Kholl in england we barely touch on the heat you guys have, I am from Texas and it is half the temperature here in England than it is over there, England tends to have a very humid heat that is very uncomfortable but it certainly isn't anything like some of the temperatures in the US!
I also feel nervous about having 2 children, I am looking forward to seeing Sofia with her little newborn brother but she's one of these children that sometimes needs a little time to get her head round or adjust, she won't be forced into doing things sometimes. So I am worried she won't want to come to the hospital and visit or she won't actually want to come home etc, it just worries me because I don't want her dad just having her more because she makes a fuss about it or something! Don't even know if that makes any sense!
I am also worried that I won't love the baby as much as I love my sidekick! I find it hard to imagine life with two kids and giving them equal attention and stuff, of course these things work themselves out but my sister in law quite clearly favours her 10 month old over her 3 month old and really makes it quite obvious! which I think is really sad, especially for the 3 year old, he is lovely, he just craves his mums attention and she just ignores him or shouts at him and always says she will send him home with one of us! Not good parenting in my opinion, what a way to push a child out!
I do not want to be like that.
I am also remembering how gross the first few days of recovery are, the aching vijayjay, the stinging when you wee, the first poo you have being torture, the bleeding, the difficulty in sitting down comfortably, etc! It is a difficult few days and I remember it being really tiring and hard work, let alone with visitors scattered around!