***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Hey! Just got back from midwife, apparently my glucose test was perfect, no GD for me yay! Baby is fully engaged, and I am booked in for the 3rd of Aug to see midwife for a sweep she said as it is 2 days before my due date and second baby she will do one if I make it to then! Woo! So happy! It is mad to think my next midwife appointment is likely to be my last, and todays midwife appointment could also have been my last!

Summergurl yay to mat leave! I hope your last 4 hour shift goes okay! All you guys seem to have a course of antenatal classes, ours is just a one off saturday for 3 hours! Anyway, enjoy your class :D

I am going to spend my afternoon bouncing on my birthing ball and hopefully do some adult exercise this evening ;) we haven't done that for a while so hopefully the shock to my cervix might make it dilate :rofl:

Haha Lexi hopefully that exercise gets baby moving :rofl: good news that your test was normal. Can't believe today's may have been your last appt!

I'm baking cakes for work tomorrow being my last shift I thought I'd treat them all!

Anybody else's feet beginning to swell?
It's like my ankles have morphed into my feet. So unattractive. I'm not sure if it's the heat or just end of pregnancy symptoms. X
Good news about your test Lexi,I should probably no this but what's a sweep? Hope the ball and exercise get this moving!

No class for me tonight, hubby has been sent out on an emergency job and won't be back in time. Now that I can't go I'm worried about missing something important!

Yeah my feet and hands are swollen, I'm going to soak them in a baby bath of cold water.
Our classes have been hit and miss. It's a course of 6. The first two were very boring all about food and health etc classes 3 and 4 were good as it was a midwife that came and took them and they were all about labour.
We didn't go to last weeks class as it was a breastfeeding class and I believe this week may be about what happens after birth with health visitors etc I'll let you know once it's over!
Sorry ladies I've been a bit AWOL!!! Whoop whoop to all the mat leave and impending mat leave ladies!!! Great news re tests Lexi and I'm with you all on the too hot and tired front!!! I'm exhausted!! My four year old has decided now is a good time to change his sleep pattern from down at 7 did 12 hours to getting up at all silly times of the night - grrrr!!!! I'm so sore and struggling to get around although I've had a few appointments at the holistic clinic at the maternity unit where I've had a few aromatherapy massages and reflexology which has been lovely!! I can't sleep at all as I'm so uncomfortable and my hands feet and ankles are very swollen. We get a few evening classes but I chose not to go this time as I'm having an elective section in OMG 11 days!!!! Xx
Glad your results are all good Lexi and even better that babe is engaged! Bounce and exercise away girl! I can't believe it's coming round to the final appointments with the mw for us all... scary how quick time has gone!

My antenatal classes have been a set of three, and if I am honest, I haven't learnt anything I didn't already know... I have spent a fair bit of time reading into labour (helps I have worked on a labour ward before so kinda know whats what!) We have our final one tomorrow night. I have just 7 actual working days left now... I have enjoyed my rest days so much, but my gosh has my nesting instinct kicked in today... gardening (which I never do!), cleaned the car and some windows as well! Just need bean to hold on until after the oh's birthday on the 30th if he plans on making an early entrance, although the would be nice if he is born on his birthday, as that would be oh, mil and bean on the same day!
Thanks ladies :D I am glad!

Hmm our antenatal thing was literally 3 hours of just labour, birth and then baby care was pretty pointless but the midwives made it quite fun and the lady doing baby care had the room in stitches laughing so at least it was entertaining lol.

Well its happening again, I have lost more plug AGAIN, and I have very regular braxton hicks AGAIN and I am on the birthing ball lol - this time they are accompanied by period pains. I bet they die off again but if they do, at least they are all things pointing in the right direction of labour, and if tonight it turns into full blown labour then what a RESULT! lol!

I am really tired though so I am going to try and sleep, a big part of me is praying it turns into labour lol.

Ahh can you all believe how close we are to August already?! It is mega exciting that these babies will start appearing soon! xxx
How exciting, Lexi! If things do start, I hope you get a good rest first! And otherwise it won't be too long now. Less than 2 weeks and it's August already, I almost can't believe it!
Well I haven't given birth yet lol, I had a whole nights sleep and I plan on re awakening these contractions/braxtons by walking absolutely everywhere today! I did a tonne of walking yesterday and apparently it really helps labour come on so I plan on doing that every day until I have this baby!

I know Flo it is madness how fast the time has gone I think, I feel like the years get faster the older you get too and having another child makes the years fly too! xx
Good luck Lexi, hope things start moving!

I've woken up with the most hideous pain in the ball of my foot, I woke up at 5am and it was fine but it woke me up at 7.30am and I didn't get out of bed so no idea what that's about!
How come your having an elective section Gill?
Aw lexi you're being teased!! So mean of your body!
I've had no signs. A few periody type aches but nothing major at all. Even he back ache i was suffering has been gone for a week. I just want this baby here now!!

Last day of work for me today. Then I plan on doing nothing but watching TV, bouncing on the ball & walking!
Just got back from my final growth scan, and he isn't going to be as big as they originally thought! He is only weighing 6 and a half pounds at the minute, which means he is going to be big, but not a monster! Does mean I won't be induced early though! But I get the joys of waiting for the day it does happen! Couldn't get a measurement on the head circumference as his head is too far down! Woohoo!!! Sorry I am a little excited! Haha!

Hope everyone is ok, Lexi I look forward to hearing how you helped get that labour started, sounds like it's all going in the right direction!
Hi Summergurl,

I had a really hard labour with my first pregnancy and my four year old is disabled but no one can tell me categorically if my labour attributated to his additional support needs so I'm not taking any chances this time around xx
So I'm thinking I might be in labour. Woke up this morning and bump was extremely painful and it's progressed from there. I wasn't timing my contractions but they've got stronger as the afternoon has gone on. Have been timing them on an app since about 2pm and they're about 4-5 minutes apart. For the last hour every five contractions its advised me to go to the hospital. Phoned maternity and waiting on them calling me back but really worried as I'm due to have a planned section a week on Monday!!! Xx
Gill keep us posted, are you in pain?
Given your history would they still give you a c section? Xx
Oh Gill, I hope you hear from them soon! I'm sure everything will be fine. If baby decides it's time to come, he/she must be ready for it. Good luck!
Let us know how you get on gill, good luck! Xx
Let us know how you get on Gill, exciting stuff!

Was held hostage at the doctors office earlier for quite a while as they ummed and ahhed over my blood test results. The liver values have risen slightly (not uncommon at this stage of pregnancy) but luckily they said the blood test that measures the bile (can't remember what it's called, something to do with the gallbladder I think) is fine. They took all the usual tests plus blood to check I didn't have any infection anywhere and said I was OK. Back again Tuesday to repeat the blood tests. Bit itchy again now, so i'm glad they are monitoring it!
Good luck Gillm!! That is sooo exciting! Lucky thing! I think they just bring your section forward, my SIL had a planned section, her waters broke and they just did a section that day instead!

Lulie I am glad they are monitoring it for you too - that can't be comfortable itching like that :O Fingers crossed for your next blood test being all okay!

Well I am having on and off braxton hicks again, I hope this is preparation for labour! xx
Hoping your ok Gill and that everything goes smoothly for you.

How is everybody else?

I had my last shift at work today. I got in to balloons, banners & some very lovely gifts including a £100 gift voucher for mothercare. I could have cried. In fact, I'm not sure how I did hold it together. I'm going to miss seeing those people everyday but I am so ready for the next chapter in our lives to begin.

Now if baby could make an appearance tomorrow, perfect timing to get the most out of maternity leave id be grateful lol
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