***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

How are you feeling today roxy after your appalling sleep?
Lexi did you enjoy your pedicure? I'm so jealous. I even got oh to give me a foot massage last night and even though he's good it's just not the same is it!
Aes how far along are you?

I had mw today, asked for a sweep but she wouldn't do it because I've had no signs, I knew that would be the case but she said book in for next week and we'll give it a go providing you have had some signs so sent me away with strict instructions of sex every day and lots of bouncing on the ball! Lol
Summer what signs is she wanting?

I tried to tackle the sex question with hubby last night but he's just said his back hurt, :shakehead: sure he's using it as an excuse. I'm like hello I have a person in me pressing on all sorts of nerves, man up! :shock:

I tried my pump today, got a little milk but didn't trigger any contractions/bh but it made him wiggle a lot! Unless I'm mistaking his wiggling for contractions/Bh.

Am I the only one who can't stand feet? I can barely touch my own let alone someone else! Wouldn't sat no to a massage though!
Ugh roxy I had the same night as you over here. Utterly horrendous. Overall my sleep actually hasn't been as bad but last night was horrific!
Sleeplessness is the worst kholl. I hope it gets better for you soon x

Have had a bloody show today, back is aching a little, not getting my hopes up about anything happening! It was only a little bit but sat bouncing on my ball just in case! Maybe the little man wants to be here for his daddy's birthday at the weekend!
38 weeks today for me.

Midwife wanted me to be having some kind of tightenings which mean the cervix is getting ready and as I haven't had any then I'm clearly not ready for a sweep, so sent me away to be active to try and encourage it. I've been on the ball for an hour so far but am off out with friends in a bit.

Anybody know of any particular techniques to bouncing?
I'm just going up and down & left to right.
I'm not feeling too bad thanks summer considering I got about 2 hours sleep. I do have a headache tho which I've had most of the afternoon. I've been out all day but I bet now I'm home and about to sit down the tiredness will hit me.

Ah that sucks kholl your still sleeping bad. You need all the sleep you can get before baby comes. Xx
For the past 2 hrs My tummy feels like a.rock it's solid and very uncomfortable like I have bad tummy ache. now i have lower back pain and feel rough could this be BH as I haven't experienced them before altho I thought the cramps came and went but this is constant?
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Hi, ive had a really upset stomach lastnight with cramps and my stomach tightening too. I'm 37 weeks plus 4 days.
Wondering if this is my body clearing out for labour x
Mictho, the pain doesn't have to go away, it just gets stronger/worse for some time, eases a bit, grows stronger again... A nice warm bath can help.

I hate the heartburn. Got some extra medicine for it today as it makes the sickness caused by my iron supplements even worse. I got lots of BH today while walking around in the city. I actually liked that, every sign is good! It can only help to get baby here in time, I really don't want to go over.

I feel so lucky my son loves sleeping... Hubby is on holiday, so we don't bring him to daycare this week and since Friday he never woke up before 9.30. I suffer from sleep problems too: I'm sooo tired but never fall asleep before 2 or 3 am, I just toss and turn. But as I can sleep til after 9 it's still OK. I really feel for you ladies who can't, I don't know what I would do without sleep! You are incredible, Kholl, to have so little sleep and still take care of 2 kids!

Kristy Leigh: sounds like a good sign!
Ah you all getting lots of signs I'm just over here completely signless:(
I keep thinking I've got stomach cramps then it turns out I just needed the loo :rofl:
I have had nothing since the show... maybe two or three BH thats all... OH is slightly panicking though as its his birthday, he going to a cricket match with his mates (therefore having a few beers!) on Friday, then planning a few beers on saturday as its his mum's birthday too. He keeps claiming its his "last weekend of freedom" I keep telling him that it sounds like he is going on a stag do and that its like he is getting married again, he said he means that its the last weekend that he hasn't got a little person depending on him, which in a way is quite sweet! But now he is panicking he will come when he has had a beer and we wont be able to get to the hospital, bless him, I did tell him that it could still be a couple of weeks!

Summergirl, I am sure you will get some signs soon, you may be one of the ladies who gets nothing until the day it all happens, my cousin had her show at 2am, and delivered by 10pm that day with no signs leading up to it!
Hey everyone!

Well my pedicure was amazing God my feet really needed it, they are so sore and I had a nice foot rub! Was lovely, I had my nails gelluxed too and my legs waxed haha!

I feel so incredibly sick today, and I have the runs :( typical eh! I have a lot of cleaning to do today at home and I have just got home from the stables, just trying to keep busy and forget about going into labour because I find it really frustrating looking at every twinge and it not turning into anything! 3 shows, loads of braxton hicks, the shits for the past 3 weeks, now I feel sick etc I am just gonna forget about labour lol!

I am suuuuuper knackered, I slept on the sofa for 2 hours yesterday and had quite a good night's sleep for once, and last night I slept really well and now I could happily go back to sleep! It is incredible how much pregnant people can sleep, my SIL said she could sleep day and night when she was pregnant! I don't think I was this tired last time round, but then again I was 19! I am 26 now and I feel 56 lol!

Isn't the runs a sign that something might be happening Lexi? Fingers crossed!!

Been to my midwife appointment today, all is fine and babies head seems to be pretty much engaged, so he's getting ready bless him! She told me that my doctor should have told me to fast before the blood test for the liver values, which may have been why they were a tiny bit high, annoying as I wasn't told about that.

I've been able to be quite active getting about up until this point but today I just feel like a lump and everything is a struggle! Hopefully it won't be too long before we all get our baba's :D
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Lulie its funny how suddenly the energy runs out, I was like that til about 35 ish weeks I had quite a lot of energy then BANG all of a sudden everything is a struggle!

The runs is meant to be a sign but I don't want to get my hopes up too much!

Exciting when you get told that baby is engaged isn't it, just another step in the right direction :D

Im desperately trying to follow my nesting instincts but I am struggling to get things done, I have just blitzed my daughter's bedroom and cleared out everything possible and sorted through every nook and cranny but I need to hoover and clean the bathroom and my body just won't let me! My feet ache so much and I am rapidly running out of energy!

I really need to give my dogs a hair cut too and really can't be bothered lol! I might try and do that at the weekend, I was meant to do that today! Ahh!

Come on August babies, lets be having ya! xxx
All the signs are so exciting!

Our night last night was so bad I am in a really dark place today. My son went to sleep at 7:30 and I was so relieved he finally fell asleep at a reasonable hour. But then he woke up ONE HOUR later at 8:30 and was up for FIVE hours. Until almost 2am. Screaming to nurse. Then he woke up at 5:30. 5:30. Screaming to nurse. I gave him to my husband but he wouldn't settle, he just screamed bloody murder until I got him at 7.

I am totally freaking out about baby 3 and feel like such an idiot for having another. I already never sleep, ever, and it's about to get worse... I don't see how it could be worse but I've had 2 kids and know it will be. I'm under no illusion that this baby will be a sleeper, because obviously none of my kids are. I don't know what I'm going to do or how I'm going to handle this. My husband works 100+ hour weeks and often isn't home until after 3am then wakes up and is out the door again. We have no family in town to help. I just can not stop crying. I would give anything for one night of sleep to reset. But every night is just so, so bad.
Omg kholl I feel so horrible for you I wish I could just come to your house and help out. I really hope the new baby is a better sleeper. How old are your other two and the one that's nursing does he sleep alone? Sometimes it just pays to Cosleep. My first two were formula babies and they slept like angels in the crib. My third one was breastfed and would only sleep with me so I'm just getting her out my bed at 3 basically. I wish I had some tips for you but I'm sure you are trying everything. Are they active in the day, going down for a nap if so how soon do you put them down for the night? I love my sleep and can't live without it so your post just breaks my heart. I pray that something change and you get some sleep.
Oh kholl just sounds so awful. Can your partner not take a few hours off to look after the kiddies whilst you grab a couple of hours decent sleep?

Glad you enjoyed your pedicure lexi.

I feel like I've got a fair bit of energy. It's only when I stop and sit on the sofa that I feel a little tired. I haven't got the nesting instinct either but I think I had that a couple of weeks ago as I went a bit mad and cleaned the kitchen top to bottom inside and out.

I've been googling the hell out of labour with no signs.
I feel quite down today about it all. I get quite upset thinking that baby may not be here before my brother goes away for 6 months.

I'm trying the old spicy trick tonigh . Heading out for a curry for tea!
Sounds like some good signs ladies. I can relate to the lack of sleep but it's not child related just a snoring husband, I hyper cat and generally hurting everywhere.

I don't no what's wrong with me today I feel odd, not just tired like physically exhausted, lost my appetite, I keep going hot and a bit fuzzy headed actually maybe I'm coming down with flu or something. I also feel really sad, I could burst into tears right now!

On the plus side we ordered an amazingly comfy new sofa today but if baby hasn't arrived by the time it's delivered hubby said I'm not allowed to sit on it in case my waters break on it :lol:

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