***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Yep that is the only downside but, depending on how quick your hair grows a week should be enough for a wax. Talking about it is among me want to go and get mine and my legs done now ... payday next week hmm lol
Haha go get yourself waxed woman! Be hairless for birth lol! I must admit my wax was a little sensitive today, maybe the area gets more blood flow as it will be pushing a baby out soon! xx
Yes I don't get waxed in pregnancy cause of the extra blood flow it just hurts too much!! But waxing has always been especially uncomfortable for me, so crazy I've had 2 unmedicated births and am too nervous to get waxed!

My energy levels are so unpredictable and change drastically from minute to minute it seems. That's the most frustrating part of the third trimester for me! I never know how I'm gonna feel. I can be having the most amazing productive energized day then it's like someone pulls the plug and I literally can't even keep standing up.

I had a facial and a haircut this past week, and scheduled 2 prenatal massages in the first 2 weeks of August, so trying to feel pampered and put together as much as I can before I'm a mom of 3!
We may finally have a name for baby girl, but I'm reluctant to tell anyone, even my parents, because I usually get negative reactions with any names we've said we're contemplating. It's not a popular name, in fact at the moment it's not even in the top 1000. I'm hoping once she's born we can say her name is .... and people won't judge it, because it's her name.
We may finally have a name for baby girl, but I'm reluctant to tell anyone, even my parents, because I usually get negative reactions with any names we've said we're contemplating. It's not a popular name, in fact at the moment it's not even in the top 1000. I'm hoping once she's born we can say her name is .... and people won't judge it, because it's her name.

That's what we've done, we know his name and call him that but haven't told anyone because we think people will be less negative if when he's here and named.

How's everyone coped in this heat today? I've not done much as the America cup is on so the city is packed and spent a while sat in my in laws garden as its shaded

Lexi scary to read about the dog, I'm pretty nervous about how my 2 will be.
I did ePilate my legs but it hurts too much since being pregnant and I'm not brave enough to let anyone near my foff it does need a trim though which is a job for hubby :lol: he doesn't no that yet!
We don't tell our name to anyone either. Partly cause we don't want disappointing reactions, partly because we don't want anyone 'stealing' our name (not that we're actually afraid of that this time) and partly because we want to keep 1 thing a surprise. Only DS knows our name, but he pronounces it so weird nobody understands him if it slips his tongue. He calls Little sis something that sounds like Arnold, lol.
Kholl, sounds like an excellent plan. Enjoy all the pampering while you can! Do you sleep better now or is it still the same?
It rained today, so we had cooler weather, but tomorrow we'll be back to 27 degrees and sun... We went to IKEA today and of course we found lots we weren't looking for :-D just needed a bin for baby's nappies actually, but we saw such lovely little boxes for pencils and crayons... 1 for DS and 1 for myself. And they had several little things on sale I couldn't leave behind... Well, I'm happy now :-) maybe our bank account a bit less.
Today is my SIL birthday, and its also our anniversary. Both of which I forgot until today! Went to hers for a BBQ, and me and oh are celebrating tonight by watching TV, while I'm eating pineapple!
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Lexi what happened with the dog? Did I miss a post somewhere?

The heat hasn't been too bad here today. I'm still hot though but I'm putting that down to carrying a baby.

Rock n roll night for me too flinty. TV & a raspberry leaf tea. Hope you enjoy the pineapple!
Heartburn is killing me, and that numb/burning pain I've had under my ribs for weeks now is constant, no matter how I lay its there. Hurry up baby please, I'm ready now! Xx
Ah roxy have you got anything you can take for heartburn?

We're all so,close to the end I wonder which one of us will pop first hehe
I know this is such an exciting time!

We have our girl name 100% and haven't told a soul. But get this-- one of the June mommies used our exact name, first AND middle! I couldn't believe it. Boy name, we have no clue.
Just rennies really summer. I cant stand Gaviscon. I barely slept at all last night and harper decided to wake before 7, I'm exhausted. Gonna be a looking day xx
Heyyyy everyone!

We had a lovely BBQ last night :D

So... I posted a thread in Baby and toddler the other day because my lovely little 1 year old niece was attacked by a familiar dog, resulting in a whole day's surgery to repair her fingers and her arm. The dog just started eating her according to my SIL and she is totally traumatised from what she witnessed, let alone trying to get her tiny toddler away from the dog, then the dog re attacked whilst she was holding her little girl. I just want everyone to remember that dogs are super unpredictable and you cannot trust a single one of them. I work with dogs all day every day (when I am not on maternity leave lol) and they are at the end of the day pack animals that we shouldn't really trust. I wouldn't even trust my own two gorgeous baby doggies who I love very much.

On the name front, I have told pretty much anyone and everyone that asks. I don't really care about reactions any more or whether people copy it, because since I told one friend about our name she used it as her little boy was born a few weeks ago and I was pretty shocked she used it because she didn't like it when I told her it was my little boy's name but hey ho I don't care!

To be fair Adam chose our name and whether I like it or not it is our son's name so I don't mind people knowing lol. With my daughter I genuinely didn't have a clue what to call her and Sofia wasn't even on our name list back then so that was nice.

Heartburn is killing me slowly too Roxy I am living on bloody Rennie at the moment! I don't mind gaviscon at all either I just spend so much money on the stuff I didn't think to go get it on prescription! So I refuse to buy any more, I am just eating rennie every five minutes it feels like.

Gosh this heat is difficult isn't it, I think this country is soooo close and humid and it makes the heat much more difficult to adapt to, when you go to somewhere like Spain which is just across the pond the heat is much more bearable there! I don't know why it's so different here, probably because it rains so much here there's loads of moisture in the atmosphere or something!

I am just sat here sweating, and I can't cool down at all lol, it is not ideal! xxx
Aw lexi your poor niece. How is she recovering? I've always said the same about dogs. I'm not a dog lover at all my FIL has a boxer pup who's not even a year old yet and I'm very very worried about taking the baby around there as he is constantly nipping at you and jumping up but he gets played with like that. I hope your niece and SIL are OK.

Funny thing with the names isn't it and how were protective of them. I haven't cared about telling people the names. The girl name we have has my OH's sisters name as the middle name so if people want to copy then go right ahead they'll all know they copied that one! Lol and the boy name I've not heard many people call their son it so I'm not fussed if somebody else uses it but to be honest I've only 3 pregnant people around me. 2 have already given birth and given girls names and the other isn't due until December.

I reckon it's more bare able in Spain because we can jump in a pool! Haha thankfully it's a lot cooler down here today.

You ladies should get some prescription medicine for your heartburn. I got some the other week and it really does the job!!

Hope you all have a lovely Sunday whatever you're up too xx
I have the most relaxed and laid back dogs, who I love to pieces, but still won't trust them 100% with bean. Weach have been asked if we have a name, we have a shortlist I suppose is the best way to describe it, some have asked for the shortlist and their reactions are the same, me and my oh love one of the names, but as it's old fashioned and very outdated, everyone says that they like one of our more 'modern' choices, which kind of makes both of us want to choose the old fashioned one more! We are rebels like that! Haha.

I am still struggling in the heat, although it was cooler last night, I still had to have the fan on, much to one of the dogs annoyance as he hates the fan!

Lexi I hope your niece is ok and recovering well.

TV and raspberry leaf tea for me too tonight!
We still don't even have a clue about names.. We cant agree on anything and thinking of a name for both sexes is proving hard. Hopefully something will come to us soon but saying that we didn't agree on harpers name until about 3 days before she was born xx
Names are particularly difficult, in a way it is lucky that Adam is so adamant that he wants George because he hates all of my boy names, and I don't think we would ever agree on a name if it wasn't George, I desperately wanted him to be called Hugo but he really hates it! I don't like many other boy names so its lucky we have just gone with George. Sofia chose his middle name to be Peter which is fine by me, so that is cool, that is baby's name sorted.

Sofia is just back from her dads and i am doing us some lunch and she's got the paint out so she's well happy!

Thanks for well wishes for my niece, she is okay, however she's been told she will probably not have any feeling in most of her fingers on her right hand, luckily her arm just has stitching without too much damage. It is so scary, the dog that went for her was a St Bernard so this dog is the size of a small horse, and she could have easily swallowed her. My SIL was there as well, right by her daughter and this dog just took its chance and went in for the kill. Absolutely awful.

My two dogs are tiny and both are just lovely lovely dogs, Sofia plays with them all the time etc but I wouldn't let them in her room when she's playing on the floor and stuff, they aren't allowed on furniture so they won't be near the baby and if baby is in swing or on play mat etc the dogs will just have to be shut out the room if I get up to go do something. Luckily they are both quite lazy and not too inquisitive so they will probably just sleep but I am never ever risking it with my baby. What happened to my niece is just too close to home. She said when she took her to the hospital there was another little girl with serious facial injuries from a Jack Russell also waiting for surgery so it is a common thing to happen I guess, which is very worrying eh! xxx
Glad she is ok, bless her, yes a massive dog too!!! I have a collie cross and a border collie... both are the most placid dogs, in fact, they are both just laying down by my feet at the moment without a care in the world... the cross isn't food orientated either, he prefers cuddles!

I don't think we will tell anyone our shortlist of names from now on, we like all three but want to see what suits him the most when he appears! I have always said I would have my godfathers name as his middle name, due to losing him when I was three, and luckily all three names suit well with the middle name and surname!
It's just awful that the dog just took its chance. Hopefully your niece won't be too scared for life over it. Shame that she'll more than likely lose feeling though. What have the owners done with the dog?

Have you all got sunny weather?
It's been horrible and drizzly here today.

I think names will come to you when baby is here or just all of a sudden one name will pop into your head and that'll be it.
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What an awful situation re the dog - what a nightmare but as you say given the size of the dog it sounds like she had a lucky escape :( :( I'm with everyone else re the insomnia tiredness, heartburn and general struggling but not long to go!!! We've given family a general idea re name but nothing definite - just discussed options. Got some positive responses and some less than positive responses so I just let it pass over our heads as he's our baby xx

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