***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Aww summergurl that is so lovely that your colleagues did that for you! It is nice to feel appreciated isn't it! At least you can put it towards something really handy in mothercare!

I know I have also done a weeks maternity leave now, so I would very much like this baby to come sooner rather than later so I too can make the most of my mat leave! Hhehe here's to hoping! xx
Summergurl that's so lovely! Lexi have you had anymore signs? Lulie good news they're monitoring you

I have the health visitor coming tomorrow, I'm really nervous! I feel because I have depression I'm going to be under their microscope, really I just want yo be left alone to get on with being a mum.
That's lovely what your colleagues done for you summer. Hope you enjoyed your last day.

I'm feeling knackered tonight, done a lot of walking the last few days and my legs are aching me. Feet swollen and sore. Also walking like a duck according to my mum lol, feeling very uncomfortable atm. Xx
Oh forgot to say our ante natal class last night was taken by the health visitors. They're only just rolling out viaits before baby is being born now.

Oh yes, any more signs Lexi?
Omg Gill so exciting!

Summergurl, what a wonderful last day!

I'm exhausted and SO grumpy today too, ugh.
I'm back home!! Still contracting but apparently even though they're painful and every five minutes they're not making me dilate at all. If they get more painful or closer together I've to go back. I'm happy to wait until the 1st but I just hope I'm not having pointless painful contractions from now until then :( the midwife was a bit brisk as well and made me feel a bit stupid about being there. No bedside manner at all and brushed off my questions and concerns :( I bloody hate the maternity outpatient ward!!! Xx
Summergurl that's so lovely! Lexi have you had anymore signs? Lulie good news they're monitoring you

I have the health visitor coming tomorrow, I'm really nervous! I feel because I have depression I'm going to be under their microscope, really I just want yo be left alone to get on with being a mum.

I had the health visitor this morning, and I have a savage depression history so she did go into it, just tell them exactly how it is and they aren't there to judge you they are there to support you love, it was quite emotional talking about it today with her but she was so lovely xx
I am indeed still getting pains but I don't know if they are BH or the real deal to be honest, they are achey but I am not in agony just uncomfortable. I guess they could be practice! xx
That's awful, Gill, midwives always tell you to come in if there's any concern and with contractions 5mins apart anyone would go in... She should be glad you were there! Hope your contractions eventually lead to something or stop until you get your section!

That's so nice of your colleagues, Summergurl. I can understand you're going to miss them!
Hopefully they ease off for you soon Gill. Rubbish you didn't feel too great after being in there, let's just hope it was that one mw & not all of them. X
How you doing Gill?

I didn't fall asleep until almost 5am and I was up before 8am, look and feel like a zombie. Thankfully hubby decided not to go into work this morning (he was going to go in and then come home for the HV) so at least I have some company!

Any plans for today?
Tiredness is really taking its toll on me now, it has done for the past few days... I am literally struggling to keep my eyes open at work, thank god I am in my office on my own and its down a corridor away from everyone so I can sit and take 5 if i need too... although I am pretty sure a 5 minutes would turn into 5 hours!!! The worst bit is, is that at the moment I may have to work a 12 hour shift tomorrow... luckily its just sitting at the admin desk at work, but the chair is awful and after working it last saturday I was buggared for a good couple of days afterwards... thankful I finish next friday so it will hopefully be lay in central until the bean plans to make an entrance!

Getting lots of really strong short pains roughly where my cervix is, so hopefully that means he is getting closer to being engaged, and not long until he arrives!

Nicki hope your HV visit goes well, and hope you managed to have a nap before they came round!
How's everyone doing today?

HV was ok, bit dicey about the depression (mainly because I hate talking to strangers about it) but she was fine.

I'm fine just having a row with my mother, she and my step dad live abroad and is coming over to stay with us in September (I'm already nervous about it) for 2 weeks. We'd arranged that hubby was going to collect them and I'd go with him with baby as a surprise, hubby booked time off work all sorted. But today I messaged her to check when she went home and she informed me her friend was now travelling with them so they'd get a taxi, which has just completely p*****d me off because we'd already sorted everything and she wouldn't have told me if I'd not have asked about the dates. I no it's really small thing to be annoyed at but its got yo me and I guess I've realised I have 2 weeks of keeping them entertained on my own, whilst trying to figure out how to look after a newborn and recovering from birth. There is a reason I've not lived with my parents in over 15 years ��
Ahh Nicki how bloody annoying, yeah that would totally piss me off too, I hate it when things don't go according to plans! I guess all you can do is just sit home and wait for their taxi to arrive; at least you don't have to drag yourself out then! I can imagine them coming to stay for a few weeks is a bit stressful too I wouldn't be able to do it with my family!

Well my body has just decided the way forward is braxton hicks all day every day these days so I am over it, I thought maybe they were a sign of something but this has been going on for weeks now so I am not getting excited until I am in flat out labour now! No point in keep getting excited over these twinges any more my body just wants to tease me lol!

Kirsty I bet you cannot wait to finish work, sod a 12 hour shift on a saturday! That is just too much! I would fall asleep in an office on my own :rofl: but just tunnel vision it til next week and all will be over :D

Anyone doing anything nice over the weekend??
All I have planned is getting a hollywood wax tomorrow :rofl: xx
How annoying nicki but at least you don't have to traipse out to pick hem up and don't feel like you have to keep them entertained at all. Enjoy your time with your newborn.

All those bh's must be so frustrating lexi. Do you think you'll know when your in labour for defo? I know it's your 2nd child so assuming you will. I'm having a mini panic over it today. Keep wondering what if I don't realise? Will I defo know? The OH is on a night shift tonight and I'm a little worried that something is going to happen and I'll be on my own. He's been warned to keep his phone on his desk all night!

Not much planned for this weekend. Sunday I'm going with one of my maids of honor to get some stationary stuff to try out making a wedding invitation to see if we can price up how much it'll be for making them vs buying them.

A Hollywood lexi. Now that's a good idea. I attempted to shave yesterday and my gosh it was such a struggle! X
You'll know, summer. It's scarry, but you will know. I remember having contractions several times and doubting what to do, and I remember the night my son was born I just woke up my oh and told him we had to leave for hospital immediately.
Nicki, I totally understand your reaction. Maybe pregnancy hormones make it worse, but it isn't unreasonable of you. You'll have them as guests in a difficult period, when you're adjusting to your new situation, so you probably want to plan it well, and then they start changing plans...
Shaving is disastrous with bump in the way. A wax sounds like a very good idea, Lexi. I hope your niece is alright by the way, just read your post about the dog...
I just went to the cinema with a friend, which was really relaxing. Tomorrow I'll try some cleaning (now the weather's a bit cooler) and on Sunday we have storytelling+a workshop with DS. The last time they had one for his age was in February and he loved it so I'm looking forward to that!
I hope the temperature dropped a bit over there too!
Oh yes Summergurl I will know when I am in labour, I remember it very well from last time, the contractions just get quite strong and regular as opposed to these pain in the backside BH's that don't ever mount to anything!

Thanks Flo, my niece seems to be okay. They have been told she won't have any use or feeling in a few fingers though for a long time if ever, so that is just such a shame. Dogs are so dangerous!!!

Yes I get my foof waxed every 6 weeks and have done for years now - I hate shaving down there it always feels so prickly and horrible when its growing back and waxing has definitely slowed down the growth and it is much finer hair without it being all bushy anymore hahaha! It took me a while to get used to it without being a complete wimp, I used to find it really painful but now I don't. I also get my legs done every 6 weeks lol, but I am not brave enough to get my arm pits done as apparently that is so painful! I highly recommend waxing lol.

I am going to a BBQ tonight at brother and sister in laws so looking forward to that :D xxx
Ah lexi I've had my armpits waxed and have scars on them from my arm lift and didn't find it hurt much at all! Brave it! Xx
Really?!?! Oh cool! I might man up then and get them done as well! Only thing that puts me off doing it is you have to let them grow a bit before having it done and I hate that in summer when arms are out! lol! xx

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