***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Nicki I hope you're going to go get yourself checked out after fainting. It can't be good. Hopefully you feel better soon xx
Blimey Nicki I would definitely be ringing the midwife - I think you really should get checked out maybe you have low blood pressure or something, and keep hydrated as best you can! Please get seen!

I had a great last day at work yesterday, earned some good money and finished at like 2.30! Was fab! I gave the parlour a good clean down and went home :) I then had my good friend's birthday BBQ so that was really nice, a chilled evening with lots of good food and good company.

We booked our wedding today! 27/7/2018 is the day! we saw the vicar etc and are so excited to be getting ready to book the rest of the stuff you have to book when you get married, there's so much to think about! So that was a nice morning.

We then went to our antenatal class at the hospital which was very informative and the midwife taking it was very very funny so the whole room just laughed! It brought back lots of memories of birth and stuff, so that was bittersweet lol!

My feet are super super swollen and sore today after a lot of walking around etc, and I am utterly exhausted! I have smothered my feet in foot cream and put socks on as my heels are super cracked!

I am so grateful that I have gone on maternity leave so I can relax! I feel like my body is begging me to chill out.

I am gonna go get some nursing bras in the week so I can just get the shopping over with as I feel I need to spend some me time at home!

At our antenatal class they told us today that we need to take pillows with us to the hospital - that slightly annoys me because I don't particularly want to be trudging bloody bedding around lol, I might just not do that part! xx
Oh Nicki, did you fall down or were you sitting when it happened? If you fell, you should really get checked! Sugar and salt can help with fainting, take a coke or some salted crisps in your handbag and as soon as you feel weak, you drink/eat it. It can prevent fainting...
How exciting you got your wedding day, Lexi! We got engaged during my first pregnancy and I really felt it was good for our relationship. It's something about just the 2 of you, at a time were romance is maybe a bit more difficult (being tired and hormonal and always busy with baby stuff...). Enjoy the preparations!
How are you doing now nicki?

How exciting Lexi! We got engaged in Feb and have pretty much got everything sorted already. The only things left to do is florists & outfits, which I can't do mine until after baby is born & pay for it all! We're getting married next September.

Glad your antenatal class was good but what a mock take you have to take your own pillows? Why is that do you know?
Gosh I cannot believe how much stuff there is to sort for a wedding, its scaring me a little bit! But with church and next week the venue will be booked that will be 2 big things ticked off to sort so I best get my teeth into the rest of it I guess!

Apparently we have to take pillows because they are very low on pillows on the ward, which is fair enough but when I was in labour last time the last thing I thought about were pillows, but I guess I could take one or two for the fun of it, I have some spares I don't mind ruining in the laundry cupboard so I will dig them out later!

Dunno about you lot, but its been boiling today and I have actually really enjoyed it other than it making my feet swell up massive! I have been a ball of sweat but I actually like the feeling of being hot, so its been nice but my poor feet!

It's surprising all the little things you'll need to think of. I would suggest getting a planner book and writing down things as and when they come into your head.

Oh God yes it's been so hot here. I usually love the heat I'm a sun worshiper but being pregnant has killed my love of it. Just constantly feel hot and sticky. I can't believe you liked being hot lol get your feet into a nice cold bowl chick xx
Lol I wish my feet didn't swell so much in the heat then I would be perfectly fine!

Summergurl I actually bought one of those wedding planning books weeks ago so now I can actually start filling it in :D Yay!

I am going to have a cold shower in a minute I think I feel incredibly sticky and sweaty and a bit yuck lol.

I made the mistake of going to the Next sale today purely by accident, I was sooo tempted to buy myself a load of clothes to be honest but I thought I need to lose a load of weight before I do things like that! Saying that some of the clothes are very good value in the sale I should have picked up a few pairs of trousers! Ahh I hope that I can lose loads of weight after I have this bub! xx
I don't mind the heat too much, only at night. I hardly slept a few hours... OH is at work today, I'm alone with the little one who doesn't nap, so it will be a tired day!
Lexi I'm hoping the same. I want to lose whatever I gain during pregnancy which so far is 2st3.5lbs plus another 2 & have a year to do it. No pressure :rofl: u should have totally bought a goal pair of trousers!

Those wedding planners are brilliant aren't they.

It's super hot here today. I feel disappointed that I can't go sit in the sun but I just can't handle the stickiness & sweat. I'm usually a pure sun worshiper.

Flo hope you don't have too much of an energetic day on your own with little one. Xx
I liked planning my wedding more than attending it :D

Thanks for your concern ladies but I'm fine, I didn't fall and I'd already mentioned to my midwife about it and she said it's not uncommon. I've been fine since, it's definitely triggered by standing to long and getting too hot so I've been sitting in front on a fan doing nothing but I'm so bored.

im 36 weeks today, less than a month till my due date but I'd really like him out now or maybe in a week. I'm getting really nervous about labour now but I did get a tens machine, midwife said to practise putting it on.

Oh I have birth classes and the health visitor coming this week so nervous about that too. Think it's going to be a long 4-6 weeks! Anyone had their health visitor round?

Lexi I bought some stuff online from the next sale, mainly baby bits but got a few nursing tops too, there wasn't anything I had to have but there were a few bits I'd bought months ago at full price :( typical!
I'm glad you're doing ok nicki.
I think we're all very ready for our babies to be here now. I'm 37weeks tomorrow &'so far I've not had any signs. I wish this baby would hurry up!

I've not had any mention of a health visitor from anybody. Is it common practice?
I know our antenatal class this week is about post birth and the health visitor so maybe we'll find out then.
I think its a new thing to have the health visitor involved... it was described to me as "ensuring there wasn't another stranger coming in the house".

I am far too hot today, I have 4 fans on me, I have all the office doors open and i still can't concentrate on work!

I have had two antenatal classes so far, the first week it was basically for the dads to be to understand what we were feeling, last weeks was about labour, but it was all stuff I had researched prior to attending the class to write my birth plan! This weeks is the first few weeks after birth, so will see how these go!

Hope we are all well and not dying too much in this heat, I am looking forward to the next two days off!
I had a letter about 2 months ago saying she was coming round, annoyed the hell out of me I don't like strangers at the best of times but even more so when they're inviting themselves into my house! I think the pre baby visit is being rolled out in different areas so you may not get one before he's here.

It's my first class Wednesday, what actually happens? Do they make you roll play? That's literally my idea of hell! I don't even want to go but hubby does!

Kirsty when do you go on mat leave?

I don't even really no what signs I'm looking out for, before getting pregnant I assumed your waters went, labour started, baby arrived.
I'm 37+3 today, which means I'm now the most pregnant I've been, as Sebastian was born at 37+2. I sort of hoped she'd be the same. She's been head down and engaged for weeks, and I've been having BH regularly, but it never leads to anything! I'm getting fed up of being asked several times a day if any things happening, it's mostly my mum. It's annoying because she looking after Sebastian while I'm in labour, so I'll be calling her as soon as something starts!

Niki- that's exactly how it happened for me, waters went, pain started, and then he was born 6.5 hours later. I know waters can go later on though.
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Ha the most frustrating "you've not dropped yet then?!" I feel like saying yes, yes I have I just still look massive and me and oh decided to leave the baby at home alone! My mum asks me how I'm doing every day too but that's cuz she doesn't like the fact I've told her I won't be telling her when I'm in labour so she obviously thinks I'm guna slip up lol

I imagine that's how labour goes... Waters break, pains, birth but I know that quite a lot don't start like that and contractions start way before waters breaking.
A week on Friday I start maternity leave, this week is my last week as 'on call manager' and only have to physically work 24 hours in the office this week, so took the liberty of taking the two hottest days off instead! I am definitely counting down the days now!

I have the consultant on Thursday, get to see how big this baby is getting!
Got to love a Next sale eh Nicki!!

When I had my daughter 5 and a half years ago health visitors always visited at home before the birth. This thursday I have the health visitor but at one of the parent and baby clinics rather than at my house so I dunno if it's because I am a second time mum or whether it is just because they are too busy to be visiting people at home round here these days, who knows.

Even though this is my second baby, I am a bit unsure of what signs to look for for labour to be honest because I have lost my plug like 3 times, I get braxton hicks all the time and I have had loose bowels for weeks which are all signs of labour! I think I am just waiting for that regular pain, I definitely haven't forgotten what that feels like, so I will know when I am having proper contractions.

Waters breaking is a tricky one though, I never had a gush of water, I literally had the tiniest trickle 3 days before I gave birth and that was all it was! So who knows if it will be different this time!

I got my nursing bra's today - they are crap if I am honest - they were from Debenhams and they don't go up to my cup size so I just bought two that will tide me over til once I have had the baby I can buy some from Bravissimo - only reason I didn't go there is cos its miles away for me to get to!

It has been incredibly hot today hasn't it guys, I thought I was melting at one point the amount of sweat! I struggled a bit today in this heat usually I too am a sun worshiper! xxxx
I'm struggling in this heat, bought some fans earlier for the bedrooms as I haven't been able to sleep the last few nights its been so hot.

The realisation that baby is going to be here soon has hit me and I don't feel prepared at all. I feel so nervous this time round! Dont know if its because I know what to expect. Also feel so guilty when I think of harper as she wont have all my attention, dont get me wrong I'm so excited for baby and I can't wait for them to grow up together but I look at harper lately and feel sad in a way. Xx
I can't wait for her to arrive, I feel like I'm neglecting Sebastian at the moment, because I can't get on the floor and play with him. It's even got to the point were he'll bring a small table over to me so we can play. He's being really good though, the other day he tried to help me put my shoes on, which was really nice, and something my oh doesn't do!

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