***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

I know. I'm soooooo excited I just can't wait for it to happen now! It seems so surreal that it could really be any day.
EEEEK I know this is soooooo exciting isn't it! I am literally so excited, I wake up most mornings with my baby wiggling around and just can't wait to be waking up to him in his moses basket next to me :D and I am so excited to breastfeed, and push the pushchair again (its been 3 years since I have pushed a pushchair) just so many things I can't wait for!

So I sorted through all my newborn clothes the other day, and I have a good 11 sleepsuits (onesies) and about 15 vests (sleeveless) and about 3 outfits and a few romper suits. I don't have anything thicker though! I have 2 little cardigan things, is that enough?! Being August I hope for the weather to be warm and my daughter loved to be swaddled so I assume he will be the same, but what else do I need?! I feel like I don't have enough! xx
I don't have anything thick either but we've lots of blankets to keep baby warm if temp dowager drop a bit. We've got a couple thick outfits in 3-6months for when weather cools down or baby is a chunk! Haha xx
I've got more vests than anything so bought some jogging bottoms so he can wear that, I thought it might be too warm to always be in a sleep suit but really I have no idea, got a few cardigans but no coat or anything.

I had an accident last night, I've been getting up every hour to wee until 4/5am before sleeping maybe 3hours but my bathroom is downstairs at the opposite end of the house. I slipped on the stairs and something in my knee popped luckily I didn't fall but I don't no how I didn't. So I've just bought a camping toilet from Argos to go In the spare room, I can barely walk the stairs today and hubby is now panicking about me going up and down them, just blooming annoying. I want so sort stuff out but I'm in pain, I'm shattered and I've got a stinking headache. How's everyone doing?
God Nicki be careful please!!! Yeah have the camping toilet there. Luckily I have a flat so everything is one level because in the night my feet hurt so much I can barely walk to the toilet! Let alone across the house and down stairs so you must be careful!! Not good about the headache either missy you must get checked out if you think you need to, don't hesitate to see your midwife or someone!

Right I am glad I am not the only one who hasn't bought any thicker clothes, we too have loads of blankets so I am just planning on using those to be honest, I was more thinking when I am out and about but I will just make use of the two cardigans I have. When Sofia was born it was freezing cold so it's weird having a summer baby!

I have had painful braxton hicks all day and this evening they are continuing, like period pains. This has been going on for a couple of weeks now wish my body would stop teasing me lol! i might check my cervix again tonight how gross is that but it might have changed which would be exciting.

I did my glucose test again this morning, hopefully it will come back negative! xx
Gosh nicki please take it easy, good idea to have the camping toilet though.

My grandma is knitting a white cardi for when baby is born so we'll have on,y that one thing as thick clothing.
Fingers crossed for your test Lexi when will you find out?

I've had an awful achy lower back the last couple of days only laying on my left side helps it ease and yesterday I had a bit of a gloopy tissue after wiping (but it wasn't bloody) and I've had a few achy period like cramps today. All little signs so I'm reading into it all but realistically know it's nothing. I just really hope baby comes soon. My brother is here for the next 4 weeks and the he goes on deployment for 6months so I'm praying he gets to meet his niece or nephew before he goes!

I'm feeling really overwhelmed today. I'm trying to figure out how I feed my baby when out and about for a while with bottles. Getting so confused by everything I read online. Aahhhh
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Oh Nicki! Maybe let your mw or a doctor check if the headache isn't caused by your fall? Good that you have the camping toilet now! I understand you want to organize things, but maybe it's safest not to walk those stairs too much. Is there anyone you can ask to help with it? Even if they can only brin g everything you need downstairs?

All these little signs are so exciting! Fingers crossed your baby arrives before your brother leaves, summergurl!
Lexi: let us know when you get the results of your test!

We also only have summer items in the first size, let's just hope it will be a warm August and September!
Thank you ladies I hope my test results are clear!!

Summergurl I don't actually know how it works with bottles, maybe take a flask to keep the water warm and a few bottles with you and have you seen those powder dispenser things? I have been given some by a family member and you measure out the right amount of milk powder into one pot and tip it into the bottle as I am pretty sure you aren't meant to premake bottles of milk with powder. Only problem is it is a lot to carry around with you isn't it! realistically you probably won't need to take more than 3 bottles out at a time with you I wouldn't think, but make sure you buy a changing bag big enough.

These signs are frustrating aren't they! I had a few more pains as the night went on now I have woken up to nothing again, it is all the right things to be happening though. Anyone else having a lot of discharge?? I have had 2 shows over the last 8 weeks with actual pink stuff in it, but the rest of the time I have loads of discharge at the moment! Gross!

ITS MY LAST DAY AT WORK TODAY!!!!! Aaaaaand, happy full term to me! 37 weeks today! What a day to celebrate with a chicken shish kebab tonight! xxx
Yeah I keep reading about getting a flask.
I'm feeling really overwhelmed. I've woken up this morning in tears & still going & I just don't know why! I've had a bit of discharge too. I've read it can be the plug too as they're not always pink.

Yay lexi. Happy last day and happy full term! Mission on to get baby budging now? Hopefully your last day will pass really quickly for you :)
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I have to ask you ladies as I am not sure who else to ask! It may include TMI so I apologise!

Is an increase in bowel movements a sign of the end? I mean not imminently, but body getting ready? It's not been really loose but not normal (if that makes sense!) I don't want to go early, and understand it could be like this for a couple of weeks, but just wanted to see if anyone else has had this!

2 weeks until matermite leave! Yay!
Hey Kirsty. I've read that lose bowels can be a sign & people have told me your body gets rid of everything before going into labour so it could very well be but then it could be nothing. It's a little frustrating not knowing & querying if everything is the start isn't it. X
Kirsty yes that is a sign but I have had frequent loose bowel movements for weeks! I go around 4 times a day at the moment which is most unusual for me, so don't worry!

I still haven't had test results and I rang the midwife and she hasn't had them either so can't be all that bad can it! I guess I just call them again on monday to find out.

Well ladies, I am officially on maternity leave as of now! Can't believe I have just groomed the last dog until I become a mother of 2! Jesus this day has been in sight for so long now, it's actually here! Yay!

Well I am going to start lots of bouncing as of this evening on the birthing ball, the dogs will thank me as they will get a nice long walk a few times a day now I am off haha, anything to get it going! I get loads of braxton hicks whilst walking so I guess that way might help me the most get this going, however I get them all the time anyway they're just stronger when I am walking, I have got some now that are taking my breath away a little and they feel like period pains, I reckon I am just on the road to labour but it's a slow one!

Is anyone putting their hospital bags in the car at around 37 weeks? I am thinking of putting them in there now just in case something happens whilst I am out and about! I have a wedding an hour away on the 29th (that's if I haven't had the baby by then) and I am definitely going to take all my stuff to that in case I give birth on the dancefloor lol!

Oh Nicki how scary and painful, I'm so sorry! How are you today?

Summer, those overwhelmed feelings are so common in the last weeks. I cry every day. Embrace it- it is all preparation for motherhood!

I will probably have the hospital bag packed and in the car by 38-39 weeks... I can't imagine going before 40 weeks anyway!
The aches, period pains/cramps and pressure has really increased the last few days but I don't want to get excited as it could last for a few weeks yet! I'm so done with being pregnant now, I'm aching so much. Cant wait for baby to come now. I really hope I dont go over due either, I had harper 3 days before her due date so got it in my head this one will come early or on time, I hope anyway haha xx
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Sebastian was early, so I'm thinking this one will be too. The midwife said yesterday that at the next appointment she'll discuss my birth plan, my next appointment is at 38+6, I didn't make it that far with Sebastian, and I'm not sure I'll make it this time either. Although this pregnancy has been really different to last time, so she'll proppably keep me waiting and I'll go over!
Ilias was 1 day late (well, plug went on the due date, labour was during the night right after his due date so he was only 8hrs late) and I really hope little sister will be a few days early. Babies come at the right moment for them, but it is so frustrating when you count down til a date and then they don't come and you can't even count down anymore, you just have to wait...
38 weeks would be ideal for me. My FIL is on holiday then and he was really annoying with DS, just came to visit when he wanted even when I had a really down day and didn't want to see anyone, he just came and stayed for an hour... I just sat crying in the bathroom half of that time and in the other room he was happily admiring my newborn... Bad memories ;-)
Anyone else who's really tired? I don't sleep too well so it's normal to be tired, but I could hardly do anything today without feeling exhausted...
Hey ladies, I'm still feeling sorry for myself! I asked the midwife about headaches on Wednesday and she said its from tiredness, that's why they're not going after I wake up because I've not slept well, I'll take her word for it but I used to suffer with severe insomnia and never had headaches so who knows! First night with the toilet was easier but I can't say if I slept any better because I didn't fall asleep till gone 3 and then was up by 7 as they were digging the road up outside my house :(

Anyone struggling with sitting? If I'm sat upright the baby's head pushes on what I think is my pelvic bone and it's really uncomfortable! And I'm still not sure if I'm feeling movement or braxton hicks!

Anyone got any exciting plans this weekend? I'm supposed to be going to a food festival but with my knee, my leg going numb and my headaches I'm not sure I want to go but we're supposed to be meeting people there so I'll feel guilty if I don't.
Yay for the first one of us starting maternity leave, you've kicked it all off now Lexi, we're all counting down behind you now. I have 6more days but only 3of them are working days. I am on rest days now until Monday back to work Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday and that's me done! So can't wait.

I too am getting a lot of pressure when sitting and walking and today felt braxton hicks whilst out walking. It's becoming very uncomfortable and my back kills but from Tuesday I'll be 37weeks so I'll be forcing myself on long walks!

It hadn't even crossed my mind about putting the bag in the car. Suppose I should?! Although to be fair we only live a 10min drive from the hospital (unless it's rush hour) so taking an extra 10out of the journey to get there to go in and grab my back may not be an issue, I hope!

I have a girly evening planned tomorrow with my mum, SIL and niece. Lots of junk food and just chilling. A roast with the FIL on Sunday and maybe a long walk but that's about it. Anybody else got any nice plans? Xx
I'm going to clean the terrace today. After they did the garden it's now full of sand and mud. Tomorrow night I'm going to a dance performance with my eldest sister.
Nicki, if you don't feel OK to go, i'd say don't. Most people will understand I think. One of my best friends is going on a long travel from next month and she said herself she'd love me to come to her goodbye party but will understand if i feel too bad that evening. I will try of course ;-) Maybe you can go for a short while to see your friends and leave as soon as you hurt too much?
We went, friends were 2 hrs late so was hanging about in the sun with no where to sit then 20 minutes after we met them I passed out! So not a great day, home now feeling sick, tired and headachy! Before getting pregnant I'd never fainted in my life, this is about my 5th now! The thing that scares me is I don't remember it happening.

Hope your all having better days xx

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