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