***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

That's why I was a bit shocked too lexi when the midwife said, especially when she mentioned c sections?! And she was annoyed it hadn't been picked up sooner as I should of seen a consultant before now. Like I said all weird as it never crossed my mind it would be a problem lol. Maybe she's just being over cautious?

That sounds sweet letting her have a scan pic for herself, sounds like she'll love it. She's at a good age too to understand, I I took harper she would just run riot around the room haha xx
Hahaha yeah luckily sofia is 5 and pretty good, she is quite shy so she will sit next to me quietly! Now I have said that she will probably be really naughty lol!

Yeah maybe she's just being over cautious because I would have thought I would have been pulled up on it as well - I have the same midwife as last time and she knows what happened because she often refers back to my last pregnancy and birth so I guess she's not worried, the doctor that mended me said she will remember me forever for the mess she had to stitch up, she said she's never seen anything like it and there could be further complications but thankfully there weren't any! I am praying to the Gods that I don't tear like that again, I struggled with recovery for a good 9 weeks :( xx
Bloody hell C section?!?!?! Really?!?!?! I can't believe that is an option because of a tear! I don't get why this hasn't been brought up in my appointments lol!

Thanks I think she will love seeing him tomorrow and if she's lucky they might give her her very own picture to keep of him! That would be cute. If they don't I have some spare scan photo's she can have :D


Just don't go buying a token for a scan pic (if that's how your hosp works) I bought one the other day for £5 and when I got in the room the sonographer said we don't get very good pics when they're this big so we don't like to take your money for photos before we knew if we can get a good enough pic.
Summergurl yeah we have the same thing at our hospital, no point in buying pics as the baby is too big to really see! I hope they get one good pic for Sofia to take. I am really looking forward to seeing our baby later :D my appointment is at 3.30 then my consultant at 4.30 so a nice long afternoon at the hospital for us! Lol!

I had a crap night's sleep last night - I wish I could call it tossing and turning but it was more like flopping all over the place because I am such a whale these days!

How are you guys?? Anyone doing any baby shopping this weekend or anything? I love being organised and buying stuff early and on time but now I haven't got anything left to buy, I wish I did so I could go baby shopping lol!xxxx
I haven't had a decent sleep in ages, constantly changing positions trying to get comfy. Lasts for about an hour and then need to wee or move again to get comfy! Nightmare.

I've woken up with an achy bump today, as if I've been running or something and my muscles feel pulled and the pressure down below is horrible. I constantly feel as if I need to wee.

I think we've pretty much done all our shopping for baby now, still need to get a few toiletries bit gonna grab that when and as I need stuff as harper still uses the same toiletries mostly, like bubble bath, wash stuff etc. Last time I stock piled loads of stuff for harper but this time I haven't bothered. My mum cant believe how laid back I am this time haha. X
Haha I feel like I am laid back more so than the first time, however I have stock piled everything I can - I have a good few months worth of nappies haha!

I am having constant braxton hicks again today! I also feel like I need a pee all day, I have been every hour today! I am looking forward to my scan this afternoon though :D cheeky little peek at the baby before we have him here!

My feet are constantly aching and they seem to hurt all day, all night, whether they're elevated or not, I struggle to actually stand up sometimes, I have had plantar faciaitus before which this feels very much like, or policemans heel. I hope once the baby comes it goes!

After friday, its all go on getting this baby out lol I will be patient and wait for the 37 weeks! xx
Oh roxy that constant need to pee and ache down below is getting to me too!

How did your scan go today lexi? Did harper like seeing her brother on screen?

I'm that laid back about it my midwife keeps thinking it's my 2nd or 3rd. She can't believe it when I tell her it's my first.

How many nappies are you ladies stocking up on?
I think we have 3 packs of size 1 which I think are 20odd in a pack and 3 packs of size 2. Not sure how many I'll need to stock up on!
As you ladies know I am no stranger to shit sleep! I am sooo sorry you guys are dealing with it too.

The only thing we needed to buy before baby gets here was a new car- and that's done! Giant red minivan in the driveway, check. I just have to go through all our baby clothes and wash/sort. We have tons of gender-neutral stuff (especially newborn since we didn't know the sex of either of our first two babies before birth) I can prep but then I'll have to sort through either boy or girl stuff after baby is born.

Oh, I guess we need diapers... I did all cloth with my first and half cloth half disposables with my second... trying to decide what to do this time!

I feel like the third time around I'm actually weirdly LESS relaxed than last time. I think I'm just being superstitious. Like, I have two beautiful, healthy kids. I have a daughter and a son. I had two perfect drug-free births. It feels like I couldn't possibly be so fortunate and blessed a third time? I'm trying not to get to wrapped up in anxiety, but I've noticed it more strongly than last time since day one.
I'm another member of the no sleep club, I can't even nap in the day i just can't get comfy. Hope your scan was OK Lexi, the struggled with mine as he's engaged.

Any tips to try and evict baby at 37 weeks?

We've stocked up on water wipes and nappies, mainly size 2 and 3s but we've probably got 7/8 big packs and a few smaller ones. I grab them when I see them on offer so should keep us going a while, I bought some formula but only a couple of ready made cartons and bottles in case I actually do ok breast feeding or he doesn't like it.
Hey! Scan went well thanks ladies! Sofia was fascinated by seeing her little brother on the screen :D it was lovely!

Then ... I had to see the consultant. I had +1 glucose in my urine so she's making me do another f***ing glucose blood test tomorrow! AHHH its really annoyed me! I told her before I left I ate a banana, a nectarine and a clementine which will be why there is sugar in my wee, but NO! So I have had to move dogs appointments around and I won't be going on maternity leave until next bloody week now - I was so close! lol!

It has really put me in a bad mood actually - I don't like my consultant very much at all, she has been useless all pregnancy and now right at the end this has happened and I am so annoyed! I bloody hope I don't have diabetes, I have managed to avoid it all this time, with a really good result from 28 week bloods.

Oh well! These things happen I guess! I am just anxious that it will mean induction or a really controlled labour, both things I do not want to happen... Fingers crossed it is nothing and it is just what I ate before I left!

Nappies, I have bloody tonnes of them! I have about 3 packs of size one, then about 5 big packs of size 2 and a few packs of size 3. It sounds like a lot but in reality it isn't really that much but a good few months worth! Nursing bras are the only thing left to strike off for next week xx
I don't know about there but here they have changed the definition of "full-term" to 39 weeks. I get the impatience to get baby out but I think they say every day on the inside is worth a week of growth and development on the outside. Trust me the time just FLIES and soon you will be celebrating your baby's first birthday. Treasure every day your baby is in utero, it will set him or her up for a lifetime of health.

But... You guys all know how I feel about this stuff by now!!

I am starting to eat 7-10 dates a day as there have been studies that show it can reduce time in active labor and reduce pushing time by half!!! Otherwise, lots of exercise and sex. I always vow I will patiently wait for baby but as I approach or pass 40 weeks I always get SO impatient and start getting more proactive. My first just came when she came, but with my second he was born at 39+5 after the trifecta of sweep, spicy food, and sex. But I was already 3cm when I got the sweep so I'm not sure how much good that did, I was likely going to have him that day or the next anyway!
Aw thats a bit rubbish lexi. What a nuisance though. Fingers crossed for you that it was just what you ate before hand and everything will be fine with labour etc x

Ah yes any tips to get baby movinf?!! I am so ready for this baby.
I too struggle to sleep for long periods. Forever waking to pee or change sides.
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That sucks Lexi, fingers crossed its all ok! Sorry you have to work longer too. Did they say how big they think he is?

I saw my midwife today and she said 37weeks is full term and I asked if that means I can start trying to evict him and she said yes, I still think ill be overdue.
Thanks guys, the sonographer said he's about 6lbs 5oz now so that is perfect :D Yeah here 37 weeks is classed as full term Kholl, so we can get onto evicting!

I have just booked my midwife for next Weds to sort test results out, what a pain! I have got the major hump about it, I really hope it's nothing and I can just have the delivery I would like. I don't agree with unnecessary intervention and stuff and I certainly won't be having it if I don't need it!

Summergurl what kholl said - sex, exercise, hot food apparently, bouncing on birthing ball, loads of walking, I am on the case as from friday! I could do with this baby coming a little bit earlier too Nicki but knowing my luck I will go overdue or something! xx
I 've been nesting today. They came to do our garden (we got new grass) so I had to be at home the whole day. I cleaned the whole kitchen: oven, fridge, cupboards... :-D
All our nappies are ready, we reuse the reusable nappies of our son Ilias. He's doing great on the potty so doesn't need them anymore and they're all washed. For toiletries it's the same as Roxy: Ilias still uses baby soap and shampoo, they can share that. I only have to buy some diaper cream.
Kholl, we also had unisex newborn clothes, thought that would be handy for a second child. But we can't reuse many: we only have winter clothes from last time and September usually is still quite warm... I suppose that with 2 children already, that's less a problem cause you can reuse the clothes of 2 instead of 1 :-)
About getting baby out: I believe in stairs. I really think walking up and down the stairs again and again and again helped last time. Plus the other things: walking, sex... Spicy food only gives me heartburn so I personally won't try that. I'll have to wait a few weeks though: 34 weeks is a bit early! But it's so exciting for you ladies, I hope your babies come soon! Looking forward to some nice birth stories!
I'm willing to give it all a go except spicy food. I cannot stomach spice. I can barely stomach a jalapeño :rofl:
Yeah spicy food is only good if you like it!

Sex and stairs for sure. I will be watching you all and waiting patiently (who am I joking I will not be patient) for my baby! Well, I don't want baby to even try and come before 38+3 (August 15) because that's when my mom comes to stay for a month! I need her here before I can relax enough to go into labor, I'm sure. I don't want to scramble around and leave kids with neighbors, as much as I adore our neighbors. I want them with their grandmother.
Can I just say how freaking exciting this all is?!? I can not believe we are talking labor and birth already!!! I know I'm not until the end of August but we are all SO close!

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